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Ah, the night is young!
How's your day been?
Hey V!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:50, Reply)

....so what's the question of the day?
You've been assigned 3 wishes but they can't be used on yourself. They're altruistic wishes.
What would you wish for and why?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:51, Reply)

Hey BK *hugs*
I'm good and now have my cheese! wooooooooo!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:54, Reply)

How've you been?
Right, putting my list of bits to do here, in the public eye, in the hope that doing so might focus me a bit.
Look into the trip to Canada
Find the number for the hospital
Chase useless friends for go karting money
Write my diary
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:55, Reply)

Wish 1)
I'd be the world's greatest lover. This is altruistic as it potential benefits a potential 3 billion people:P
Nah seriously:
1) I wish all organised religions would vanish
Can't think of anything else at the minute.
@Captain V
Feeling a bit better now - chest's not half as bad.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:57, Reply)

BK got better soon :p
Because I am so lovely. And I'd also wish for an open bar and a massive b3ta bash so everyone could get drunk and I'd wish for grass to be self cutting so no-one would have to mow the lawn again.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:10, Reply)

1) That the Mr Fusion in Back to the Future II was real. Being able to run cars on household waste would solve a hell of a lot of the world's problems.
2) That the US well and truly gets put in its place. They've been the school bully of the world for far too long, but the cracks are starting to show now.
3) That cheese plants grew real cheese. Nom nom nom
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:13, Reply)

Aww, that's sweet!
Thank you:)
I'm getting there.
Still smoking though.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:14, Reply)

1) that Dubya would disappear in a cloud of vaporized bullshit before he can do any more damage.
2) that the people who reaped all the benefits of the housing inflation would be the ones to pay money to the banks, rather than those of us who lived within our means.
3) that Scarlett Johansson would permanently give up wearing clothes.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:16, Reply)

he made me drink cider and Shots. Now I am very drunk, hurrah for b3ta!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:16, Reply)

....Rubberduck, Mr Fusion only powered the Flux capacitor. To run the car, you need petrol.
ARRRGGGHHH! I hate myself for saying that!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:20, Reply)

Ahh yes... But it would at least make electric cars viable. You could have a massively powerful electric motor and not need to worry too much about the range.
All that torque right from the bottom. Wheeee!!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:23, Reply)

What do you think of VW's "Bluemotion" technology? Do you reckon it can beat the Toyota Prius?
Personally, I like the Prius.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:30, Reply)

Yes to lentils.
1) for Mr Bin to have a job that makes him happy.
2) for some renewable alternative to be found to petrol.
3) for people to only be able to make a baby when they really really want one for the right reasons. This would be some magic change to peoples reproductive systems that would create an guaranteed pregnancy. No unwanted pregnancies. No need to be on the pill. No IVF and all the heartache that goes with it.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:37, Reply)

I think the Prius is technologically very clever. Unfortunately it's a very cack-handed way of solving the problem, to the extent that in the real world a diesel makes much more sense. It's good for reducing inner-city emissions, and that's about where the ball stops. In terms of dust-to-dust environmental cost, they're one of the worst cars around.
Personally, nothing would give me greater satisfaction than to see all the Prii (?) being crushed. Scrub that, crush them all with their smug owners still in them. I've only ever driven one car I hate more, and that's the Audi A4.
VW Bluemotion is along the right lines (same as Ford Econetic). Concentrate on getting the best efficiency out of what you've got first before you resort to bulky, expensive, dirty and heavy battery packs, electric motors, inflated senses of self-righteousness etc.
Sorry for the rant. I admire the Prius from a technological viewpoint, but that's where it ends. I've only just scratched the surface of how much I hate them :)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:39, Reply)

The third one's a good one.
No baby chavs! Yay!
I would have just said sterilise all chavs. Your solution is less fascist. Nicely done!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:41, Reply)

Does that count as genocide? All hail the TGB Reich.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:43, Reply)

It just sickens me to see people who are so fecund that they just make babies for the extra benefits when there are couples who would, and almost do, give anything for a baby.
Solved in one stroke.
*edit* not TGB Reich. I'd be shot for putting a comma in the wrong place.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:44, Reply)

Who would we laugh at if there were no chavs?
Midgets maybe?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:45, Reply)

putting aside the smug owners (you can't do anything about it), I think hybrids are the way forward.
Diesels (especially German ones) seem to miss the point for me. What always get's swept under the carpet, is the extra engineering which goes into a diesel (re-enforced engine and engine block, urea injection into the exhaust, etc) which negates the extra "effort" which goes into a hybrid.
Not to mention the emissions are better on a hybrid (i.e less unburnt hydrocarbons, less, NOx and less carbon monoxide).
But, that's what I think. Personally, I hope someone mates a hybrid powertrain with a diesel powertrain. THAT'S when we'll see some better results! :O)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:45, Reply)

