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Wot no evenin' thread?
Is that because I am the only person sad enough to be in on a Friday night? *sads*

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:08, 206 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Good Evening
TGB and congratulations on the new job. Loving the tapestry of BASIC above!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:10, Reply)
I'll be darned

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:11, Reply)
Hello Mrs B
Just checked the picture, btw - great gropin' action.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:12, Reply)
Don't worry badger
I'm all sad and indoors too. Got my work Christmas party tomorrow and a date on Sunday so it's not too bad.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:14, Reply)
Thanks Edmund
Hello Mrs B. I'm being supersad and watching the Xfactor as I missed it last week. *wallows in sad glees*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:14, Reply)
Ooh TGB got jobbed!
What're you doing with yourself?

And evening ppl. Waiting for daughter to return from swimming with a Stella and some Wii. Rock and roll.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:14, Reply)

And No3l! Were you all lurking waiting for an evening thread?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:14, Reply)
*gropes back*
I can't believe you're watching X factor. You should be ashamed of yourself.

:edit: No3l don't you mean waiting for her to come back with stella that tastes like wii? And before you go suggesting anything yes it's sordid but I know what stella tastes like from first hand experience.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:15, Reply)
*shakes head at V*
I have no shame. Did you not gather this?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:16, Reply)
I have no shame
Yes I still wouldn't watch X factor. I'm sorry for your loss (of sanity).
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:18, Reply)
I don't care
I like it. I want JLS to win they are awesome :)

NOt as awesome as Mario love song man but... a close second :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:20, Reply)
Stella's alright.

I put a slug of lemonade in the top to man it up a bit :)

I was kinda lurking.

And I just found out one of my old school friends and work colleagues is a QOTW lurker. Is it worrying that my first thought was 'Uh-oh!'
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:21, Reply)
Your lips are moving
But all I'm hearing is gibberish =p

(I'll stop being mean now)
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:21, Reply)
Hey Badger, congrats on the job
what are you going to be doing?

Hey everyone, I'm being sad and having a night in as I'm knackered from a day of trekking around North london/Herts and filling in forms. On the plus side I enrolled for college and they have chickens and sheeps there which is vastly different to when I last went to college - film school.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:22, Reply)
I think that's standard

I was on b3ta a while back and my dad popped round and went "oooh b3ta what's that? Looks good!"

I said if he ever started reading it I would have to kill him. He still doesn't like the fact I drink lots, we both pretend I don't smoke I don't think he needs to know about everything else I get up to!!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:22, Reply)
Woo Becky!
It's admin stuff mainly but with updating the website and going around the country with the awards side of it :D

Also are you going to London next week? I may haz someting for you!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:24, Reply)
What else DO you get up to?
And for christ's sake woman, what's the new job!?


Edit: oh... ok :)
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:24, Reply)
Heya becky
Nowt wrong with sad nights in. We all need them once in a while and they're always nice and relaxing.

@TGB You should bring him to a bash, perhaps the 20th. I'm sure he'd find us all delightful company!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:25, Reply)
I can haz big fat tummy
full of curry and beer.

I too am watching X Factor. But that's Mrs Als fault.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:26, Reply)
I'd bring him V apart from:
The person I am crashing at probably wouldn't appreciate my dad there

I would have to smoke super slyly

He would see the kind of people I associate with

I would actually die
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:27, Reply)
Ooh, touring the country for awards stuff sounds cool
Yeah I'll be at the 20th and Ooh for what it might be :)

I got my secret santa yesterday from another forum I use and promptly started crying as she'd put so much effort into making it exactly everything I could want - I'm sure she went over budget - god I'm a wibbler sometimes!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:28, Reply)
Are you sure
the person you crash with wouldn't try and do your dad TGB?

Hi Becky!

*waves a lot*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:29, Reply)
Perhaps not such a good idea then!

:edit: If it helps TGB your Dad could come back to mine with me. I've only got a single bed but I'm sure he'd appreciate my spooning skills.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:31, Reply)
V stop hitting on my dad!
Becky I'm not sure this is everything you could ever have wanted... but it is pretty damn good! It wasn't in stock for your actual birthday though :(
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:34, Reply)
I'm not hitting on your Dad
Note my sig. I'm quasi sexual not one of them bi or homosexuals!

