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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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It's August bank holiday and it's raining - quel surprise
I was going to see if there were any country shows/fetes on, now I'm sitting in my pants by the computer wittering on to you shut-ins. What plans did
you have for the day that have been spoiled by the weather? Or, are you braving the rain to do it anyway?
Alt: I dunno, make one up.
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 9:38,
68 replies,
latest was 11 years ago)
Meant to be at the England v India ODI
Not looking clever at the moment.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 9:42,
We were planning to go to a steam fair
but now we will probably stay in, watch cbeebies and shout at each other.
Baggenfrock get fucked, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 9:55,
You? Pfffft. SeeBoobies more like
Disgusting animal
rachelswipe with a fork, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:06,
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:29,
Eating last night's chow mein leftovers as a sandwich, living the dream.
Have solved sausagegate, have to have a quietword. What are your views on motorway pubs?
DBT became a fruitarian on, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:34,
Drink driving?
Bit Pooflake.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:37,
DBT became a fruitarian on, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:40,
grease to the wheels of the British economy
Baggenfrock get fucked, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:43,
What happened with the stolen sausages?
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:01,
A regular who does anything to do with fire, firetending, barbecues etc, bit of a pyro told someone he took them, as he wasn' bought a promised beer for doing the barbie. Bit awkward, he's in every single day, for 20 odd years.
DBT became a fruitarian on, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:22,
You should probably tell the sausage 'owner' to stop being such a tight cunt over a packet of sausages too.
MEATSNAKE Richard Hammond, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:27,
It was a box ACTUALLY as she said. Sheesh.
DBT became a fruitarian on, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:33,
Cheapskate bitch.
MEATSNAKE Richard Hammond, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:41,
I thought that, it's just the way of replacing them. There could be a bit of tension if she found he took them, she doesn't know. My calling it sausagegate has provoked a few lols.
DBT became a fruitarian on, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:46,
This should have been an answer to Jeff btw.
DBT became a fruitarian on, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:47,
Try and find out the cash value of the sausages and get the coins.
Then buy him a pint.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 12:05,
Officially, I don't actually know, I was told on the qt.
DBT became a fruitarian on, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 12:22,
Tell him to replace them and you'll get him a beer.
That'll keep everyone happy and it'll avoid 'theft' accusations.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:37,
If the cricket doesn't happen, I'm thinking 'all day drinking'.
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:43,
i should be writing shit
and editing video. So far today I've read for a few hours and done the washing up. I suspect that's as productive as I'll get
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 10:54,
On another note, I'm having some difficulty with Government websites
I'm trying to change my address on my Driving Licence and passport via the approved sites - neither of which will accept the changes as my new address doesn't exist in their databases. This is rapidly becoming an issue as I now have no valid form of ID.
Other than DMAAKM, any suggestions?
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:02,
You could move back to your old address
MEATSNAKE Richard Hammond, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:03,
In seriousness
You could set up a postal re-direction to buy you some time if you are worried about licence/passport related correspondence going to the wrong house.
Baggenfrock get fucked, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:12,
It's not so much the postal redirection stuff - it's more about the fact I have no form of ID.
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 12:01,
you need MULTI PASS
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 12:27,
I've gone many, many years with my old address on my driving licence
The only issue I had was when I got some points and they had to send it back to the DVLA first to change the address before it came back to me.
I didn't realise passports had addresses associated with them. If this is the case, I have never changed it.
I don't think its the end of the world.
Baggenfrock get fucked, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:09,
Normally I wouldn't worry but.... my cashcard has stopped working and I can't get one for another week, I have to go to the bank with ID to get cash. I had enough trouble with the bank trying to change my address when their database said my flat didn't exist - I had to take all the bumph from the agent to prove I actually lived somewhere.
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Mon 25 Aug 2014, 11:47,
It's lovely and sunny up here.
Just saying.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Mon 25 Aug 2014, 14:17,
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