Probably some some of indicator that was automatic to stop me murdering people in a fit of uncontrollable road rage.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:46, Reply)

1. Hydrogen fuel cells to be developed to such an extent that it means that Saudi Arabia can return to its much deserved obscurity as a backwards-camelling fcuking sh!thole. Ahem.
2. Human evolution to advance to such an extent that genetic diseases die out
3. Humanity to understand the meaninglessness of war
Fcuk me. I sound like a Miss World contestant.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:47, Reply)

the Prius is the sodding batteries. What the shit do you do with them when the car is all done with?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:48, Reply)

How about we vastly cull the chav population and then have various "Running Man" type games with the rest of the to provide entertainment?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:48, Reply)

Assuming that the battery dies out (there are cars in North America being used as taxis which are still going strong) they can be sold back to Toyota. There's a £1000 bounty on each battery, because they can be reconditioned.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:50, Reply)

Edmund genetic disease are often caused by mutations in the genome.. which is what is required for evolution.
So that is a bit of a catch 22. Also the whole natural selection thing...
If I was having a sensible wish it would be for religions to fuck off out Third World Counties and instead have comprehensive and free advice on birth control and STD/I's
and duckies cheeseplants. Good call!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:53, Reply)

And even more blousy than before : )
I had a wonderful week off.
I ate crap and drank far too much and flitted about this fair land with a merkin in tow and generally had a fun time.
Hands up who missed me.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:53, Reply)

Now you're back you can tell everyone how fantastic my biscuits were.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:55, Reply)

That's what people don't think about with hybrids - what do you do when the battery is conked after 7-8 years, but the rest of the car is OK?
I think there is a future for hybrids, but not with electric motors. A great proportion of the energy consumed by a car in traffic is starting off after being stopped. That's why I've been doing a great deal of research into flywheel hybrids (like the ones at www.flybridsystems.com). On paper at least, the gains are in the region of an electric hybrid but without the environmental costs.
Oh, and Stiggy, diesel/electric hybrids work well (look at railway locomotives) - they even work well in a car too, but they don't deliver anything like the gains over a petrol/electric hybrid that you'd expect. This is partly due to the fact that most petrol hybrids use the Atkinson cycle rather than the Otto cycle of a normal petrol engine. The Atkinson cycle is much closer to a diesel in terms of efficiency than the Otto cycle in the first place, so the gains you see by using a diesel engine in the hybrid aren't quite as you'd expect.
Right. That's it for my car geekery for one evening...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:56, Reply)

I think I can speak for the Loon as well as myself when I say that....
Your biscuits kick ass!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:58, Reply)

Can I be bothered to cook me an all day breakfast. Or shall I just have a bacon and egg toasted sandwich?
All these and more answered later in "The big dinner debate"
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:59, Reply)

I delivered him safe and sound and on time at Manchester airport and then got stuck in the airport car park because of a problem with the machine eating my ticket.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:00, Reply)

I was worried that the box might get crushed, but brown paper and string looked so nice.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:02, Reply)

Then the conclusion I am left to draw is that you either have accidentally sewn your nostrils together, or have a cold :)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:02, Reply)

one more comment and that's it! :O)
Citroen has produced a diesel-hybrid and they reckon it can work and be economically viable. So, let's hold fire until they release it. :O)
Mrs Liveinabin,
In case you missed it earlier:
1. I'd be extremely surprised if the battery conked out (there are car being used as taxis in North America which are still running fine).
2. If a battery did conk out, you sell it back to Toyota, because there's a £1000 bounty on each one. They can even recondition your current battery and put it back in your car.
It's a big misconception about hybrids....probably by the diesel marketing board! ;O)
anyway back to "3 wishes" drivel....! :O)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:03, Reply)

I'm a bit wiped out, but I made it at least...
I've been introducing people over here to John Cooper Clarke. I played "Twat" for the woman I share an office with, and she giggled and said "Gawd that's harsh!"
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:04, Reply)

I did read what you said about the Prius batteries and forgot to reply.
I was not aware of that, makes it better I guess.
*edit* although it's not about the batteries conking out, when the car finally dies, as all do. What happens then, will Toyota still have them back?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:05, Reply)

The box they came in was lovely : )
And yes, it was me that introduced the Loon to John Cooper Clarke.
America may never be the same again.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:07, Reply)

