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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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How are we all?
I managed to only cut myself once today at work! Yay.

( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 18:53, 118 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

But it's actually fairly good for a day at work. No burns either, and no drinks sent back for being crap. Grand.
All fun in geordie land?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:09, Reply)

Yes and I've been a couple of times now. It seems to be ok. The treadmill is a little strange. After I get off I still feel like I'm moving forward even though I'm standing still. I have to sit down for 5 minutes till it passes or I get dizzy.
I think I'll keep it up. Everyone seems friendly and of normal size. A few fatties like me even.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:24, Reply)

Yes I was pleased to see that most people at the gym I used to go to weren't all skinny things too.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:31, Reply)

I'm still power walking when it's not raining but I will be going to the gym also. Got to banish these bingo wings.
The instructor also showed my how to do proper crunches so Britney and her six-pack had better watch out.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:38, Reply)

What a fucker of a day!
Hope everyone's better.
Any chance of a hug?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:44, Reply)

*Puts towel on list to take to London so is able to sit next to Al*
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:47, Reply)

*narrowly avoids weeping*
Nah, not that bad. Still pretty shit though.
Work related shenanigans.
*edit* And thanks BGB
Coincidentally my beer frothed over as I read the bosoms bit. *hmmm*
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:47, Reply)

for some order that's gone awry that I had nowt to do with. I got lumped with trying to find out what's happened. Since it's not immediately clear, and the paper trail is murkier than a student's loo water, somehow they've decided that's my fault.
Need to go to a meeting to tell them what I'm going to do about it. Cheeky cunts.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 19:57, Reply)

I guess you just have to try and find the document and also find out who cocked up. Then you can walk tall again.
I hate office politics. I'm glad I work on my own.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:05, Reply)

It's just that it's vials of nastiness that are nowhere to be found!
*ninja edit*
It's all hush hush;)
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:08, Reply)

*hugs with matronly bosom*
Can you stitch anyone else up for it?
*edit* Where do you work BK?
At least it's not ebola!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:10, Reply)

who's fault it is yet.
Don't really want to blame folk at random.
Anyhoo, it'll get sorted. I have beer now so all is well.
*edit* a big pharma place, Mrs L.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:11, Reply)

Ooo! that's quite serious I guess. I thought it was a document.
You'll figure it out. Your a B3tan. Were made of sterner stuff than normal humans.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:14, Reply)

I've had measles, will that help?
I'm sure if you ask them to put it in the Newsletter someone will have some HIV they can send you.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:17, Reply)

Hee hee, not really, no.
That may cause mass panic, especially if it happened to turn up in the canteen.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:19, Reply)

Even that? Cool!
Thanks for huggage everyone, I've got a Japanese film to watch so gonna shoot
*hugs all round*
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:20, Reply)

Vital, it's called.
Got Tadanobu Asano from Ichi the Killer and Zatoichi in it.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:25, Reply)

but I think that might be a bit too gory for me.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:26, Reply)

where today went.
I painted the woodwork in the kitchen and made butter cherry biscuits.
And then it was dinner time.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:47, Reply)

*does happy dance*
@Mrs Bin. I may have to buy some biscuits from you one day for a special occasion.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:48, Reply)

Ms Blouse that my butter cherry whirls are THE shit.
*edit* I only do this much baking in the holidays.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:51, Reply)

Did your husband marry you for your baking skills or your matronly bosom?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:56, Reply)

I like to think it was my personality. But I think the baking helped.
And the bosom isn't that matronly to be honest.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 20:59, Reply)

For ladies is wot you are.
I had sushi for tea and tomorrow I'm 'working' from home. These two things have happied me.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:01, Reply)

Phoey! I'm off to bed now. I'm pooped.
I'll catch you tomorrow hopefully.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:06, Reply)

Having finally returned my bosses laptop to a working state, so that will keep her happy for a while.
Lots of ladies on here tonight.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:07, Reply)

I needed to gather all my receipts from travelling to and from work before I got my rail pass so I can get reimbursed. Could I find the receipts at work today? Could I fuck.
I come home, and there they all are in a neat little pile, so crisis averted.
I've also done BT, EDF and TV licensing for the flat, Mr Maladicta has moved the bulky furniture with his dad tonight, and all seems to be proceeding nicely. However, the optician's keeps phoning my parents demanding I go for an appointment to see if my eyes have fallen out in the last twelve months and have realised I've left my glasses at the parents' house, somewhere I have no time* to go in the next couple of months, but if I don't go, they'll cut off my supply of contacts. Great. I don't want to get my parents to send them because I don't want them getting lost in the post and partly because there are things in my room I really, really don't want them finding if they go through looking for my glasses.
* or desire
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:16, Reply)

( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:25, Reply)

Or something like that.
I just made Bob Fossil's Spanish Omlette.
It went a bit wrong, but I could make a great one next time.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:26, Reply)