I'm getting all excited about the 20th again *runs around*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:35, Reply)
Why am I being ignored
eh? EH?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:37, Reply)
*showers Al with attention*
It's Al! WOOOOOO AL!!!!! *hugs, snogs, gropes*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:38, Reply)
that's better.

*settles down onto a crushed velvet chaise longue*

Somebody bring me some peeled grapes

*looks at Captain V*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:39, Reply)
You'll get no such thing from me
*thrusts cock into Al's face*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:42, Reply)
this will do.

*peels cock*

*bites hard*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:44, Reply)
*exits thread stage left*
I didn't need to see that
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:45, Reply)
Yea...that's the....shit

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:45, Reply)
*licks Al*
You better not be spending lots of money on me Badger, s'not allowed *nods*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:46, Reply)
Nope cheap and cheerful
It is also going to be the standard TGB B3ta Birthday present. I showed it to a b3tan and they thought it was suitably awesome :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:48, Reply)
what are people doing this weekend?

I've got my ma and pa and sister and her bloke and mrs al's ma and pa coming round tomorrow night for dinner.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:51, Reply)
I'm lounging
Have to see my grandad Saturday but I get a free meal out of it!

I should also sort my washing out and take it round to Mama Badger's :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:52, Reply)
Your mum
does your laundry? Some people have it rather easy.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:54, Reply)
I don't have a washing machine
and she offers to do it...

*loves Mama Badger lots and lots*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:55, Reply)
Fair enough
Mummys are ace like that.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:57, Reply)
How are you lot of lovely people this fine winters evening?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:57, Reply)
Mama Badger
has recently admitted the word "cunt" is (in her words) "fucking awesome"

Dok! *huggles*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:58, Reply)
This weekend
Tonight: Mooching
Tomorrow: Having a lazy morning, might try to get a few bits done then work Christmas party in the evening
Sunday: Recovering from said Christmas party and a date later in the day.

I think it's time to grab a can of scrumpy jack's out of the fridge and decide how best to go about mooching.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 20:59, Reply)
It is a Fucking Awesome Word
But i wouldn'y use it in front of anybodies mum.

*huggles back*

EDIT V get one for me while you're at it. I'll stay here and entertain your date!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:00, Reply)
I'm heading over to see my mum tomorrow
to sort through more admin type stuff, then a party in the evening. Sunday no plans as yet, so I suspect it'll be half reading books for work and half watching House if the weather's crap...if it's nice I'll go for a wander on the South bank and take photos :)

Edit: Cheap and cheerful is good and I'm most intrigued now me dear!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:00, Reply)
This weekend
I shall be mostly doing shopping. All weekend!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:02, Reply)
I would never
use the word cunt in front of mummythegeordie. She would be most upset.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:02, Reply)
Another date V?
ooooooooooh *noses*

Al I think Frankie Boyle and his excessive use of it has swayed her
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:02, Reply)
My date is on b3ta. Oh no...

*hands Dok a can*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:02, Reply)
Halp halp halp halp halp.

I just clicked the jarsquatter link in the newsletter.

Why did I do it? I read the thing about mind bleach and clicked it anyway. Why?

There is no mind bleach strong enough :( Someone please send me a gun.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:03, Reply)
*huggles tightly*

there there have a badger hug and please don't go near any guns

I need my Fuzzy :(
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:04, Reply)
Fuzzy I'm going to click the link because of youq
*prepares his shotgun*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:06, Reply)
I heard
about that today. It sounds utterly horrific.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:06, Reply)
Cheers Buddy
Nope I was going to come and see her for you!

I think every body should go and click my post because it is the main reason I'll be going to hell!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:07, Reply)
Aww *huggles badgerkins*
Thank you, that helps :) Hooray for badgers!

My day has been generally quite pants and I still have many things to do tonight before I can rest and relax, and I allowed myself to read the newsletter as a little bit of indulgence to cheer myself up... And now b3ta has borked my head :/

On the plus side I think I am now borked enough to tip over into hysteria, which I always enjoy. Care to join me?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:09, Reply)
That's worse than 2 girls 1 cup multiplied by goatsee squared.

