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Think HIV.
This is a poster I've just seen I have no idea what it means. What have you no idea about?
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:00, 258 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
A record store for dyslexics?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:02, Reply)
Alright Localface,
I went in to HMV for the first time in ages yesterday. I didn't buy anything, therefore I believe their system must be flawed in some way.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:04, Reply)
They're a record shop, but they don't appear to stock records.
I'm no John Harvey-Jones or Mary Portas or whatever, but I think this is a flaw in their business model.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:08, Reply)
It's because not enough people buy records
so their business model somehow skews to selling xbox controllers and One Direction posters.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:09, Reply)
I'm not going to pretend to understand how this works.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:09, Reply)
I don't think they know either
I think they're desperately selling anything that keeps them afloat. I wouldn't be surprised if £50 buys you half an hour in a locked stockroom with one of their more attractive sales girls these days.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
They have some good DVD offers sometimes
the complete James Bond on DVD for £49 was tempting, but that's about it.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
I saw a boxset of torchwood marked down from £70 to only £50ish!

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:19, Reply)
Does that make you a customer or not?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:15, Reply)
I dunno.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:22, Reply)
Alright Bear Pookie The Jobraith Fan,
I have no idea which actor to use for the film quotes round tonight.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:02, Reply)
Gene Wilder

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:05, Reply)
Colin Farrell.
Thus allowing the use of a cockload of quality swearing from In Bruges
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:07, Reply)
bobcat goldthwaite as zed from the police academy series
and the have to guess which film
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:10, Reply)
Cory Feldman

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
How does this work?
You say some quotes from 1 actor and they have to guess who it is?
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
i say 5 quotes from 5 different films that have one common actor.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:13, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
I'm the party pooper!

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:15, Reply)
this is a the razor sharp kind of insight which makes it hard believe you're on the scrap heap at 41

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
Brian Dennehy

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:14, Reply)
Rodney Dangerfield.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:16, Reply)
Yaphet Kotto

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:20, Reply)
you know what monty,
I don't know why I even ask sometimes. I'm gonna do Fucking Ben Fucking Affleck I reckon. Everyone knows that disgusting cretin.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:22, Reply)
I don't*

*I may not be that representative of everyone else, mind.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:24, Reply)
not everyone spends their evenings watching short art films about the fall of man,
represented in interpretive dance with a traditional african tribe singing to the backing of a colliers brass band.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
Well I don't know why not.
You've just described the perfect evening right there.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
Needs more cous cous and live culture yoghurt

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:35, Reply)
I thought that went without saying.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
Seriously though, I gave you two great suggestions with limitless possibilities.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
true, true.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
yeah, what's wrong with Feldman?
i also suggest Kevin Bacon and Kiefer Sutherland
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:30, Reply)
His hair

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
He's got a funny mouth too.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:38, Reply)

funn real purd
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)
I notice this misogynistic bunch have suggested all men
whereas these days the term "actor" is used interchangeably for men and women.

Throw everyone by picking a woman - Garofalo, Kidman, Close, Streep, Weaver have all been in loads of films.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)
Is it from the same poster campaign as Think Bike?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
with more bumming

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)
I saw an invoice yesterday that included gravel, cement and 'type 1 bottoming'
I definitely don't remember that bit.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:18, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
It's for piles.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:34, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:40, Reply)
* Insert "That's the joke" image here*

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:04, Reply)
To reach the foundations

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:42, Reply)
Oh I see.
I thought you were making disparaging remarks about my rusty sheriff's badge.

As you were.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:05, Reply)
Yes. Always double-check your mirrors for immune deficiency viruses
before turning right.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:13, Reply)
Magic fire!
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
It's witchcraft.
Like that processed cheese people keep banging on about.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:17, Reply)
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
Whenever I see a picture of you I think 'HIV'

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:17, Reply)
Monty is a cunt.
Discuss with appropriate examples in no more than 500 words.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:29, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:33, Reply)
This is quite funny.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:17, Reply)
what a gimp

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:19, Reply)
Is that really how you talk to your followers?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:20, Reply)
He looks like a potential Savile to me

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
I never shied away from a woman, why do you think the dead sea is salty
that's right JESUS JIZZ
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:27, Reply)
I don't think that it's very funny at all.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:25, Reply)
Someone had to say it.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:25, Reply)
I saw that earlier.
Way to bite the hand that feeds you, dick.

