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Fucking hell!
What is the most you've spent on a present? I've just shelled out £195 for a pair of fucking Ugg boots

Best/worst present you've sent or received.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:39, 97 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Who are you buying Ugg boots for?
Because most people I know hate them.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:41, Reply)
Mrs Cow specifically asked for a pair
which they ONLY sell in Schuh....for £195
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:42, Reply)
My girlfriend asked for something with owls on, costs less than a tenner.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:49, Reply)
a tree?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:49, Reply)
Simon C

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:02, Reply)
I thought it might be funny to get her things with "owl" in the name. Like a tea towel etc,
then I realised It wouldn't be funny so I thought about something else.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:05, Reply)
I couldn't give a hoot

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:08, Reply)
cheaper than a dance

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:55, Reply)
It's quite hard to buy presents for someone who can make hundreds of pounds an hour in cash.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:58, Reply)
i can imagine
still one can never have too many nipple tassels
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:00, Reply)
3 would be one too many.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:00, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:01, Reply)
#Alternative joke about the Minogue sisters#

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:05, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:08, Reply)
Ugg boots are shit.
I spent about 400 quid last year so ladypig and her mate could go ride horses in the new forest for the weekend.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:42, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:43, Reply)
oh you,
that was hilarious.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:53, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:29, Reply)
take them back and and buy some from here

They are much better made and cheaper.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:43, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:45, Reply)
MUG boots more like!!!111!!!

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:46, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
What massive drugs did you take at the weekend q?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)
I smoked the hashish

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:49, Reply)
did I say that right?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:51, Reply)
I think you're meant to put either 'man' or 'dude' on the end.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:03, Reply)
Is that not bumming?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:04, Reply)
well durrr

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:00, Reply)
probbaly taking the misses on holiday, does that count?
Or if wedding shit counts then the engagement ring and honeymoon I guess
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
If that counts then yeah, definitely the engagement ring.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)
About £300 on underwear for badgerwife's birthday. I might have spent more before, I can't remember to be honest.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)
try Primark it's cheaper

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:51, Reply)
Yes, and much shitter.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:56, Reply)
That's a lot of pink socks.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:52, Reply)
Silly Jeff. Pink socks are for me, not ladybadger.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 13:56, Reply)
Depends how hard you kidneypunch her after the violent bumming TBH

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:02, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:06, Reply)
about to spend a couple hundred i think
Alt once when I was feeling very down and shit was going bad I got a bottle of perfume in the mail
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:01, Reply)
I bought the missus, in what I like to declare as a triumph of misogyny and male triumphalism, a sewing machine for her birthday a few years ago
It was one of those overlocker things, cost the best part of 200 nicker if memory serves. And I shelled out for a trip to Stratford to see Matilda with various lucrative romantic flourishes after TWL.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:06, Reply)
My Mother seems to be addicted to the shopping networks.
Every Christmas and birthday I receive an even more useless present like Bluetooth handsfree kit for the car (My car has it all built in) a massive oil painting of masai warriors and other fairly useless offerings. I just don't have the heart to tell her not to bother
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:08, Reply)
About three years ago we just started telling each other what we want.
Makes christmas shopping so much easier, christmas day less shit.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:11, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:14, Reply)
shit in her cunt

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:27, Reply)
Excellent advice

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:29, Reply)

I'm a shit in her
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:30, Reply)
At last I got it right
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:31, Reply)
I once bought my (now ex) wife a car
That was in the days when I was earning a shitload - more than I have since!
Alt: Best present was a full set of reloading kit from the states.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:10, Reply)
How much were you earning? That's a lot of money to spend on a present.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:12, Reply)
He didn't say a new one
We shelled out £1000 for a car for an 18th birthday present
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:14, Reply)
Only paid half cash - got the rest on a loan
The earnings were 'quite comfortable' but the bonuses were exteremely good. The opportunity wouldn't arise again though as we were using really cheap manufacturing in Bulgaria and Ukraine to make stuff for the UK. The eastern bloc's not so cheap now

EDIT: As above - it wasn't new, 3 year old Alfa 156
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:16, Reply)
£120 on gig tickets for a girlfriend
Turns out she couldn't even go to the gig, fuck.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:22, Reply)
Go on then
Which gig?
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:23, Reply)
Westlife farewell tour

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:24, Reply)
Was for Panic At The Disco on their first UK tour, I wanted to surprise her and her brother with tickets
They sold out near instantly, meaning I had to resort to eBay. She was thrilled with the tickets, but it turned out it was parents evening for her, meaning she couldn't go (we were both 17 at the time).