Why wasn't he screaming in agony?!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:10, Reply)
Hysteria sounds good
shall I bring wine?

We can snuggle up in your bed with the yummy electric blanket and drink wine and nom chocolate and look at fluffy internet kittens
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:10, Reply)
Aw Fuzzy
You still not feeling right?

Have some *AWESOME HUGS* to help you get better.

And the rest of you can have some plain old *hugs* as well
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:12, Reply)
Hysteria is fucking superb
Track 3 is just brilliant, but pretty much the whole album is made of win.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:14, Reply)
Wine and hysteria and sunggling and chocolate and internet kittehs, all in the magic warm bed!

I got a new winter quilt the other day and a throw so soft it feels like it's made from the soft underbellies of kittums too :)

Cap'n, you'd better join us, take your mind off what you've just seen.

Dok, my kidneys feel better but my cold is horrid and I'm all weak and feeble.


EDIT: Al, yes it is :) Full of win!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:15, Reply)
Was much of a Def Leppard fan myself, too rap for my tastes.

EDIT, poor Fuzzy, you sound like you need the milk tray man to come sweeping in and leave you chocolates!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:16, Reply)
*snuggles up to Fuzzy*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:17, Reply)
A blankey made of kittum
would be awesome. Do yo think you could get a big sheet and tie hundreds of kittums to it and wrap yourself in it. That would be ace.

Although it would poo everywhere wouldn't it.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:17, Reply)
*wanders in*
Hmmm...bit fluffy in here tonight.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:19, Reply)
Fuck off!
*pokes Clendrix with a stick*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:20, Reply)
Oh sweet jesus
that's a horrible video. Needs eye/brain/ear bleach

Edit: Hey clenders, watch this, it's fluff tastic ,)

Edit2: No don't save yourself while you still can
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:20, Reply)
This will clear the fluff if you've not already seen it.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:21, Reply)
Don't link to it here!
I don't want to see it. Why would anyone want to see it!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:23, Reply)
That would be bad, it'd be easier to shave the kittums first!

Hi Drixy, you good tonight my dear?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:23, Reply)
I think
my blankie is made from shaved kittums. Or rather the fluff from shaved kittums... a shaved kittum blankie would be weird and naked and wriggly.

For the love of god, anyone who is considering watching jarsquatter DON'T DO IT.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:24, Reply)
I haven't
see 2 girls, goatsee or lemonparty and I don't plan on seeing that.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:25, Reply)
What's lemonparty?
as in describe it, don't link it or post it.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:27, Reply)
Join the club
I've seen none of them either!

Drixy, for the love of bob don't watch it! If you do, you'l need Lil' Kaol to scrub it from your mind!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:27, Reply)
You are wise, badger
Clenders, all the fluffeh kittum talk was to bleach our minds of the unfluffehness of that link, which for the love of god DON'T CLICK if I didn't make it clear enough already :)

EDIT: Dok, you are wise also
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:28, Reply)
That was hilarious! What a moron. And what was up with that weird chest hair?

Al, how dare you prod me with that stick...only once.

Edit: oops, I mean yuk, how dreadful.
*watches it again*
*laughs again*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:28, Reply)
I *think*
it's old gay men?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:28, Reply)
*keeps prodding*

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:29, Reply)
Oh poo
look at the time :( I have lots of things to do...

Also, can anyone give me inspiration? I want to print out a couple of funny pics to make birthday cards for my mum and my brother... my googling is proving fruitless.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:31, Reply)
I just googled and looked at lemonparty.


Fuzzy! Warning - the above statement was not a suggestion for you!
For the love of god don't paste lemonparty onto a card for your mum.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:31, Reply)

*prods more*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:33, Reply)
I know Clenders, I've seen it :)

Although I did just google it again and there are lots of funny takes on it which made me giggle... my mum would prolly giggle less than me though...
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:35, Reply)
three naked old men on a bed, two are kissing and the third is sucking on a dick.

Aah, there's something quite sweet about it.

Fuzzy, it's the accompanying song I love!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:35, Reply)
Why did you tell me that!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:36, Reply)
Go and look at it Al.
Go on.
You know you want to.

