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Alright Bear Pookie The Jobraith Fan,
I have no idea which actor to use for the film quotes round tonight.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:02, 10 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Gene Wilder

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:05, Reply)
Colin Farrell.
Thus allowing the use of a cockload of quality swearing from In Bruges
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:07, Reply)
bobcat goldthwaite as zed from the police academy series
and the have to guess which film
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:10, Reply)
Cory Feldman

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
How does this work?
You say some quotes from 1 actor and they have to guess who it is?
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
i say 5 quotes from 5 different films that have one common actor.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:13, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
I'm the party pooper!

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:15, Reply)
this is a the razor sharp kind of insight which makes it hard believe you're on the scrap heap at 41

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
Brian Dennehy

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
Rodney Dangerfield.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:16, Reply)
Yaphet Kotto

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:20, Reply)
you know what monty,
I don't know why I even ask sometimes. I'm gonna do Fucking Ben Fucking Affleck I reckon. Everyone knows that disgusting cretin.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:22, Reply)
I don't*

*I may not be that representative of everyone else, mind.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:24, Reply)
not everyone spends their evenings watching short art films about the fall of man,
represented in interpretive dance with a traditional african tribe singing to the backing of a colliers brass band.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
Well I don't know why not.
You've just described the perfect evening right there.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
Needs more cous cous and live culture yoghurt

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:35, Reply)
I thought that went without saying.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
Seriously though, I gave you two great suggestions with limitless possibilities.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
true, true.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
yeah, what's wrong with Feldman?
i also suggest Kevin Bacon and Kiefer Sutherland
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:30, Reply)
His hair

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
He's got a funny mouth too.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:38, Reply)

funn real purd
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)
I notice this misogynistic bunch have suggested all men
whereas these days the term "actor" is used interchangeably for men and women.

Throw everyone by picking a woman - Garofalo, Kidman, Close, Streep, Weaver have all been in loads of films.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)

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