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what are your thoughts for the Blomkamp led Alien film?
personally Im excited. I rather liked District 9 and his concept art is epic.
What are you excited for?

alt. Last thing you watched/read/listenedto and rate it please.
or dont.

altalt. Lunchies!!

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:29, 86 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Bent shit for homos
I don't know
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:34, Reply)

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:36, Reply)
I can't wait

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:37, Reply)
District 9 was excellent
"Nivvah torn you bik un o prown"

I'm excited for curry tomorrow. Not had one for fucking ages

I'm watching The Following with Kevin Werepig in at the moment. Its "quite good". I listened to Mad Season - Above this morning as I'd not heard it in years

Bagels with smoked cbeese and mango chutney
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:35, Reply)
alright, gonz

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:36, Reply)
Cheese and chutney doesn't go together at all, I know

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:37, Reply)
I wud nivvar av releetions width a fookin creature man

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:36, Reply)
How far into The following have you got?

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 15:20, Reply)
I'm looking forward to it. I think I missed the original fanboism for the first two films so I've enjoyed all their sequels. Including Prometheus.
So yeah, more of that sort of thing, decent scifi is a bit rare these days.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:36, Reply)
Prometheus was terrible wank

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:36, Reply)
That's getting a sequel as well

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:38, Reply)
I hope it's not terrible wank

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:40, Reply)
I thought it was ok, if you don't think about the plot holes/run sideways you pricks too much

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:42, Reply)
Ive enjoyed all the franchise too really.
Some people have hard ons for directors.
Ressurection was a bit teenage for me but it had some brilliant visuals
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:38, Reply)
I think it's best described as a goodish scifi film but a bad aliens film.
You can see the start of the Firefly style crew in Ressurection.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:41, Reply)
Resurrection was fucking terrible.
I had a special collection of directors cuts where each film started with the director explaining it. The french director of resurrection just said he was happy with the original cut and didn't do one. He just couldn't be fucked.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:42, Reply)
Joss Whedon wrote it and he said they kinda fucked up all his imaginings

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:44, Reply)
I watch Prometheus and immediately put it on again I was that sure I must have missed something
I hadn't, it really was that shit.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:47, Reply)
I really didn't think there'd be another Alien film tbh
If he can convincingly retcon it so that 3 and 4 didn't happen I'd be very happy indeed.
I'm excited about jumping off the wagon for a bottle of Rioja on Sunday night.

Watched: Kingsman A-, great stuff
Read: Niketown by Vern. B
Listened: An Introspective of House Vol2 in the car to work this morning. B+ would introspect again.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:36, Reply)
yeah I want to see Kingsman.
Loved the Kick ass films
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:38, Reply)
They happen in totally different years so you can just stick one in any of the various decades between the films.

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:41, Reply)
This ones going to be set after Aliens and after the next prometheus
Ridley Scott is producing.
It's got Ripley and Hicks in it. Have a look at the concept art.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:44, Reply)

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:45, Reply)
Alien 3 is a good film. The horror Alien movies are far superior to the Alien films with guns in.

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:49, Reply)
I too, rate Alien 3 and agree with your 'horror' statement

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:59, Reply)

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:38, Reply)
I'm excited about going home and sleeping in that massive new bed.
Alt: The last film I watched was 'Locke', a one-man show set in a single confined location, as such it demanded a powerful performance – and got it from a never-more-compelling Tom Hardy, I liked it but was sad when he died at the end.
I am also still enjoying the television series 'Whitechapel'

Altalt: Nuffink
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:39, Reply)
I quite liked Whitechapel
Not seen the new stuff though
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:42, Reply)
I'm starting Season 3 tonight maybe. I don't remember it being on normal telly. I have found quite a few things I've enjoyed on that Netflix

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:45, Reply)
I think it was on ITV or C4 and got cancelled but was picked up again

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:45, Reply)
I've got far too much stuff lined up to watch, it's getting out of hand, crow, i need help

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:47, Reply)
Get a tablet and download it for the journey to work
I use the Sky Go app or torrent stuff to watch
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:47, Reply)
I've got one that I watch BBC stuff on, but I don't really understand this torrenting bizniz

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:49, Reply)
I just use it to download shows I want to watch, is all

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:59, Reply)
Wait until they get made into books.

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:49, Reply)
I don't like book.

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:14, Reply)
I LOOOOOOOVES me some Tom Hardy

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:43, Reply)
I was listening to some Martyn 12 inches last night like a fucked old man house cunt

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:39, Reply)
he did a great mix for the fabric series

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:00, Reply)
What's you're fave emoji?
I love the nail varnish one.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:42, Reply)
Sounds well boring.
I'm excited about some good gigs coming up, but disheartened that I just had to turn down a support slot at one I'm going to next week.

Alt: Watched: my navel - it's hairy and full of fluff
Listened: Sleaford Mods album - it's sweary and full of laffs
Read: Flat Earth News - it's scary and full of chuff*

*it isn't either of those things, but artistic licence yeah?
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:44, Reply)
Cautiously optimistic
The script is guaranteed to be less pompous and windy than for Prometheus, and there might even be something approaching a convincing backstory.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:47, Reply)
Fuck that noise, who needs backstory when you can have guns strapped to other guns and cyborgs.

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:51, Reply)
The inclusion of a backstory will be an atrocious decision.
Every time a director or writer have tried to make sense of someone elses vision and include history and backstory, it inevitably turns out to be shit.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:55, Reply)
I don't think it's inevitable.
Even though the attempt made in Prometheus was shite.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:08, Reply)
I cannot think of a single project where someone other than the original writer / director has made a sequel
then attempted to include a backstory that wasn't shit.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:10, Reply)
Fair enough
I'll settle for lots of suspense and shadows and people being cored like apples with phallic tongues with teeth on the end.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:24, Reply)

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:25, Reply)
alt: Balamory, about a hour ago.
Incomprehensible madness. What does the BBC think it's playing at.
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:53, Reply)
why are you watching kids... oh.

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:30, Reply)
It's slim pickings now CEOPS are monitoring my internet connection

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 14:51, Reply)
come on internet, be less shit and dull
i'm excited for home time. come on home time.

alt: exhibition at the NPG. always good, always too full of tourist plebs.

altalt: went out with a colleague who is leaving to a turkish restaurant. FIT. (the food, not the colleague)
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 15:17, Reply)
10 more minutes

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 15:18, Reply)
be about 7 for me :(

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 15:19, Reply)
Still, worth it though eh?

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 15:21, Reply)
yep, it's pay day, woooo

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 15:28, Reply)
Well if London will insist on hogging all the cool free stuff you've got to learn to put up with us tourist plebs

(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 15:28, Reply)

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