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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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New thread!
Talk amongst yourselves.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:26, 188 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Is Nakers about?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:26, Reply)

about a bent spastic?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:27, Reply)
But I'm guessing he doesn't want to talk to you. What with you about to be sued and everything.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:27, Reply)
Not going to happen.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:28, Reply)
If they come looking, I've got all of your details!
I might see what Lord McWhatsit wants to pay me for the info.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:29, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:35, Reply)
I'm surprised you are here PD.
I thought you'd be watching The Junior Apprentice in a quest to pick up some skills to further your career.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:37, Reply)
Hotel room + room service lol.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:39, Reply)
I am talking amongst myself
What should I do next?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:33, Reply)
Watch a bit of telly.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:34, Reply)
Kill yourself.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:34, Reply)
On the whole I prefer Jeff's answer
Thanks anyway.

How is the little one?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:37, Reply)
Much better thanks. Had a 'chat' with her on the phone earlier. Can't wait to get home on Sat.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:39, Reply)
Is she back home?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:40, Reply)
Don't tell him Battered.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:41, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:41, Reply)
Good again
Not a trap, just internet concern.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:43, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:44, Reply)
If you told him it was trap, it wouldn't be a trap.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:45, Reply)
I posted this earlier but it got deleted. Your text earlier was superb.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:48, Reply)
Gotta keep you amused whilst you are in enemy soil.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:51, Reply)
You certainly have.
BTW the Poles were allies...
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:52, Reply)
Not in the World Cup qualifiers in 93 they weren't.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:54, Reply)
what's everyones favourite television format for touching kids after?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:35, Reply)
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:36, Reply)
I am expecting someone to flounce this evening.
Having been that soldier I recognise the signs. Failing lack of perspective, taking words on a screen too seriously, ranting gazzes.

Shame. The person concerned is sound really.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:37, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:39, Reply)
I'm not being that ungentlemanly.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:40, Reply)
You are stuck in a hotel room, watching Polish telly.
You might as well Gaz me the details.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:41, Reply)
Watching some of my Foyles War box set on my laptop. Love it.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:43, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:40, Reply)
Yes. Er. Actually. No. Soz.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:41, Reply)
CQ's gonna flounce again?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:40, Reply)
I hope so

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:46, Reply)
Are you talking about me, you cunt?
Eh? Are you?
ARE YOU????????

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:50, Reply)
Shut it saggy tits.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:55, Reply)
I'd flounce but I haven't got the energy.
So it seems like you're sporadically stuck with me.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:51, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:56, Reply)
Internet validation, right there.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:57, Reply)
i am tired. How are you?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:39, Reply)
About to eat.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:42, Reply)
i done that
i had chips. now I am proper full. and fatter :(
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:42, Reply)
"Dear Tesco. Cavy ate chips."

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:43, Reply)
More likely to be Booker or Macro than Tesco, given the quantity she consumes.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:45, Reply)
i actually eat krill like a whale

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:46, Reply)
you mean you throw chips in the bath?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:59, Reply)
it's close enough, right?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:59, Reply)
hahaha !!
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:01, Reply)
Tesco tell Cavy what to eat
She's basically the Tesco mole in b3ta. She reports back on all of us.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:47, Reply)
So do the c&c's. the difference being they're much more accurate about quantity.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:49, Reply)
What? This lot?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:53, Reply)
*goes 'hmmm'*

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:54, Reply)
oh man
this is ace

or I am so headfucked I've lost all sense of anything
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:58, Reply)
from about the same era...
I'll see you that and raise you this www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzKuEefxjaA
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:03, Reply)
Now that's just nasty.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:04, Reply)
Is this better? www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBIajxETI5w
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:09, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:11, Reply)
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:12, Reply)
Now that's more like it!

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:14, Reply)
Take this then
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:11, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:14, Reply)
You were asking for it.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:17, Reply)
Why I thought of that I've no idea, and I apologise most profusely.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:04, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:05, Reply)
Wrong wrong wrong

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:07, Reply)
damn you!
they will send me emails and things now
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:46, Reply)
What should I talk about?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:51, Reply)
Pop Music?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:52, Reply)
Thanks, 'Judi Dench'

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:53, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:55, Reply)
i don't

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:59, Reply)
Bond reference.
Judi Dench plays 'M', said song is by 'M'.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:05, Reply)
Sharp cookies
Don't look it up - the only other top 40 single from "M" was....?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:09, Reply)
Barely bothering the top 30?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:13, Reply)
This odd concotion

I loved this when it came out. 34 I think.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:16, Reply)
We must be SO cool.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:02, Reply)
Have you seen this blog, b3th?