Do you want me to paste it here?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:37, Reply)
*bangs head against wall*
I just tried goggle imaging again in one last half hearted effort to find something to inspire a card... I thought maybe I had been too specific before, so I just googled "cards".

This is what I got: images.google.co.uk/images?gbv=2&hl=en&q=cards&btnG=Search+Images

(I promise it's not anything nasty like old men sucking each other!)

EDIT: which song Clenders?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:37, Reply)
I just saw it
Why is it called lemonparty then? It's quite funny mind.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:38, Reply)
I'm watching Batman Returns
Michelle Pfeiffer in PVC - WIN! :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:39, Reply)
I think you need to be a bit more specific!

Oh Badger I love that film, can I come and watch it as well?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:40, Reply)
Jimmy Soul's Happy for the Rest of your Life
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty women your wife
Go for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:42, Reply)
I'm gonna head off now folks
Have a good one people.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:42, Reply)
*pats sofa*
get me another strongbow on your way in though Dok!

Bye Al!! *snogs*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:42, Reply)
Bye Al

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:42, Reply)
That's so wrong on many different levels!

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:42, Reply)
*hands Badger Strongbow*

*snuggles up on sofa*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:45, Reply)
and kills the thread?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:58, Reply)
Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting the lyrics were in any way linked to my own philosophies on relationships and marriage.

Just the tune's good, is all.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:59, Reply)
The 20th
What time are you lovely people going to be getting to the pub? I'm trying to organise another date that will be in London for the same day so it'd be good if I can go straight from my date to the pub.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:59, Reply)
I'm getting good at that! But Drixy shredded the hat earlier so I don't have that to wear!

EDIT Drixy I was commenting on the lyrics.

V, what time are you planning on finishing with your date? You could just bring them along, we're all entertaining!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 21:59, Reply)
It got stapled back together!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:00, Reply)
My wrapping paper
is too small for the present.

Good job I'm already hysterical.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:00, Reply)
another date!!??
you man whore :p

I dunno what time I am getting there
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:00, Reply)
Is that why it's all scratchy now?

As for the bash, it's a Saturday, I'm easy!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:04, Reply)
Alright you sexy faced bunch of cunts.
I love cider, I love biftas, I love you lovely b3tans!

Hope you're having a good Friday.

*huggles all*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:05, Reply)
I'm sure I can get there
whenever :)

LUSTY!!! *snogs*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:06, Reply)
I can explain!
I was getting on very well with somebody (on match.com) and, as she wanted to be honest, she mentioned suffering from depression. This prompted me to disclose that I suffer from bipolar disorder and after that I heard nothing more from her. I was very disappointed but just got on with things.

In the process of getting on with things I got chatting to somebody else that I get on quite well with (but don't click with as well as the first girl) and arranged a date for the 20th.

Since then the first girl has gotten back in contact with me, explained why she hadn't been in contact for so long and we're now getting on better than ever. We were going to arrange a date for after Christmas and being an honest young chap I told her about the other date I already had arranged. This prompted her to feel annoyed with herself for putting off contacting me again for so long and me to agree with her because I'm rather fond of her. Because of that we're going on a date this weekend.

See, I'm not a bad man really!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:07, Reply)
Hi Lusty

This Friday is OK, I wish it was next Friday though!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:08, Reply)
RE: Bash
I checked the calender, saw 18:00 so I've arranged my date for 14:00.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:09, Reply)
But you're still
going on a date with the second girl?

I'm not judging! I'm just a one guy at a time kinda gal :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:10, Reply)
Evening all you sexy evening threaders!
I've just got back to my hotel after a nice dinner and am now having a well earned beer.

How are you all this fine but rather chilly evening?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:13, Reply)
Re Bash
I'm easy, as I said, and can get there almost anytime!

Hi Bill *hugs*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:13, Reply)
Grandpa Bill!
You alright? :p *waves madly*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:16, Reply)
Hurrah! People!
V, my lovely. My fellow birthdayer and I will be meandering in town in the afternoon and so it's likely we'll get there sooner rather than later.

