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Black Friday.
Yeah, mon. Me in da market for de bargain.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 7:33, 44 replies, latest was 10 years ago)

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 7:38, Reply)
blood clot

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 7:41, Reply)
alright article don JTDF
tubes busy this morning with shoppers looking to 'bag a deal', they were terminating trains at kings cross and sending them back to central london full of idiots with money to spend. it was well gay.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 7:54, Reply)
Haha London eh! What's it like!

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:08, Reply)
Similar to other large cities, it can be busy but it's a vibrant multicultural exciting place to go, full of history and famous landmarks but also at the forefront of many innovations and international business

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:12, Reply)
Well this all seems to check out.
Good work, Frog.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:16, Reply)
Glad to help and always here to answer your questions

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:18, Reply)
Is it true that the difference between a dwarf and a midget is that a dwarf can't wipe their own arse?

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:26, Reply)
yes, this is true, also 'midget' isn't a PC term, use elf or pixie.

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:28, Reply)
I prefer to call them incomplete

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:31, Reply)
How is babby formed? How girl get pragnant?

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:28, Reply)
easy. you cum in her mouth, she swallows it, baby grows in stomach, durr

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:29, Reply)
The mans does a wee in the lady and it melts the babby that is frozen inside the lady and it wakes up and comes out her bum

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:31, Reply)
Who put the bop In the bop shoo bop shoo bop?

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:54, Reply)
I understand that the same person was also responsible for putting the ram in the rama-lama-ding-dong

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:57, Reply)
Dave Benson Phillips

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:58, Reply)

Benson Phillips Trouser
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 10:13, Reply)
alright naked ape

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:16, Reply)
oh hahahahaha yeah

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:18, Reply)
That sounds well bent.

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:22, Reply)
it was good watching the people who didn't listen to the announcements look panicked as the train went back in the direction it had come from, but other than that, well bent bruv

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:25, Reply)
My bacon roll was the same price as always,
But served by a fatter greasier woman than normal. Take that as you will.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:27, Reply)
was she black?

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:30, Reply)
bit racist m8

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:30, Reply)
25% off manservants

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:53, Reply)
Well it wasn't in some black Friday deal, but I've treated myself to a new record anyway
Also, this may be of interest to M.P.S.J. Boyce Esq.: honestjons.com/shop/artist/The_J.B.s/release/These_Are_The_J.B.s
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 8:42, Reply)
we'll be celebrating independence day next year

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:01, Reply)
It's bad news for Stunned and McBoyce according to this scientific study:
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:07, Reply)
And they live is shit boroughs as well!
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:10, Reply)

It looks like a right riot and no mistake.
Stupid chavs maxing out their Luma Cards on a telly and a blender they dont need.

No ta.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:19, Reply)
Strike 'l' and it's just like OT.
we have a bender we don't need here.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:21, Reply)
everywhere needs a bender
it's EU quotas innit
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:23, Reply)
That Nige bloke would solve this madness

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:39, Reply)
I get the feeling that he'll royally fuck things up.
What I really don't understand about those figures is that the net migration is very high, whilst unemployment figures based on the number of people receiving benefits are falling. I doubt that job creation is at the level which would allow 260,000 immigrants as well as the unemployed to just simply fall into employment without causing some additional need in financial support, unless the argument that they're actually beneficial to our economy holds some weight.

At least politicians are happy enough to look into this and provide explanations in an effort to calm the extreme right-wing mindset that the country appears to have at the moment, rather than doing the whole knee-jerk anti-forrin thing.

Oh, wait....
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:47, Reply)
This is a country where millions watch "reality tv"
reasoned argument is a thing of the past.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:51, Reply)
Blanket ban on Channel 5 would help matters.
"Watch our new series where we follow a bunch of foreigners who have come to the UK with the sole intention of claiming benefits, with no intention of showing the hard working ones in the interests of balance."

Richard Desmond is a prize cunt.
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:55, Reply)
If it wasn't for migrant workers veg prices would double
most of the picking and cutting is done by Lithuanians/Latvians round here
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 10:01, Reply)
I hate that it has become an election issue
it has given the xenophobes and racists a platform to spout their bile under the blanket of "saving Britain"
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 10:10, Reply)
by declaring his own children eu immigrants and suggesting that eu immigrants could be deported
I mean ... my kids sometimes misbehave but that's a bit extreme ... doesn't he have a naughty step?
(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:50, Reply)
Maybe he's looking at it as a cheaper alternative to divorce.

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:53, Reply)
Well that's the last time I contribute to your dwindling threads, Jeff.

(, Fri 28 Nov 2014, 9:58, Reply)

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