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I'm a little perturbed....
I'm afraid to say I find Sarah Palin quite sexy.

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 12:55, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I do as well, but she's still a scary bitch.

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 12:59, Reply)
Your both very sick men and need electrodes attaching to your genitals for aversion therapy.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:05, Reply)
Well, Caribou Barbie is quite hot.
She's very pretty physically- she's just a mentalist, is all. So if you could replace her fucked up personality with someone else, she'd be very appealing- but as it is, she's best when the TV is muted.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:08, Reply)
Oh dear god, no!
The woman is evil!

*sticks to Supernanny*
*not like that*
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:09, Reply)
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:13, Reply)
It's worse than that.
When she was younger, Ann Coulter was hot as well.

Like I said, if you could just wipe out their personalities and replace them with humans...
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:18, Reply)
Sarah Palin
America's answer to Ruth Kelly.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:21, Reply)
David Coulthard in make-up
if she lived 2000 miles south she would be trailer trash, rather than being igloo trash.

triple bagger, one for her, one for me, and a spare in case one fell off
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:22, Reply)
totally dig
and for you ney-sayers,the psycho personality is a turn-on
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:28, Reply)
'fraid so
I hate myself for it, but I can't help it.

I have a huge crush on Tina Fey too. So those SNL sketches send me all kinds of peculiar.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:29, Reply)
You're not alone...
She is rather shaggable looking. I've heard her referred to as Governor MILFalicious''
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:32, Reply)
For that matter
within a day or so of it being announced, someone set up www.vpilf.com and put up pics of her.

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:34, Reply)
i too have a big thing for tina fey : maybe it's the successful woman in glasses thing
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:37, Reply)
I think you all need to get out and get laid more.
It's playing havoc with your babe-ometers.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:47, Reply)
Oh come now, BGB.
You're the one with the thing for George Clooney, ffs.

That would be like me having the hots for Fran Drescher in her Nanny guise.

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:52, Reply)
That is sooooooooooooo not the same thing.

What me and George have is special and I will not let you sully his name or suave sophisticated good looks.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:57, Reply)
Nice to look at
But my gawd, her voice... it grates on me like the greatest greater grater that ever grated something which needed grating.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 13:58, Reply)
Have you
heard about the porn film:
'Who's Nailin' Paylin?'
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 14:09, Reply)
Go look at
the site I posted above- they have a snippet of the new pr0n film, "Nailin' Paylin". What I saw of it was laughably horrid, but the girl at least got her voice right.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 14:10, Reply)
To my eternal shame
so do I.

Not really debating-society-level discussion from me there, but there you go.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 14:46, Reply)
She reminds me
of the stereotypes MILFHunter 'finds' in normal places.

I may have just admitted to something
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 15:50, Reply)
To be fair
I would...
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 15:52, Reply)
@ Ethelred
I'm shocked.
(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 16:01, Reply)

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