What time were you thinking you'd arrive?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:16, Reply)
@ TGB So am I
When the first girl got back in contact with me I was suddenly thrust into a very unusual and akward situation. My plan is that if this first date doesn't go well then just go ahead with the second. If it does go well however I'll have to explain, with my tail between my legs, to the second young lady that I met somebody over the weekend and would like to see how it goes. It'd be incredibly rude of me to just go on that second date out of politeness.

If I'm honest this has kinda been eating away at me a bit but I don't want to turn down the chance of a date with the first girl as we get on SO well.

Argh. My head asplode! I s'pose this is quite appropriate given the qotw.

:edit: @ Drixy. I'll probably be there between 6 and 7 I reckon although if the second date doesn't happen I'll be there as early as possible.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:17, Reply)
Hi Dok!
*Strokes Fluffeh Coat*

I have very vauge plans to do something that day but will probably be aiming for sixish also.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:18, Reply)
Hang on a second
In saying "So am I" to TGB I just announced that I'm a "one guy at a time kinda girl". *sighs*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:20, Reply)
*Waves madly back*

I'm good, you?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:21, Reply)
I did notice that V but I didn't like to draw attention to it :p

So we all getting there for about 6?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:21, Reply)
Grandpa Bill LOL
I should have the hat of owlness with me as well this time!

V, you could always give one to me, it's the right thing to do and you know it!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:22, Reply)
I noticed that but was to polite too say.

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:22, Reply)
Yes, I think we'll plan for 6pm too.
I'll put that on the calendar.

Are we all OK for the Yorkshire Grey too? I know we've been there a couple of times, but it is nice. And cheap :)
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:23, Reply)
Six is fine
and so it the Grey, I like that pub!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:24, Reply)
Yay! The YG!
I like the Grey, probably why I suggested it in the first place. ;-)
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:25, Reply)
Given the events of the last bash I'm in no position to deny it anyway *sadface*

@Dok Now that I know what you're like I think it'd be grossly irresponsible of me to give anybody to you! =p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:26, Reply)
Ooh glees
Maybe they will have my scarf still from last time...
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:26, Reply)
Sorry Badger, wrong pub
But it's just round the corner so we could go check at some point.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:28, Reply)
Actually V
I think you'll find that it would be the right thing to do, then I won't be after anybody elses!

Thanks for the pimpage
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:29, Reply)
Where were we last time?!
London is just all "London" to me :p *has no sense of direction*
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:29, Reply)
What's this!?
Are you all going to have fun without me?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:29, Reply)
Yes Al
So piss off you /talker you!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:31, Reply)
What does it look like, I'm going to be in there at some point this week so I could ask?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:33, Reply)
Last time we were in
The Horse and Groom this time were in The Yorkshire Grey 0.1 miles away.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:33, Reply)

*fucks off back to /talk*

You bunch of smelly bum heads!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:33, Reply)
I'll take your word for it Bill :p
I was shitfaced by 6 so....
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:33, Reply)
Oh Al
I didn't mean it, you hunk o' man-love you!

EDIT You held it together well then Badger!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:34, Reply)
There's no-one on /talk
so i'm back.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:35, Reply)
Ghostbuster II
is on Fiver.

It's funny.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:36, Reply)
Really Dok?
I only remember about 70% of that evening...
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:37, Reply)
Do you remember
rimming Bert on teh bar?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:38, Reply)
Just my opinion
But then again I was probably as drunk as you were!

So what does your scarf look like?

EDIT No Al that was you!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:39, Reply)
I agree with Dok
For the most part I thought you were more sober than me but by the sounds of things we were as drunk as each other.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:40, Reply)
I rimmed
so many people I forget exactly who got the TGB rimming experience
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:43, Reply)
I can honestly say
I got rimmed by nobody that night!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:45, Reply)
my scarf
is all brown and fluffy
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:52, Reply)
OKay Badger
When I'm in there this week I'll ask for you.

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:54, Reply)
Thanks Dok!
It is an awesome scarf I will be happy if it is returned to me!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:55, Reply)
I'll ask
It's the least I can do for my Badger!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:57, Reply)
Thanks Dokkypie!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:58, Reply)
Can't remember
Did I tell you about my new pet?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 22:59, Reply)
I just got a text from the manager of my local
"We miss u bill! We barely broke even lst wk! Lol x.x.x"

I'm not sure if I should be worried at that!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:00, Reply)
how is lil Kaol?