And hoorah for 256mb shared RAM! Woo!
I never want to drive in London ancrenne. I think I would cry. A lot.
How did it go wrong Kaol?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:33, Reply)

Think I overdid the potato, but it was gorgeous.
It had bacon in it.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:38, Reply)

I burned the chorizo slightly. (a lot)
And she said to cook the bottom on the hob, and finish the top off under the grill.
I don't have a grill...
So I tried to kinda flip it, and they broke.
Anyway, I've gotta restart my PC, it's being a gigantic pile of Poof Lake.
(Well, won't open iTunes, and I have a mighty need to listen to some Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster.)
Back in a few.
Post something amazing while I'm gone.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:38, Reply)

they might as well rename this board the cooking channel!
i can boil an egg, hahaha bow before my godlike skills
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:41, Reply)

I shall tell you the tale of my extravagant sunday, which was the day after the wedding I was at.
It all started at about half 8 in the morning, a good 5 hours after I had gone to bed. We went to go and see the whole group of people who were across from Bristol for the wedding before they disappeared home.
Now unfortunately they had a lot of food left that needed eaten. Mainly apple pie and burgers. For breakfast. Score.
So after recovering from that, we went to the bride's family's house, where there happened to be leftover food that needed eaten. Score. Burgers, sausages, chicken legs, cheesecake. Double score.
Then we were heading home that evening, so went out for dinner, in a fancy restaurant overlooking the sea. It was awesome. Score.
Then I got home at about 11pm, and had some toast. Toast is good.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:46, Reply)

How were you not sick?
I can verify, for the record, that ancrenne can indeed cook.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:50, Reply)

Literally. It caught fire under the (electric) grill.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:53, Reply)

2 weddings in two days last month.
the second was a 1.30pm jobbie, and I got busted by the groom, best men (long story) and ushers having a serious hair of the dog 20 minutes before the ceremony, whoops!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:54, Reply)

As long as you weren't the bride, I don't see a problem with that...
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:55, Reply)

Which made the flight home from Belfast to Glasgow fairly interesting, especially with the wind and the turbulence.
Setting fire to toast is impressive. And I believe you can cook, as you mentioned something impressive sounding once.
Duck is tasty.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:56, Reply)

But it was too run-over to be worth cooking.
EDIT: Hahaha! Good work!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:57, Reply)

now thats a good roadkill chow.
little fuckers are 10 a penny out my way and more suicidal than rabbits
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:59, Reply)

I've got a leg of one of those fuckers in the freezer.
Although it wasn't roadkill, the insane old man next door shot it.
Not strictly legal, but this is the countryside...
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:02, Reply)

my local (which is 15 miles away, another daft story) is a proper hooky place, you can get fish, deer, and as much veg as you can shove in the boot most weekends. the imported cheap tobacco though has been bloody horrible lately!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:02, Reply)

Well, I was driving a bit fast.
There were children feeding the ducks.
One lobbed bread into the road as I was passing.
Duck ran out.
That child is now traumatised for life.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:03, Reply)

Or did you hit a kid too?
My duck was glazed with plum and chilli, not rubber, luckily. It probably wouldn't have been worth as much if it was.
Anyone know the symptoms of concussion?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:05, Reply)

I bet they were throwing bread on the road deliberately.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:06, Reply)

throwing pound coins into the road to see if the little shits would get kaolducked
edit: Ancrenne, that was shocking!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:07, Reply)

I would appear to have a few of those, but I'm gonna presume I don't actually have concussion.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:10, Reply)

The closer it gets to this bash the more gutted I am I can't make it.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:10, Reply)

Pasted it in front of the kiddies.
I didn't realise quite how badly until I got to my mate's house and he pointed out the spurt-marks up the wheel arch.
This was a Land Rover, so... Big wheel arches!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:11, Reply)

the local quack will just medicate them with ritalin.
incidentally the symptoms of concussion seem to match the morning after my first ever motorhead gig!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:17, Reply)

Ah, 'tis true.
Won't stop me being wistful though.
Just watched Vital, this Japanese film. Distinctly odd, but strangely touching.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:17, Reply)

Anyone else seen that Korean film The Host?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:19, Reply)

yep, its a cracker!
favourite scene is the rampage across the park at the start!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:21, Reply)

By those criteria, yes I suck, and no I haven't seen it.
There seems to be thumping bass coming through my floor. Strange.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:21, Reply)

It's wicked, that film.
Ending goes a bit Final Fantasy for my liking, but it's still excellent.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:23, Reply)

I have 3 dvd's to watch
no country for old men
blue velvet
not sure which will be the easiest, least depressing watch.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:25, Reply)

Yup, I got the Therapy? reference.
Haven't seen the Host though.
Probably No Country...
Made me laugh a few times. The Proposition is waaay depressing, but great.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:25, Reply)

I'm just in from the gym, pretty poor effort and I seem to have a sore throat too... /whinge mode
Otherwise, can't grumble. Am positively moist with anticipation about Saturday though. If I can talk my bro out of emigrating then I on't have to disappear early on Sat.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:30, Reply)