What is it with that show that turns its actors lolmental and sets them ranting at it? I'm really looking forward to when the one that looks like a kicked Beagle has a morose whine about it.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:25, Reply)
it's fuckoing shit to watch, imagine having to work on it
must grind them down
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:29, Reply)
All American "comedies"
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:30, Reply)
What's that all about?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:31, Reply)
*insert Seinflid here*

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:33, Reply)
*seinfeld shrugging*
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:33, Reply)
I think that's the point, every day reading shit lines out that are only laughed at by morons that are paid to sit in the audience.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:31, Reply)
You've been watching party conference season again

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:18, Reply)
American or the proper one?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:26, Reply)
I have no understanding of it, nor do I understand the appeal.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:31, Reply)
each team tries to score more "goals" than the other, the team with the most number of "goals" after 90 minutes wins

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:33, Reply)
You can't appreciate the skill needed to score some of the goals?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:34, Reply)
I can, it's the 89 other minutes that i find boring

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
Man kicks ball.
At a net. They let wimmin play nowadays apparently.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:35, Reply)
This needs more shirts over heads to really catch on though

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:35, Reply)
Not going by any of the women footballers I've ever seen it doesn't.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
Hides the faces

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:38, Reply)
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:05, Reply)
scouser though, she would be riddled I tell you RIDDLED

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:05, Reply)
Just get in round the back and shoot

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:07, Reply)
You've got to give and go.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:08, Reply)

Although that's fairly slim pickings from a google image search for women footballers.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:06, Reply)
It could just be because she's out of focus
but the one in the blue shirt behind does appear to be about 78% gruffalo
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:07, Reply)
She looks terrifying

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:08, Reply)

please don't pull my balls off
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:09, Reply)
78% gruffalo is fucking excellent!

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:15, Reply)
I know your standards are low sporters, but you can do better than 78% gruffalo

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:15, Reply)
Thanks man
But I like purple prickles all over her back
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:17, Reply)
She's 17 you nonce.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:08, Reply)
Legal. End of.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:08, Reply)
That picture was taken 18 months ago, you'll need the Lazytown defence.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:09, Reply)
which is?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:14, Reply)
Bumming sportacus*
* not me
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:17, Reply)
"It was sports candy, Your Honour" ?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:19, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:22, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:33, Reply)
It's ok I fixed it

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:20, Reply)
maths and directions
my boss likes to ask me which direction we are facing in from various rooms in the building. apparently being able to see the thames should be my first clue.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:44, Reply)
Well if you can see the Thames then yes.
But that would then depend on which stretch of the Thames you were on.

Also: Dullest boss ever
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:49, Reply)
In his defence, he is in up to the back wheels at the time

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:50, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:51, Reply)
It's important, though.
If you spaff south-west you've got a 47% higher chance of getting her up the duff with a ginger.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:05, Reply)
Nah, this one's a noofter, I think.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:51, Reply)
I'm doing my managers job today, seems to involve a lot of copy and pasting.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:52, Reply)
Are you going to make yourself redundant? That way it'll be over and done with and you won't need to worry anymore

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:53, Reply)
Nope, just stepping up to the plate to synergize work flows or some shit.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:57, Reply)
well done you, have an above inflation pay rise

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:58, Reply)
I'm in the middle of a three year pay freeze, cheers.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:06, Reply)
bet your manager isn't

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:11, Reply)
Everyone is.
Managers just make up new jobs for each other in higher bands though.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:20, Reply)
why don't you just move somewhere else if they are freezing your pay? I mean what's the total erosion of your pay over a 3 year period? fairly significant i would of thought.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:23, Reply)
It's almost £2.5k @ 3% inflation each year on a £22k salary
You could buy Sporters house for that
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:30, Reply)
Cheeky cunt
£240K would buy mine though
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:30, Reply)
; )

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:32, Reply)
gaz me a rightmove link so i can be nosey

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:36, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:40, Reply)
Be sure to slag off his choice of decor in public though.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:48, Reply)
nah, i respect the sanctity of gaz
unless it's a hilarious breakdown
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:54, Reply)
What the....
I don't even HAVE a sister!
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:55, Reply)
I have no idea what irony means.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:23, Reply)
Your cornflower blue shirts look nice

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:24, Reply)
clickin dis

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:25, Reply)
you ignorant prick
It's the ties which are cornflower blue, not the shirts.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:32, Reply)
Is York under wateryet?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:24, Reply)
The Kings Arms is ... again

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:25, Reply)
Seems so by the pics on BBC
although 3ft of water in the Kings Arms is average for a flood there I think.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:27, Reply)
They mentioned it was ONLY 1m underwater
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:27, Reply)
They have a pillar in there marked with flood levels
one is at ceiling level, and it's a tall ceiling ~ 9 or 10 ft.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:33, Reply)
I remember this from when i went to York aged 10

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:38, Reply)
An alkie from an early age

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:41, Reply)
But living in Holgate I'm nowhere near the Ouse or the Foss so won't get flooded.

The Kings Arms is a shit boozer anyway. Serves them right.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:31, Reply)
I quite like it

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:32, Reply)
there are about a dozen other ones in the centre which are better.
Lamb and Lion, York Tap, Last Drop Inn etc.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:34, Reply)
Agree but it is still a canny pub

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:36, Reply)
It panders to visitors.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:38, Reply)
Like me....

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:40, Reply)
I don't remember any pandas
I demand a refund!!
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:42, Reply)
They ate and left

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:47, Reply)
The beer is cheap and it opens early
Plus a river view (close up, sometimes)
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:35, Reply)
and it's fairly shit
It's pretty much tourists only. Nobody I know drinks in there. The Ackhorne is bizarrely very popular with the house and techno crowd.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:37, Reply)
spoken like a true alkie
we'll pop you in the "self medicating" group on here
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:38, Reply)
I'll take you to some of my haunts.
Then bum you.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:39, Reply)
My York overnighter is off I'm afraid
so no bumming's for me
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:53, Reply)
What I'm going to do with my life :-(

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:26, Reply)
You could impgrenate goats

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:27, Reply)
Do you think there's any money in it?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:28, Reply)
Job satisfaction

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:29, Reply)
For the goats?
Or me?
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:30, Reply)
Depends, baby!