Bill you alkie :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:00, Reply)
that's hilarious!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:01, Reply)
Be afraid, very afraid!

He's good tonight Badger, he hardly got upset at all when I got him out!

Gods that sounds worse every time I type it
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:03, Reply)
I replied and luckily she's joking
Or at least she said she was!

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:04, Reply)
Are you planning
on there as soon as you get back Bill? :p

That's good Dok, has he stabbed you yet?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:05, Reply)
Sounds to me
Like he/she is flirting with you bill.

:edit: Ah you said she. Now I look silly.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:06, Reply)
I don't think I'm cut out for this clubbing lark
Just had a curry and then tried to go out with work colleagues... but buggerlugs here got a headache and had to come home. I hate clubbing. Give me a good, civilised pub anyday.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:06, Reply)
I might go home and drop off my bags first though!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:07, Reply)
I don't like clubs
but I don't like most things :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:07, Reply)
Buy the place Bill
Then you won't need to worry at all. you could turn it into the first B3taBar!

He has Badger, he flinched a bit at a loud noise tonight and got me a good-un on my finger tip!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:08, Reply)
Clubs are crap
Bars and pubs are where it's at. And gigs. Gigs are great places to drink.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:09, Reply)
I don't think so V
Her Fiance probably wouldn't like that for a start!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:09, Reply)
To be fair Badger
There is a lot of stuff in this so called "modern civilisation" I just don't get. It completely passes me by. It's not like I'm a social hermit, but to me it either looks crap or just mystifies me. Like the desire to go to a place to get fleeced for drinking copious quantities of something barely qualifying as an alcoholic drink and listening to what is essentially a repetetive drum beat. I'd rather go to a pub with a good band and drink Newcastle Brown or whatever that they have on handpull. Am I missing out? I don't think so, personally I like to think I've broken the social conditioning a lot of people choose to conform to as they have nothing better to do.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:11, Reply)
The right club can be all of the awesome. Especialy if some of the clubbers are half clothed!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:11, Reply)
Dok you perv!
If I am wasted and there are a lot of people going to a rock club I can deal with that!

All the clubs here are pretty wank though
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:12, Reply)
That's a good call TGB
There's a nice little rock club come bar in Cardiff called metros that serves toast at the end of the night =D
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:14, Reply)
The B3ta Munky?
I'm not sure I could buy the place, I like it too much to subject it to my incompetent management!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:16, Reply)
Bill I can imagine you would expand happy hour another 7 or 8 hours :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:17, Reply)
Me a perv? Never!
I'll show you just how pervy I am!

I only go to rock clubs, hence the scantily clad young ladies.

OK folks I'm loving and leaving you all now. I've far more important things top do ;-)

Not really I love you all!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:19, Reply)
The man with the pickle jar in the newsletter has broken my mind.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:28, Reply)
I wouldn't extend happy hour!
As owner I'd be getting free drinks so we'd need to up the prices of the cocktails to cover my tab for a start
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:29, Reply)
Mrs L!
I saw enough to know what it was about but not enough to scar me for life :p
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:30, Reply)
He was very diligent about cleaning his arse out.
I suppose better to rummage around losing blood there than trying to explain it to the paramedics.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:32, Reply)
Hi Mrs. LIAB!
After the reactions here I'm resisting clicking the link!

I might email it to unsuspecting people though.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:33, Reply)
do B3tans
get a discount at your pub Bill?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:33, Reply)
Watch it, Bill.
It's funny. The guy's an idiot.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:34, Reply)
I've not seen it
to the end.
Does he get it all out?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:36, Reply)
Discounts for students, NHS staff & b3ta members!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:36, Reply)
Yes, he seemed to.
Awful lot of blood on the floor though.
Presumably no bum-fun for him for a while.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:38, Reply)
Mrs Bin
He seems to. I still can't believe how calm he seemed to be.

Badger man up and watch the whole thing. It's an enlightening experience and has made me seen the error of my urges to stuff a jar up my jacksy!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:38, Reply)
Instead of watching that video
I've found some softcore european porn on the hotel TV, much more enjoyable!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:40, Reply)
anal bleeding?
Yeah I think I can live well enough without watching that.