When the car conks out, you go and get another one. Just like you would if ANY car conks out! :O)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:09, Reply)

They were Chocolate Drops, All Butter Cherry Whirls and Anzacs.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:09, Reply)

but what happens to it?
The batteries have to go somewhere.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:10, Reply)

I hope you got back safe, because you've just flown into a world of economic trouble!
I've just heard that House of congress have voted down the bailout package and the Dow Jones has fallen flat on its backside!
Even the Republicans refused to back Dubya's plans!
@ Mrs liveinabin
Toyota will take the batteries back, recondition them and sell them as such. Trust me, there's too much valuable material in those batteries for them to be thrown away! :O)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:12, Reply)

Getting over a bit of a chest infection but it's much better.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:16, Reply)

introduced me to John Cooper Clarke via "Twat", and now I'm introducing others to him.
I can tell I'm going to have to order some CDs...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:17, Reply)

The cherry whirls were my favorite.
I'm back at the gym tomorrow to undo all the damage I've done over my week off : (
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:18, Reply)

Been a bit under the weather the last few weeks
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:22, Reply)

I hadn't looked at CNN lately. Interesting.
I'm of mixed feelings about this. On the one hand it's going to raise all kinds of economic hell if things melt down that badly- but on the other hand, we're already in a world of debt thanks to Dubya's foreign policy of "Yee-Haw!" Adding this tax burden to us would have been extremely bad. Besides, those of us who have lived within our means and have good credit should not have to bail out the banks that pushed credit onto those that they knew would be unable to pay.
I'm scared, but at the same time I'm somewhat relieved that a load of hastily cobbled together legislation didn't go through. I'd rather they sat back and thought about it first.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:27, Reply)

Christmas stuff in from the beginning of the month FFS
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:32, Reply)

and sending me christmas e-cards earlier.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:34, Reply)

*Distracts Al with this link*
Why my mate thought I wanted to look at this is beyond me
Angelina is smoking hot though
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:37, Reply)

You minx!
Why you posted that in my permanently frustrated and horny state....
See you in 5.
*limps out*
*slams door...*
*...on cock*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:40, Reply)

I think I saw the last set of triplets on some scientific study of twins on the beeb a while back....
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:48, Reply)

I'm in a state of constant arousal at the moment.
It's getting very annoying.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:52, Reply)

Despite the fact that TGB isn't on the list of top celebs ... Scarlett. Yummy.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:56, Reply)

I don't want to start rotating.
If I went off you would be as shocked as that pic on your profile:D
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:01, Reply)

at the minute.
One kind word could get them gooey:(
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:04, Reply)

Think more along the lines of....
...end of Ghostbusters II.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:06, Reply)

I can't remember how that ends
Is it "slime"?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:10, Reply)

Er, yes.
I think I've been guilty of oversharing:(
Sorry everyone.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:17, Reply)

Given the pseudo scientific bolox in Ghostbusters, I'm trying to make up a joke about the LHC in regards to this...
Circle jerk, perhaps?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:19, Reply)

a whole new meaning in the current topic of conversation :|
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:19, Reply)

Ooh look, a kitten!
*legs it*
*slams door on cock again*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:20, Reply)

Is there no Mrs BK?
(sorry if I'm being horridly blunt and rubbing salt in wounds)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:35, Reply)

How is everyone?
I've just had an exhausting hour long phone conversation with Mr VP about him coming back to Wiltshire and us settling here for a while.
It was a loooooooooooooong talk.
And now I'm frantically turning my room upside down as I've misplaced my NI card and need it for tomorrow!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:38, Reply)

I lost mine when my purse was stolen in 1994 and never needed it since.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:39, Reply)

Proof of my NI number and as I haven't worked in a while I don't have any stupid wage slips. (what are these things called wages that everyone talks about anyway? They sound similar to the mythical money that I don't believe exists).
I have an interview tomorrow with a temping agency and I guess they want proof I am a real person. My godawful passport photo certainly won't prove that.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:40, Reply)

In a fit of tidiness my mother has filed everything away. She gave me some paper proof of it the other week and I have lost it. OOps.
On the plus side I have just found one of my favourite pairs of pants hiding under the bed.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:43, Reply)

I think they were. I've put them in for washing though as they were dusty.
My dog has a tendency to hide things.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:45, Reply)

If you're currently in receipt of benefits they'll have this information so you might have the information there?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:45, Reply)