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:31, Reply)
Alright, I'm interested,
Let me know if you have any contacts...
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:36, Reply)
Fuck off
Get your own goats
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:40, Reply)
That's just rude!

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:41, Reply)
I prefer the term kinky

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:42, Reply)
Is it just goats?
Or have you branched out?
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:44, Reply)
As long as it has horns, I'm in

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:45, Reply)
What about me?
I have (the) horn(s)?
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:55, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:59, Reply)
have a bath

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:28, Reply)
What about a shower?
My 'bath' is not really big enough for a soak.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:30, Reply)
It's this "Can't do" attitude that is holding you back

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:31, Reply)
Saving water, no?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:34, Reply)
his bath is full of sand...
...and English girls
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:35, Reply)
Hey, I'm in!
..oh wait a minute...
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:39, Reply)
Have some children and live off the state
alt: quit whining.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:29, Reply)
I have children and don't live off the state
I'm 'stateless', or maybe just 'a state'.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:33, Reply)
Come home, JimboJames, come home

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:31, Reply)
I'm on my way in a week my friend

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:34, Reply)
Actually, i don't even know what you do "over there"
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:35, Reply)
That is all you need to know.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:37, Reply)
Jimbojames Bond

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:45, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:46, Reply)
ZOMG, have you got a third nipple and is battered your butler?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:45, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:47, Reply)
Stop it...
you're just scaramangering.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:48, Reply)
Oh, textbook
The Man With The Golden Pun
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:49, Reply)
The spectre of a Bond pun subthread raises its head

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:53, Reply)
(Dr) NO.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:55, Reply)
I expect it to die fairly shortly

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:55, Reply)
It might live twice

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:57, Reply)
Or let die

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:58, Reply)
baby you're the best at this

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:58, Reply)
I'm keeping the British end up

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:00, Reply)
well close your legs, i can see your golden eye

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:00, Reply)
That should stop you saying Never again

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:02, Reply)
I don't know who you guys really are!
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:51, Reply)
End it?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:31, Reply)
I don't like you anymore.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:35, Reply)
Aw just as we were starting to become good friends :(

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:39, Reply)
Don't get me wrong,
I think you're great. But I'm not getting the feeling from you, so I'm protecting myself - you know how it goes.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:41, Reply)
Everyone is banging on about " Big Data" do that.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:38, Reply)
Tell me, tell me,
what is 'Big data'?
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:39, Reply)
Interpretting data sources so large they can't really be done using off the shelf databases.
So things like analysing physics simulations, meterological data, protiene folding, that sort of thing.
However as companies are collecting more and more data the people who do that for research are getting nicely cushy jobs analysing things like how everyone browses ebay, etc
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:43, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:45, Reply)
Hey, is this what you do?
It sounds pretty fecking cool to me. I analyze loads of data, but in a different way.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:47, Reply)
Only a very small part. Most my analysis is >terrabyte databases

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:48, Reply)
The way you're doing it is outmoded now
Get with the Big Data, JiJay.
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:49, Reply)
It's the bandwagon I'm jumping on when I get made redundant here.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:50, Reply)
Is that on the cards?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:52, Reply)
stop fannying about and waiting for the inevitable
get your CV out there now, you'll then hve time to pick and choose the best role.

Jesus, what would you lot do without me. next up B3th...
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:52, Reply)
I think b3th might do better than you next up

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:54, Reply)
There's a queue?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:56, Reply)
The animals went in two by two

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:05, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:06, Reply)
Redundancy payment will give me enough cash to get certified on Hadoop.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:03, Reply)
I think you're right.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:52, Reply)
Things like 'the length of my cock'

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:47, Reply)
That is binary
0 or 1
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:48, Reply)
Surely that's 'Big Dada'
But I see your point (from miles away, it's massive).
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:49, Reply)
it'not really, he's just taught his balls to play the banjole

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:49, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:53, Reply)
In the Large Hardon Collider, I assume?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:51, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:52, Reply)
*falls over*
(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:54, Reply)
I've eaten too many Yorkie Giant buttons and now i feel sick and my teeth feel furry

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:09, Reply)
It does say on the adverts "not for girls"

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:14, Reply)
I heard you have that tattood on your cock

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:18, Reply)
Just ns

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:19, Reply)
yours has, with the addition of "only" as the second word

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:22, Reply)
so you're gay and I'm bi?

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:25, Reply)
And you've got a cock long enough for four whole words.

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:26, Reply)
In a spiral of 4 point comic sans

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:28, Reply)
in fucking IMPACT size 36

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:31, Reply)
I'm sensing an inferiority complex here

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:35, Reply)

(, Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:36, Reply)

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