My housemate just told me he saw a boxer having an epileptic fit on that programme.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:30, Reply)

I didn't watch the program (I was watching Z Cars on BBC4) but I did see a spot about it of Richard and Judy where they showed comparisons of dogs today compared with how they used to be.
I can't believe what has happened to German Shepherds, they didn't used to look like that!
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:33, Reply)

The Thing.
Flight Of The Living Dead.
Fuckin' light socket just exploded and blew half the stuff in the house.
I've "fixed" it now though.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:35, Reply)

we had proper dogs, whippets with flat caps etc
"fixed" means botched I presume?
and on that note, laters, see you all saturday, or whenever
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:35, Reply)

I read:
As long as you weren't the bride, I don't see a problem with that...
(Kaol fisting is not an impact sport, Tue 19 Aug 2008, 21:55, Ignore)
...and somehow my brain twisted the sig into it so it said "As long as you weren't fisting the bride, I don't see a problem with that..."
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:38, Reply)

I'll need rubber gloves.
And pliers.
And screwdrivers.
And the step-by-step guide.
I'm not afraid of dying.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:44, Reply)

It's by far the best way to go. I would offer to do it for you, but it's a bit out of the way.
I like a bit of DIY I do.
teh edits - night all, early morning tomorrow.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 22:57, Reply)

"I'm not afraid of dying."
You should set yourself up as an independent plumber or electrician and use that as your slogan.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:12, Reply)

is back.
I just tried on my holiday hat. I look like a mong. Luis tried to be nice about it though, bless him. He thinks we should go hat shopping sometime.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:14, Reply)

Am preparing myself for my forthcoming job interviews. Have got my itinerary sorted, and am just polishing off my project so I can show the company. Problem is there's just too much of it to be done so am a bit overwhelmed and am procrastinating.
How's you and your pants doing?
EDIT: Hiya C. Is that a cowboy hat or a baseball cap?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:17, Reply)

Neither. It's just a hat hat. But it'll be sunny in DC so I need to sensible and cover up.
Edit: erm, no pics (though I might let you see a holiday one if you're a good girl)
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:22, Reply)

As well as interviews and a bash, the friend I'm staying with is going hiking on both Sunday and Monday, so I might even join him on one of those days. It's going to be a great trip - pity it's going to climax so early.
Hope you have fun at the DC bash. I too was going to ask about being banned from beer.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:30, Reply)

I have returned to the OT fold and may be slightly drunk after several bottles of rose this evening :)
How the hell is everyone?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:42, Reply)

* hugs *
Been getting ready for my forthcoming trip. See a few posts above for details.
How was your evening?
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:47, Reply)

It's because I came home a bit squiffy after a night out with him and The Dok and then said naughty things about him on a thread.
The ban won't last, because if I'm not drinking, I can't go to the pub and buy him beers.
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:55, Reply)

Ooh, looks like a lot to do. Thanks for your gaz by the way, I'll try actioning it tomorrow or Thursday as I don't want to do myself a mischief while tired and drunk tonight.
Ancrenne, twas indeed fun. Was playing with a golden doodle dog and a hyperactive 8 year old while the parents plyed me with bolognese and wine. Sounds a bit wrong, but they're very lovely :)
( , Tue 19 Aug 2008, 23:55, Reply)

I always seem to arrive when everyone else is in bed, or asleep by the pc. Either that or I'm on ignore.
*speaks to Captain Paranoia sitting on his shoulder*
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:02, Reply)

not many at all :)
Edit: Evening Belmsford, how are you?
Edit 2: YAY, they've called off the tube strike
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:02, Reply)

Fine, but I'm now 46, as of 6 minutes ago.
So totally old codger status.
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:07, Reply)

Looks like you've found the weak spot in his plan. If he keeps you banned, he'll snap eventually.
That Gaz was never meant to be read when drunk.
EDIT: Evenin' Duke Of Belmsford
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:07, Reply)

No, I just elevated myself after seing BobFossil get away with it, and thought "thats the very thing for me".
As for your shower, dear Ancrenne- I am an electrical engineer, working with alamrs & cameras, so know electrickery is "Bitey" stuff- plus I live near that there Southampton. So if you need a hand, etc..
Edit: Evenin', Spakka. Hows things?
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:12, Reply)

I hope this isn't going to be on when I'm in London (BTW. I arrive on Friday eve).
BTW: Happy Birthday Duke of Belmsford.
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:14, Reply)

Hello lovely!
Very fucking glad about the tube strike - makes getting to heathrow a bit bloody easier!
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:18, Reply)

Been getting ready for my forthcoming trip. See a few posts above for details.
Doing anything exciting for your birthday?
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:21, Reply)

Also raises glass, as is working on drunkedness after hell drive back from Wales.
( , Wed 20 Aug 2008, 0:28, Reply)
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