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fucking hell, this prick still here?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:25, 7 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
MMPS you need to narrow that one down

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:26, Reply)
the short arse that done the embezzling and shagged the 14 year old polish prostitute

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:43, Reply)

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:46, Reply)
isn't that the dull one that likes real ale?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:52, Reply)
Is that not The Brigadier?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:53, Reply)
hang on, is that not the one that beheaded a tramp with a samurai sword?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:55, Reply)
But the police weren't interested.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:57, Reply)
would have made a great record for them, no. 1 for sure!

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:58, Reply)
oh man that's the funniest thing all night lol

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:03, Reply)
totes rofl

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:09, Reply)

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:12, Reply)
Are you Battered's white knight tonight?
He must be so pleased.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:53, Reply)
Are you Plumdozers?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:56, Reply)
is that the fat mental cat lady one who shags anything?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:57, Reply)
YM you mean?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:58, Reply)
is that the one who stole drugs a pretended to like football before whining about chicks thinking he was a dull bellend?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:59, Reply)
Yeah, that was Monty.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:00, Reply)
I thought that was the Purple Bowling ball one?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:00, Reply)
hang on, isn't that the one who got sharted on during sex?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:10, Reply)
Nah, that was me.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:11, Reply)
I thought you was the one they all post on the populol page calling you a cunt

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:13, Reply)
Nah, that's you.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:15, Reply)
I'm pretty sure I don't finger dogs bums

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:18, Reply)
which one keeps doing a flounce then comes back?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:19, Reply)
That's you.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:19, Reply)
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:25, Reply)

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:28, Reply)
Alright MMPS?
I went to see that Daniel Avery the other week.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:27, Reply)
oh yeah? sounds well hip!

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:44, Reply)
It was him and then Erol Alkan.
It was shit hot.

Missed you not being there xx
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:47, Reply)
hang on, why didn't you txt me?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:52, Reply)
Oh m8 I would have done but I only got guest listed at the last moment.
Next time, yeah?
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:54, Reply)
pinkie fucking promise

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:56, Reply)
I have a mate who puts tunes out on Soma
Can poss get GL for Slam nights.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:00, Reply)

have a mate who puts tunes out on Soma Can ss get GL for Slam nights o
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:04, Reply)
And where have you been for the last few weeks you monumental twat? xx

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:29, Reply)
your mum.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:44, Reply)
you lucky chap.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:48, Reply)
oh aye, wore her like a hat.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:51, Reply)
woh woh woh woh woh MMPS in heeeee-house.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:32, Reply)
alright gonz

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:44, Reply)
Not bad, you cool?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:06, Reply)
all sweet here gonz.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:10, Reply)
More sycophancy for mmpso
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:37, Reply)
Sycophancy turns my fucking stomach.
How are you, the LOVELY Tangles?
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:41, Reply)
I'm LOVELY, as it happens.
Just scoffed a delicious paneer coconut fry with chapattis, washed down with some LOVELY beer and am about to go and use my CROSS VOICE on some seven year olds who should be asleep.
How is life since you decided to run away with the circus?
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:46, Reply)
This will be you telling them firmly that they want to go to the woods to see some puppies.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:47, Reply)
Hey, I have to come back through those woods on my own you know

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:49, Reply)
I hadn't thought of that.
Take a torch with you.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:50, Reply)
Life's good ta.
I might gaz you with a detailed update letter, plus a drawing of Hartley Hare's cock xx
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:49, Reply)
I ain't gonna read it tonight, mind.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:51, Reply)

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:52, Reply)
you can get pills for that now.
what do the voices tell you tangles? do they want you to touch my scrotum?

I'm cool with that btw, you massive bender.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:42, Reply)
Probably just start with holding hands, if that's ok.
Might put one hand on your knee later. We'll see how it goes.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:48, Reply)
just touch my fucking balls.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:51, Reply)

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:58, Reply)
don't you dare lie about this!
on the count of three.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:00, Reply)
yeah, what's this prick mmps doing here, stinking up the joint?
lolz, only joking, that's monty.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:41, Reply)
Hey Mumps!
where ya been?
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:43, Reply)
battered's mum
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 21:44, Reply)
A popular destination I gather.
Did you know you can have a go on his missus half price with ever proof of purchase?
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:12, Reply)
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:18, Reply)
that'll be dozer.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:19, Reply)
Terrible bullying of the Dozer by his board foe, CQ.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:23, Reply)
nah, I'm not your foe, I'm liking you now.
we are best buds.

you baggy trouser-ed, clown-shoed pink-wearing poof
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:31, Reply)
I don't wear pink.
Soz to be the bearer etc.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:34, Reply)
I seem to remember you strongly implying you did
but I cannot be fucked arguing the point, not do I care that much.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:38, Reply)
I only wear it as detail in accessories.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:39, Reply)
ahh, so you do wear it then.
add 'fibbing' to the above description. also 'meths drinking'
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:41, Reply)

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:43, Reply)
What I was getting at is that I wouldn't wear a solid pink shirt, but will wear such things as a navy blue and pink striped tie.
Detailing, not the main colour. So it wouldn't be accurate to say that I was wearing pink, just that I was wearing some pink.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:47, Reply)
so, you wear pink then?

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:55, Reply)
Define 'wearing pink'.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 22:56, Reply)
To carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, equipment, ornament, or the like
a color varying from light crimson to pale reddish purple.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 23:01, Reply)
Yes, but does this mean solid pink?
What if the only pink is a very thin stripe, in a shirt with half a dozen or so different coloured stripes?
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 23:04, Reply)
by the above definition this would count.

(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 23:05, Reply)
Really though?
You know those Paul Smith shirts which are classic PS stripes? Loads of different colours? If someone was wearing that, would that be wearing pink, or wearing a shirt with some pink in it?

It's a subtle but crucial difference.
(, Sat 9 Mar 2013, 23:07, Reply)

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