I find it most amusing.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:06, Reply)
It is indeed hilarious.
I'm up to the Liz Shaw era at teh moment. I don'#t think there's any chance I'll catch up with them, unless they also do post-2005.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:09, Reply)
They're stopping at McGann.
Skip to the Davison years podcast, where John Levene has a go at Sue for spilling his pint at a convention last weekend. What a miserable cunt.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:11, Reply)
New York London Paris Munich

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:54, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:53, Reply)
I am becoming increasingly concerned with your fixation with Ian McShane.
Help is available if you look for it. x
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:57, Reply)
Thanks Tinker.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 20:59, Reply)
At least you didn't call me Eric.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:00, Reply)
Or Lady whatsit.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:04, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:04, Reply)
Lumps ?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:05, Reply)
To be fair,
I have called him botha cunt and a tit in the past, so either of our suggestions would work.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:06, Reply)
*highfives *

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:07, Reply)
Rule of life: minibar white Bordeaux is fucking horrid. HTH.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:00, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:04, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:02, Reply)
Bob! Alright?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:03, Reply)
Yeah mon, how goes it? What have I missed

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:05, Reply)
It goes ok ta. Am in Poland for work. You've missed absolutely fuck all. Unsurprisingly.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:07, Reply)
Alright Bobby!

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:03, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:05, Reply)
Alright, bobs?
Night off from noncing, is it?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:04, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:06, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:06, Reply)
This place must be shit these days if the return of Bob gets such an enthusiastic reply from Battered.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:07, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:10, Reply)
Your sig made me chuckle.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:11, Reply)
I bet that's not the first time he's made you chuckle without opening his mouth.
You know, because he looks funny.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:16, Reply)
Alright Bobby
Are you still at the school from hell?
S'funny how popular you become by staying away from here for a while...
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:21, Reply)
I know! I'm a prick.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:37, Reply)
You can all fuck off now. I am going to bed.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:13, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:15, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:15, Reply)
As Battered leaves the field, I shall come on as substitute.
Evening all.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:17, Reply)
I think Bobby has done the KP thing too.
Comes on to great applause, then twats an easy ball and fucks off.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:21, Reply)
This is something to do with peanuts, right?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:22, Reply)
I dance to my own tune here - like a pikey trying to steal live wire.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:25, Reply)
Fuck off with your posh boy sport.
We watch football here, young man.

What are you, one of those queers or something?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:27, Reply)
No - just Middle Class, educated, informed and intelligent.
Now if you could tear yourself away from Jeremy Kyle for a moment - thank you - these toilets won't clean themselves.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:30, Reply)
all sport is for pussies

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:32, Reply)
Unlike chips.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:32, Reply)
I don't particularly care for chips either.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:37, Reply)
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
I prefer Daddy.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:42, Reply)
Your Electra Complex is well documented.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:46, Reply)
Agreeing with Cavy right here.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:34, Reply)
that's because I am right
I am always right
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:34, Reply)
Let's not get carried away.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:35, Reply)
That makes you a bender.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:38, Reply)
It certainly didn't feel right.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:39, Reply)
You tell 'em, Jeffers.
Bunch of nancies.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:42, Reply)
Fuck off with your 'sport'
I don't watch any of it. It's all bent.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:32, Reply)
sport is shit.
Except for snooker and skateboarding, obvs.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:40, Reply)
D'you know what
I don't mind snooker.
It is probably the one sport I could watch on telly.
I mean, I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it, but if I was lying stoned in front of the box I might not turn it off.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:43, Reply)
stoned, snooker is incredible
It's chess with balls.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:51, Reply)
Who d'you think it'd be REALLY good to hear from right now?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:39, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:40, Reply)
Or Sweary, or Roota.

Basically, anybody with tits.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:41, Reply)
Def roota

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:43, Reply)
And cider! *smooshes b3th*
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:02, Reply)
and what lovely tits they are too!

Sorry, I've been 'somewhere else'.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:29, Reply)
I'm so proud of my tots :D
/insert jelly comment here...
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:30, Reply)
I'm well jelly

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:32, Reply)
BGB would be good but I had someone else in mind

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:41, Reply)
You rang, m'lord?
And what's your pleasure this evening?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:46, Reply)
I loves yer, B69.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:50, Reply)
Suppose that kind of balances out my self-loathing...
What's fresh on OT?
haven't been here in yonks, like, eh.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:52, Reply)
Don't ask me Guv
I'm occasional, like I always was.