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:26, Reply)
probably for the best Panic! at the disco are fucking shit

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:30, Reply)
I know, hence why I was buying tickets for the two of them, rather than having to go myself.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:33, Reply)
lusty's folks giving us a holiday was up there with the best

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:28, Reply)
my in laws have taken me skiing several times, which is incredibly good value

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:32, Reply)
This meant they sat on either side of you wanking, doesn't it?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:51, Reply)
I spent £370 on a laptop for my wife for her birthday once.
(I know the exact figure as I stumbled across the receipt last night) a few days later we split up. luckily this was still a few days before her birthday.

needless to say I had the last laugh.

I still use that lappy to this day and if it lasts another year it'll have lasted longer than my marriage.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:33, Reply)
Schoolboy error on her part
always wait until after major gifting events to break up.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:35, Reply)
well, not really her fault, while it was her that started the argument it was me that walked out and then refused to come back.
About the only time I have been the one to end a relationship trivia fans.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:37, Reply)
did she propose you get pvc windows?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:39, Reply)
no, oak flooring.

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:40, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:35, Reply)
it fucking was positive!
best computer I've ever owned, very good but on my part. even better was when she took back the Christmas prezzie she'd got me out of spite, it was well shit and I was glad to be rid.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:39, Reply)
do you still speak?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:39, Reply)
yes, often.
sometimes even to her.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:40, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:47, Reply)
I still have most of the bottle of this from last Christmas

I still think its a cool present
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:34, Reply)
I dont think I have ever had a bottle of any booze
last a year...
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:52, Reply)
A TEN YEAR OLD LADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:54, Reply)
18 years come on Monts I'm no Drink peado
Plus it's Irish whiskey
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:59, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:36, Reply)
alt: The best of Superstars in dvd.
I never get bored of watching keegan fall off his bike.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:37, Reply)
Nonce enabler!

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:43, Reply)
i've paid for weekends away etc, but the thing there is that i get to enjoy them too, so am not sure it counts
probably on my dad; my brothers and i took him away for the weekend when he bought our flats, and that was about £750 each. but compared to what he gives us, fuck-all of course.

the ex's birthday present was about £300 last year. that's about it really.

alt: best - my dad pays for my christmas holiday, which is pretty fucking excellent. worst - nothing sticks out, but i hate it when you get generic thoughtless present, like handcream and bodywash or something.

can i also just say that i bought a really nice looking sandwich for lunch: artisan bread with pesto and mozzarella and evil tomatoes. as i opened it to surgically remove said tomatoes of death, i found a fucking curly black hair just coiled up on the mozzarella and looking at me. raaaaaank.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:39, Reply)
thoe presents aren't thoughtless
they are subtle and tactful
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:40, Reply)
they are dull as fuck
but when i was younger and earned no money, i was sometimes guilty of recycling them, therefore perpetuating the cycle of shit thoughtless generic gifts
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:41, Reply)
Nakers needs to get himself a catfish as a pet

No more pigeon problems.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:44, Reply)
what on earth did you google to find that?

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:45, Reply)
bird's giant fishy pussy

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:46, Reply)
Just browsing various "weird stuff on t'internet" websites
in this case www.boingboing.net
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:47, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:46, Reply)
I went catfish fishing in Africa once, fucking gald I didn't catch anything now

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:50, Reply)
aside from AIDs lol

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:50, Reply)
Fucking hell
Cat by name Cat by nature
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:49, Reply)
I like that it refers to them as freshwater killer whales
Makes them seem dead hard whereas I always thought they were a bit dopey and shit.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:51, Reply)
I aint done got no sound, speakers broken on the PC
Sadtimes 8(
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:53, Reply)
it would also make them mammals and not fish

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)
They hardly need to be an orca
to catch a bloody pigeon, though.
(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 15:07, Reply)
or Dick Dastadly for that matter

(, Mon 10 Dec 2012, 15:09, Reply)

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