I am a benefitless, paperless, NI numberless person.
I'm starting to doubt my own existance!
Al - they aren't exciting pants, but they are bloody comfy. Hence them being a favourite.
Funny you should pop up when underwear comes into conversation! ;p
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:46, Reply)

... could tell them ...
I Am Not A Number I Am A Free Person!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:51, Reply)

It holds fond memories of my sporadic drug abuse and was much more classy than using a credit card. I lick it now and then just to remind myself what a twat I was.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:51, Reply)

I've still got mine actually.
Still in pretty good nick actually.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:53, Reply)

but I don't think many people employ numbers.
Where on earth have I put that bloody thing?!
I'm such a muppet.
BGB - Nothing wrong with a bit of sporadic drug use!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:54, Reply)

being a 'badge of honour' at school. Proof that you were 16 and LEGAL
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 21:59, Reply)

May not have actually been sporadic and I don't regret the experiences, just the waste of money.
I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone!
Yes, I know it's only 10pm but I read for quite a while in bed.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:00, Reply)

Yeah, drugs are bloody expensive aren't they?
Well some of them are anyway.
In a new twist to the NI plot, looks like mum filed the card as well.
She's so sneaky.
Edit - Night BGB! Sweet dreams!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:01, Reply)

Do you have anything from your university with your NINo on it?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:02, Reply)

I took the NI card as a badge of honour too!
Couldn't buy fags with it though!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:03, Reply)

I don't think so. I've never really needed it before.
Mum is rootling around in the "office" looking for it now. Damn her and her filing.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:04, Reply)

for suggesting that the film poster for the film Mongol would be a good basis for being photoshopped and also giggling like a school girl.
"British Rail enquiries? How much for a ticket to Hull?"
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:04, Reply)

Do you have any brothers/sisters?
The numbers are nearly always sequential within siblings, so the oldest child gets e.g AA 12 34 56 A, then the next child gets AA 12 34 57 B, then the next would get AA 12 34 58 C etc.
It's not always the case, but 95% of the time it is...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:05, Reply)

The invention of the devil.
I hate it - and I suck at it.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:05, Reply)

If so does that mean that the number after mine is waiting just in case Mother lets Father get within ten feet of her and I have a brother or sister?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:07, Reply)

I am an only child and I am pretty sure mine ends in D? Unless my mum isn't telling me something...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:09, Reply)

I do indeed but they need paper proof of my number.
No-one in their right mind would believe my crazy sister walking in and confirming it's me.
She is crazy.
In a good way though.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:10, Reply)

I dunno really - it's just something I noticed. I don't know if it's true all the time mind...
I also accidentally uncovered a skeleton in the closet of my ex's family with this method. I noticed that her dad's number ended in C when I was doing his tax return for him. I commented that this was unusual given that he only had one older brother. It was then that her grandma (who was in the room at the time) confessed to the older sister he never knew he had, who died before he was born.
Needless to say, the atmosphere was a little strange that afternoon...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:10, Reply)

but she said it much better.
Also the last letter changes randomly. Never worked out why.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:11, Reply)

But my old boss used to have difficulty adjusting to company name changes so used to file things under old company names, like 10 -15 years ago.
Having to memorise the genealogy of numerous companies just so I could find a fucking file was not fun.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:12, Reply)

He claims that he rolled over in his sleep once and she wouldn't let him get that close again in case they made another one of me!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:13, Reply)

Mine is definitely D though.
I think I need to go scream. The guy who is supposed to be running a forum I am join admin on doesn't appear to have validated any new members for months.
*naughty words, blue air*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:16, Reply)

I have found paper proof. I can now apply for a new card.
Panic over people!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:20, Reply)

A song just came on Winamp by a band called Clutch and the song was titled "Goat Warfare"
I thought of you.
Good news Lucy :)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:21, Reply)

My darling mother has described my passport photos as "eastern bloc murderess-esque".
She's right as well.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:25, Reply)

My drivers license is "chav-tastic" according to my friends *cries*
I look fairly normal in my passport one :p
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:25, Reply)

Oh noes!
That is a dangerous combination.
Have some green vegetables. Nom.
Or iron tablets if it's easier.
Would a hug be helpful? Not nutritionally valuable but good all the same.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:32, Reply)

i'll be having weetabix with lamb and apricots for breakfast. Also, iron tablets are not in the correct form for the body to break down and use.
And more FACT.
LvP- my mates not fucking each other would help. But a hug is more realistic, thank you x
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:33, Reply)

Has low iron levels as well and she's rubbish at taking her tablets.
I force feed her spinach. ha.
@MM - I read that about your friends. I'm sorry it's such a gash situation.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:35, Reply)

