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Evening prick thread.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:10, 195 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
I'm going ot have a sandwich.
Might watch some TV and shitpost on here.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:11, Reply)
You're the lord of beeta m8 , the gaylord lol classic bantz
dunno to everything else
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:15, Reply)
Go up the ladder to the roof, where we can be closer to Heaven.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:15, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:46, Reply)
*Something about "going up there."*

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:13, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:16, Reply)
Alreet Geordie?

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:16, Reply)
pub quiz night innit
Also, looking forward to a two day week next week!!!!!
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:20, Reply)
Hi I'd just like to let Frog and other people who care that I got home safely and didn't get mugged by any delinquent youths
Thank you for your time.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:21, Reply)
fuck off

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:25, Reply)
Phew! Hope you had a wonderful day.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:30, Reply)
My meeting finished early so I went for a pint anyway
Cheers 🍻
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:20, Reply)
I finished at 5, but went for a pint as well.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:21, Reply)
Good work
I'd do that every day if I didn't have kids
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:25, Reply)
A decent pint in a proper pub is a nice way of ending the working day.
I had a luvverly pint of Fosters in the Chav and Giro.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:26, Reply)
I had a nice pint of Hophead in the Bree Louise

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:30, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:46, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:46, Reply)
glad to hear it m8

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:58, Reply)
Going old school and having sausage, egg and chips for dinner.
Along with copious amounts of red wine in the knowledge that I have tomorrow off. 4 day weekends ftw!
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:53, Reply)
alright davvers

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:55, Reply)
Alright Dozers.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:57, Reply)
nice darts
I am ploughing thru a nice m & s petit Chablis and have some marks oven grub
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 18:59, Reply)
You are the anti-christ
Don't know what you want but you know how to get it etc..
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:21, Reply)
and that's what gets results!

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:33, Reply)
Supposed to be a non-drinking night tonight
but fuck it - ima crack open a bottle of wine

Might make a niçoise salad for tea.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:55, Reply)
sounds rubbish m8, sort your life out

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:56, Reply)
Actually, reading it back it does sound a bit rubish, yeah.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:26, Reply)
I had some wotsits and a can of lager because I know how to live.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:38, Reply)
been playing ukip cluedo
it was the immigrants, every time, everywhere.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 19:56, Reply)
You should watch question time now m8

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:08, Reply)
Sit down you Eton prick
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:13, Reply)
I am.
Cameron is a cunt, I vote Labour but I am going to vote Conservative.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:13, Reply)
He is, although I'm enjoying the angry audience.
I'll be drinking three 660ml bottles of San Miguel (£1.25 at tescos bargain fans) while watching and talking about these cunts.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:17, Reply)
I am one and a half bottles of wine gone.
I would bang Cameron right now.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:20, Reply)
Good job

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:27, Reply)
let's talk at 9.30 to see who we think won

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:28, Reply)
That checked shirt cunt called Cameron "mate"
Have some fucking respect for the Eton Prick.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:30, Reply)
barako barner probably

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:33, Reply)
I'm voting labour to cancel your vote out

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:21, Reply)
rather that than UKIP you South Coast racist.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:26, Reply)
They'll get my second vote since I have one vote for each address I have.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:28, Reply)
Is that an arrestable offense?

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:31, Reply)
Dunno, not my problem.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:32, Reply)
somewhere in milton keynes a dyslexic man is dialling 996.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:35, Reply)
Somewhere in York a man still dresses like its 1996

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:36, Reply)
too true m8

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:37, Reply)
as long as you vote UKIP down follekeystonee well away from my manor

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:31, Reply)
I'll probably switcheroo it and vote ukips in London and lib dem in Kent.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:32, Reply)
ain't no UKIP in the ville

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:34, Reply)
Fine I'll just vote republican or whatever

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:34, Reply)
Why doesn't anyone ever question the low tax ideas.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:15, Reply)
because their perfect and so dont need querying

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:16, Reply)
deficit it bad, everyone agrees with that.
Either cut spending, or increase taxes or a mixture, no parties have suggested raising taxes as a legit logical solution to it.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:19, Reply)
bunch of cowards.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:20, Reply)
you're right

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:21, Reply)
As always.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:27, Reply)
that's a parody right?
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:31, Reply)
The International Buisness Times is a very respected publication!

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:32, Reply)
and now you're wrong again

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:39, Reply)
Not my words, the words of IBTIMES

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:40, Reply)
I'm not even clicking it, you credulous dilwad.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:43, Reply)
willful ignorance

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:00, Reply)
London based beetaaanz
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:00, Reply)
or their cocks are too short

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:01, Reply)
or they're short sighted.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:03, Reply)
bit of a myopic outlook m8

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:05, Reply)
or their a tranny used to tucking their cock between their legs

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:05, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:06, Reply)
they're cock?

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:08, Reply)

You know what you did.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:09, Reply)
they are?
it was only a theory
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:12, Reply)
shut up

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:19, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:25, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:07, Reply)
That's tragic levels of fatness.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:05, Reply)
what cock said that?

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:09, Reply)
Innit doh
Fat cunts.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:11, Reply)
Milliband needs some sort of nasal surgery.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:39, Reply)
Milliband has fucking killed that EU referrendum question.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:50, Reply)
Just for clarity, the correct spelling is 'MILIB&'

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 20:58, Reply)
he'll be a shit priminister

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:00, Reply)
Bollocks, he's brilliant. He's going to under promise and over deliver. He just said so ON TELLY.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:01, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:08, Reply)
cleg cleg cleg cleg

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:02, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:05, Reply)
hahaha. genuine tears here.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:09, Reply)
delete this real name please

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:09, Reply)
Question Time needs more Alt: questions, they only ask one and get a couple of replies then start a new thread. Rubbish.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:08, Reply)
What did they have for lunch?

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:09, Reply)
Natalie Bennet wants to know the vegetarian option

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:12, Reply)

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:20, Reply)
Farage just said smelly tits

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:14, Reply)
That guy who thought he was being funny is a cunt, he should wake up ashamed about what he said tomorrow.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:14, Reply)
Clegg ain't got no 'bantz', I'm afraid he's not getting my votes.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:17, Reply)
sadly I think Cameron won that.
although whilst a bit pissy cleggy did OK
(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:38, Reply)
Chompy says milib& now I don't know who to vote for again

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:41, Reply)
I am going agin a lifetime and voting Tory.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:42, Reply)
You are dead to me.

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:43, Reply)
and me

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:46, Reply)
Cameron is a shit prime minister

(, Thu 30 Apr 2015, 21:54, Reply)

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