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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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peanut butter with jam is vomit inducing.
Maybe already mentioned above, I didn't read it all sorry.

Teach it that the proper way to address a member of parliament is "pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pantsonfire"

Altalt. I am capable of cutting my own toenails, washing my own hair, trimming my own pubes and all else involved in looking and smelling this good.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:01, 3 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
quite right!
It needs to be jelly or it just doesn't work.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:03, Reply)
Cold dessert in a sandwich?
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:09, Reply)
y'see this is a common misconception
Jelly is not american for jam, it's a related but different product, main difference being lack of actual chunks of fruit (think of Bramble jelly) we have Jelly and they have jam it's just that they mostly use the former and we the latter.

so now you know.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:18, Reply)
and we call your jelly jello but either way its disgusting

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:27, Reply)
yep and this, in many ways makes more sense the the way we do it
having 2 different things called the same.

don't get me wrong, I'm still all about the yank-hate, but I like it to be intelligent and for good reason.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:35, Reply)
pb and j sounds perfect right now

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:04, Reply)
I can't eat it,
The smell of peanut butter is enough to make leave a room, add jam to it and I'm panel 3 of SBP.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:07, Reply)
i just had one it was shamazing

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:17, Reply)
Well peanut butter is disgusting anyway

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:09, Reply)
Alright Theo.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:10, Reply)
alright WP
glad there's another human being out there disgusted by this brown sweet shit
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:13, Reply)
Horrible stuff.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:10, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:14, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:13, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:14, Reply)
I don't like correcting men of your wealth and knowledge so lets agree to disagree

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:16, Reply)
It's ok we don't have to pretend
No-one really likes peanut butter, it's just for show, it's 'cool' to enjoy it
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:18, Reply)
its fucking delicious

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:19, Reply)
It looks like poo and tastes nothing like peanuts and smells of poo

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:20, Reply)
it looks like baby poo

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:22, Reply)
Hang on, are you sure you haven't been eating poo by mistake?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:22, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:22, Reply)
wait did he edit or did I read that wrong

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:23, Reply)
I don't know man but I fucking love peanut butter so I'm witcha.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:26, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:26, Reply)
Don't you like satay?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:28, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:29, Reply)
Well then I don't think we can be friends any more.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:29, Reply)
Then you'll miss out on the meaty goodness from my tandoor when I get it.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:31, Reply)
Is this gay slang?

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:34, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:43, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:43, Reply)
* slams door *

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:45, Reply)
no-one likes peanut butter
you can all stop trying to troll me now
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:28, Reply)
I get through a large jar of it every two weeks man, se'sly.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:29, Reply)
I didn't know you had a dog

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 14:27, Reply)

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 14:30, Reply)
Why, it's Theosophical Banjax everyone!!!!!

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:25, Reply)
Alright Monty ....Boyce
Yeah I went there
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:28, Reply)
Well there's no need for that kind of abuse.

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:29, Reply)
I'm going to lunch now

(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:30, Reply)
peanut butter sandwiches yeah?
Good choice, brah.
(, Fri 8 Feb 2013, 13:44, Reply)

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