Broccoli had a higher iron content than spinach?
EDIT: obviously they lied to me
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:36, Reply)

the whole myth is because someone accidentally got a decimal place wrong. And peas have more iron than broccoli, according to Suggs.
EDIT: wikipedia Popeye the Sailor Man has a strong affinity for spinach, becoming much stronger after consuming it. This is partially due to the iron content being mistakenly reported ten times the actual value, a value that was rechecked during the 1930s, where it was revealed that the original German scientist had misplaced a decimal point in his calculations. In truth, spinach actually has about the same iron content as a lot of other vegetables, and even less than others. Cooked broccoli and cauliflower, for example, have almost double the iron content of spinach.[citation needed]
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:37, Reply)

I googled that and am not impressed.
It's a bloody bad photo though. A man on the Easyjet plane did a double take and sniggered at me.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:38, Reply)

well the second link is apparently from 2005 so you would have thought they would have corrected it if it was wrong!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:39, Reply)

Broccoli is the best vegetable ever. Nom. I could eat it forever.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:39, Reply)

On bended knee, I offer my most humble apologies and beg your mercy.
I DID manage to get sniggered at with an eight year old passport picture in Geneva some while ago though.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:40, Reply)

Whats the number one fact then? ?I love crap facts.
Edmund - I may forgive you. I should really, the photo is super awful.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:44, Reply)

Mercury is both the hottest and coldest planet in the solar system as it's the only planet in the solar system that doesn't spin on it's axis, meaning that one side is constantly facing the sun and one is constantly facing away from it.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:48, Reply)

My brain just went all empty of fact. They may appear sporadically as they come back.
may not actually have a list
oooh an office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:48, Reply)

In consideration of your forgiveness and mercy I shall provide either jelly babies.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:50, Reply)

Four planets in the solar system have naturally occurring "rings".
Jupiter (containing effluvia from the volcanoes of Io)
Uranus (vertical rings - very unusual, very cool)
Plus, Rhea (a Saturnian moon) also has rings. Also cool.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:53, Reply)

Ooh leggy leggy me.
Right I'm off to bed too. I've tired myself out searching like a tit for that bloody piece of paper.
I shall return in the morning!
Sweet dreams all!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 22:53, Reply)

or serving spaghetti bolognaise at a dinner party
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 23:06, Reply)

you mean taped up squirrels, and by your naked body you mean launched into the air on the breath of a fanny fart, then yes.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 23:15, Reply)

I shall let you be.
I have to go and read scripts now. But I made /board people put up seams horses, and they are funny.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 23:28, Reply)

A state I never want to be in.
Unfortunately just heading off to bed as well.
Have an early class tomorrow.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 23:59, Reply)

that I most certainly am awesome myself. Why this evening I ironed a shirt in preparation of having to work in London tomorrow. Although I've completely failed to go to bed early so I will be zombified tomorrow morning.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 0:23, Reply)

Been heaving a van-load of wood around most of tonight, so I'm fucking knackered.
My body is, anyway.
My brain's awake, so just doing some design work :)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 0:24, Reply)

Gotta build a stage first.
That's for tomorrow night though.
And Thursday. And Friday.
I'm gonna be a state by the weekend.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 0:28, Reply)

You've been heaving wood, huh-huh-huh.
Sorry, I watched a Beavis & Butthead DVD this evening.
Night Kaol. Night ancrenne, good luck with the cravings.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 0:29, Reply)

looked at me aghast when I told him I hadn't possessed an iron for about ten years.
But I've never needed to... I'm not sure why, maybe I just THINK my clothes flat... I never look crumpled.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 0:40, Reply)

I did some cleaning work for a large and messy family last year. They had disabled twin girls and there was a LOT of laundry to do. I rejoiced when my employer said to me "I believe ironing is a pointless waste of life".
Bah... I should really go and do some stuff... the ex is coming over tomorrow and I can't let it look like I've let the housework go in his absence. Besides I have to get up early so I have time to primp myself in preparation, as I will obviously be attempting to seduce him.
In other news, this made me laugh rather a lot.
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 0:53, Reply)

Petrol can taint the taste of your food, and is also more likely to "mushroom" when you light it.
Like in that video I showed you :)
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 1:07, Reply)

Ms. A.
I'm going to bed too, really sleepy.
Night anyone-who's-left!
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 1:17, Reply)

And ancrenne - sorry I missed you, but yeah, and thanks *hugs*
*eats chips and gherkins at no-one*
( , Tue 30 Sep 2008, 1:20, Reply)
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