I'll go for the European porn though!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:41, Reply)
I'm off to bed
Enjoy your porn!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:44, Reply)
It was so bad I gave up and changed the channel
I'm seeing what else is on at the moment
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:52, Reply)
I'm off to Serbia on Monday evening, can I bring anything back for anyone?
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:56, Reply)
What you watching now then?
I'm all snuggly in my bed :)

I have two duvets it's awesome!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:57, Reply)
I've been here for days and I only just find out they have NASN!
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 23:58, Reply)
monrning all!!
how are we?
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:00, Reply)
Hello Halfy!
How's you this fine Saturday? :p
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:01, Reply)
aye good thanks
im cheesing out on video google listening to silly tracks and bopping

(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:02, Reply)
TGB: The Ice Hockey has just started so I'm watching that for now
Hi Halfy!

How goes fella?
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:03, Reply)
got faithless - insomnia on at the mo, its the weekend and I have beer, hurrah!
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:04, Reply)
I luuuurve ice hockey
Go Oilers!!
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:05, Reply)
i dont get
ice hockey, sorry :(

ooooooooooh fucking hostile - Pantera *bounces off ceiling*
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:09, Reply)
So do I!
It's a shame they lost to the Panthers yesterday.

This is Senators - Capitals, looking pretty one sided so far!
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:09, Reply)
I never seem to catch any now
my mate used to stream the games to me.

I've been to see the Coventry Blaze's play a few time though, lots of ex-NLH players in the UK league.

The Blazes are pretty good as well, think they may have won the cup last year
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:11, Reply)
I'd never even thought of checking out the UK league
I'll have to look into that.
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:14, Reply)
doesn't a london team
play in the O2 arena?
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:16, Reply)
Does one?
I'll have to investigate.

Another day though, I'm off to bed I think.

Night all
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:27, Reply)
Anyone still upr? Just had early christmas (i live in the wrong country. my sister works offshore, today was mutually convenient. Don't judge me!!! )

i'm slightly pissed. Anyone remember Snowballs? (The drink you perverts)
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 0:45, Reply)
Forget about it - I just endured my missus's works do with good grace and restraint.

I deserve a fucking sainthood. Not even beautiful scotch and Judge Dredd has solace ........ At least I got to oggle tits :)
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 1:05, Reply)
Tomorrow I have to take the youngest sister out for her first legal drinks with big sister, and i found out throung a mutual friend (albeit accidently) I've just gone into too old to be cool anymore catagory!!
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 1:21, Reply)
Oh, food that was nommy,
If I could I'd sick up and re-nom thee.

Disclaimer: May be slightly drunk
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 1:56, Reply)
Now why in the name of sweet Jesus
did I just watch Jarsquatter?

(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 2:11, Reply)
sorry.. i appear to be the only one awake. hat is that which you talk of...? And do you know yet what makes a proper geek. i am apparently, according to wisdom of my young sister oficially at the age where i've become embarrassing rather than the cool i once used to be!!!
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 2:18, Reply)
Greetings weekirst
Got back from a meal out and plenty of drinks with my workmates. Our receptionist managed to get kicked out the restaurant five times for looking too young.

See the newsletter for Jarsquatter.

Just ignore your sister. She's just a bit too keen to show off her new-found 'coolness'.
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 2:23, Reply)
I know I should, but I missed the transition. Just all of a sudden i went from best much older sister to i don't want to be seen in public with overnight!! I suspct that she isn't "cool" at all. i just embarrass her. well, i think... if she's embarrased now... wait till i take her out tommorrow when i introduce her to aberdeens finest... at least the pubs I thought were ace when i did uni... Bwahahaha!

Also, Im bringing her out with a group whose average age is about 27... She will rue (sp?) the day! I should go to bed. I'm old and i'll need the extra naptime... :)
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 2:30, Reply)
Younger siblings
They grow up so quick it's hard to catch the transition between when they embarrass you and when you embarrass them.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Hope you had a good night.

Edit: 'Night Kirst.
(, Sat 13 Dec 2008, 2:41, Reply)

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