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i have krispy kreme

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:41, 3 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Oh man
I love them
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:43, Reply)
You're not drinking enough fluids

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:46, Reply)
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:46, Reply)
30" jeans tangiers
30" jenas
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:50, Reply)
That's a womans size.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:53, Reply)

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:54, Reply)
Turn over

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:58, Reply)
*proffers man cunt*

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:05, Reply)
*tall & skinny fives*

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:55, Reply)
*sprains wrist*

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:55, Reply)
32" waist 34" leg

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 13:58, Reply)
i'ma 32" 34" really, i don't like my trousers too long
but gap make big clothes, hence squeezing into a 30"
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:00, Reply)
Hang on, I thought you were tall?
Is your body really long or summat?
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:02, Reply)
i wear 32" length jeans
and i'm 5'6... just sayin'
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:03, Reply)
i bet they scrap the pavement though don't they?
like your standards
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:05, Reply)
you like frog really
we all know this
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:09, Reply)
he completes me

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:10, Reply)
i should wear 34", but i like them to end just above my shoe so you can all se my love,ly socks

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:03, Reply)

love,ly socks bare ankles and espadrilles
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:08, Reply)
I left my espadrilles in the Dordogne :(

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:08, Reply)
Tony Bennett's follow up to 'i left my heart in san francisco' didn't sell well.

(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:11, Reply)
trouser chat!
If i knew how to post pictures I'd show some of my tousers
(, Tue 29 Apr 2014, 14:02, Reply)

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