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Thread number six - chef Mark Hix.
Once again I got no question though, sozzers.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:29, 109 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
it's like you're not even trying any more, man
what's the best vegetable and why?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:31, Reply)
nil points for "joey deacon"

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:31, Reply)
Dunno, onion?
Depends whether this is a 'which is the nommiest' or 'you can only have one ever, which is it?' job.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:33, Reply)
you're the question master
sexy question master
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:37, Reply)
Everyone knows that Carrots are the best vegetable.
Followed by Broccoli, then Cauliflower, then Sprouts. *parp*
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:36, Reply)
urrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh sprouts ming harder than your gran
going down on your other gran
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:38, Reply)
Yeah, well so's your FACE.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:41, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:49, Reply)
Mushrooms in a fry up.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:35, Reply)
But small ones, the big ones go all flappy and watery.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:37, Reply)
I'm having steak and chips tonight, and fry up tomorrow.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:49, Reply)
But then I don't consider meat to be essential in a fry-up, so many disregard my opinion on these matters.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:38, Reply)

on these matters
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:39, Reply)
I know you all sit up and pay attention when you see a post from me.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:40, Reply)
Alright Tinnitus?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:41, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:43, Reply)
What do you have in a fry up then?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:50, Reply)
Eggs, mushrooms, tomato, veggie sausage*, beans, toast.

*Oh my God, you can't be a proper vegetarian if you eat veggie alternatives, worse than Hitler/Nakers/etc. etc. etc.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:54, Reply)
I used to have veggie bacon too, just to up the items on the plate count.
But it's always horrid and leaves you doing bacon flavour crisp burps for the rest of the day.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:58, Reply)
No one asked for your life story.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:58, Reply)
Some veggie sausages are "ok" not as good as normal sausages, but they're not unpleasant.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:01, Reply)
Yay fo' sho.
Small bit of garlic and parsley, squeeze of lemon juice just before serving.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:41, Reply)
Fried in butter and bacon fat.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:50, Reply)
This may sound funny but
Not on a breakfast fry up, but yes if it’s an evening fry up

Can’t actually justify why I think this
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:51, Reply)
No, not remotely funny. Soz.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 17:08, Reply)
thread number six
Ur all pricks.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:38, Reply)
how queer
One of my friends is studying pharmacology and I've just found out that one of her set course texts is one of my uncle's books. Apparently he seems like 'a bit of a dude'.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:42, Reply)
Is 'dude' Scotch for 'fucking great poof'?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:43, Reply)
he's English.
Unfortunately some FEB blood runs in my veins. Sad times.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:45, Reply)
scots are fucking stupid
eg the contract i am looking at now. plain english: standard auction conditions relating to commercial properties (except for lots in scotland where "scottish articles of roup" will prevail)

articles of roup? what the actual fuck are they yammering on about, jock mcthick?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:48, Reply)
Great story, sis.
Got any more like that?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:49, Reply)
fucking hundreds
over here, if you want to terminate a lease, you forfeit it. everyone knows what forfeit means. in scotland, you "irritate" it. forfeiture is known as "irritancy". that means fuck all.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:50, Reply)
I know how a terminated scottish lease feels.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:52, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:54, Reply)
you do realise that Scots law is separate and distinct, yes?
A roup is an auction.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:11, Reply)
Don't start, 'dozer! Of course she does, she is only admitted in England and Wales.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:13, Reply)
then why is she being a bellend?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:19, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:46, Reply)
Had an afternoon nap, love?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:06, Reply)
Nah. Been shopping & put the Christmas tree up.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:08, Reply)
+ my arse

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:10, Reply)
Very productive.
Has anyone been to Cuba Libre on Upper St?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:12, Reply)
I haven't.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:16, Reply)
me, it's loud and full of cunts.
You'll love it
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
Round peg. Round hole.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:26, Reply)
Thanks, chaps.
I will be thinking of you both.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:30, Reply)
I might pop in

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:38, Reply)
I've decided to visit my local instead.
*sips pint of lager*
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:41, Reply)
This could be interesting

To me only by the way
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:09, Reply)
And when I say interesting I mean.
£25k to analyse some data and publish it's results.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:11, Reply)
No one cares

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:14, Reply)
Something about looking like a potato.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:16, Reply)
That is a colossal waste of money.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:17, Reply)
Yes, and no.
If I had the skill, money, time I've always wanted to link data on housing from council tax banding, planning permission build date etc etc.
Which should point out every property that is likely to be mistakenly banded in one go.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:18, Reply)
That's worth £25k investment by the government I feel.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:19, Reply)
But if it's used to do fuck all then it'll be a waste of money.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
Which do you think is the more likely outcome?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
Dear god, man.
You really are WTN.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:19, Reply)
terrible mod bullying

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:27, Reply)
I started Thread Seven.
I didn't do a shit bingo call.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:36, Reply)
Rick Witter lolz

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:38, Reply)

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