Tangled is a top music geezer.

Just good to have you back. I reckon you'd work nice with the evening people again.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:55, Reply)

top music geezer. Bender
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:56, Reply)
I dunno, mate, have you forgotten what an insufferable cunt I am?
Been listening to Keith Jarrett this evening, the Köln concerts.
I'm all serene and so-forth.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:59, Reply)
Not bad taste for an insufferable cunt though.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:02, Reply)
I have my moments.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:14, Reply)
I've never come across another Keith Jarrett fan - the Koln concert is my all time favourite - and that's without the umlout x
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:04, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:05, Reply)
There appears to be at least three fans in this thread.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:06, Reply)
Well bugger me!
What's the collective for Jarrett fans?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:07, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:08, Reply)
It seems that Tourettes has been hanging out in the wrong places then.
She should stick around here more.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:10, Reply)
That'd shift the ratio a bit.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:12, Reply)
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:25, Reply)
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:28, Reply)
OMG we should totes have an evening
where we get together with Proper Jazz dude!
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:32, Reply)
I introduced my young buddy Mole to On Green Dolphin Street t'other day.
Blew his mind, it did.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:39, Reply)
We should start a club or summink.
Nah, fuck it. Another one of my massively retarded ideas.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:11, Reply)
I vote for
"or summink"
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:28, Reply)
How's t'monkey?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:32, Reply)
He's hisutely sexy
as always :D
He totes has an account on here,
I'll see if I can wake him up ;o)
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:33, Reply)
Sorry we couldn't make it to Powfest, it all got a bit heavy round then.
Things are much better now, hopefully we'll be able to make it next year...
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:36, Reply)
And you
How the bloody hell are you?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:14, Reply)
It's because you're a cunt
Look at the cunts we have now - perma-banned Rory popping up in whatever guise he can to avoid his dismal cuboid wife and 2D offspring.

I used to come here to be amused by people like you. There are good posters now - the tide goes in and out - get involved again.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:07, Reply)
I'll try and make the effort, see if I can work it into my busy schedule.
Hawking my pearly on the mean streets...
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:09, Reply)
Need to work in the morning
Wine and pet-food. It's got to be paid for and now I must sleep.

Night Guv!
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:23, Reply)
Night night chick!
Sweaty dreams and all that x
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:27, Reply)
Roger that.
Sweet dreams, sweet cheeks xxx
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:27, Reply)
Haven't quite gone yet
All we need now is Becky, WFF, BGB and Spakka.

Nice to know you're both alive.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:31, Reply)
Yeah, I miss Spazzmo.
Wonder where in the world he is now?
Last I heard he was in eastern yoorp or something.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:34, Reply)
I spoke to BGB this evening
Going to see her on Saturday :o)
Shall give her your regards xxx
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:35, Reply)
I'll tell the missus to give her a hug from you at the weekend.
I may or may not see her myself.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:41, Reply)
Evening DG, how's your belly for spots, bonny lad?
You still unemployed, or did you get something sorted?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:49, Reply)
I'm in temporary employment until next June at least and hating every minute of it.
Not the job so much as the fucking red tape.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:51, Reply)
Other colours of tape are available.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:53, Reply)
At least is keeping you off the streets.
Sweary ok?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:54, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:43, Reply)
Bit harsh there.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:46, Reply)
We should beat the fuck out of him.
You fancy a road trip?
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:49, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:50, Reply)
Do you mean b3tans or more generally?

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:40, Reply)
Wahey! Still here

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:42, Reply)
I just got blocked on facebook :'(

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:14, Reply)
Harsh times.

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:33, Reply)

I enjoy long, Spunking walks on the beach, getting Fisted in the rain and serendipitous encounters with Balls. I really like piña coladas mixed with Lovejuice, and romantic, candle-lit Tits. I am well-read from Dr. Seuss to Kirsten Dunst. I travel frequently, especially to Leeds, when I am not busy with work. (I am a Fireman.) I am looking for Dildo and beauty in the form of a French goddess. She should have the physique of Liv Tyler and the Beef Curtains of Oscar the Grouch. I would prefer if she knew how to cook, clean, and wash my Fingers. I know I’m not very attractive in my picture, but it was taken 69 days ago, and I have since become more Horny.
(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 23:02, Reply)
Candle day!

(, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 23:45, Reply)
Ha wicked, I had no idea.

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 20:35, Reply)

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