Sit-ins. Walk-outs. Smashing up the headquarters of a major political party. Chaining yourself to the railings outside your local sweet shop because they changed Marathons to Snickers. How have you stuck it to The Man?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 12:24)
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When I was at university in 1992, the students were up in arms about Nestle selling powdered arsenic to African villagers (something like that). They demanded that everyone boycott all Nestle products so that the reduction in profit - amounting to about £12 per annum, I guess - would bring the giant corporation to its knees.
Last year, I had cause to visit the campus again and was amazed to see the boycott still in place: dreadlocked and tie-dyed students waving banners about bringing Nestle to its knees by banning Kit Kats from the Union tuck shop.
I can't imagine the how Nestle has weathered this storm and remained solvent all these years. How do they sleep knowing that two-dozen people at a British redbrick university forego their products for three years (before leaving to become middle managers at similar companies)?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 20:04, 20 replies)

Mainly the deluded children of teachers, lawyers, estate agents etc. I'd like to see them go back to the 1930s, go into the average working men's club, say they're socialists and get laughed out of the place.
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 20:11, closed)

"Lenin's parents were Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova, a schoolteacher, and Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, a government education official."
It's a shame he didn't get laughed out of Russia, but there you go.
( , Sun 14 Nov 2010, 9:10, closed)

but according to the small business course I was on recently, Nike nearly went broke because of the boycott, and had to change a lot of its practices.
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 20:58, closed)

with the exception of Nescafe and giant KitKats, as she couldn't live without them.
I hadn't spoken to her for years, but it seems that she has the same phone number and she was able to confirm that she still boycotts Nestle products with the exception of orange Kitkats and Nescafe.
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 21:59, closed)

Even their off-brand stuff and cosmetics like L'Oreal (Nestle own about 30%)?
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 5:09, closed)

Nestle owns everything. They bought it all with Jewish gold they got from the nasties in WW2.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 6:48, closed)

but Nescafe? It's shit even compared to other instant coffees, and identical to any supermarket's own-brand discount crap.
People are weird.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 9:15, closed)

Don't they know that all the smart people these days are laughing at their, uh, haircuts?
If you're interested in opposing the boycott then try to find out what it's about first, eh? - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestlé_boycott
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 8:54, closed)

You're absolutely right.
I should have posted a sober denunciation of Nestle's practices in a well researched and cogent argument. That would have been hilarious and really in the spirit of b3ta. Got dreads, have you?
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 10:28, closed)

This "spirit of b3ta" nonsense is always used to justify all kinds of crapness.
Post a joke = expect people to either enjoy it or not.
post your opinion = expect people to challenge you on it.
It's really as simple as that.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 12:27, closed)

Actually, it's not my opinion. If I wanted to post my opinions and be challenged by po-faced cause-mongers, I'd go to the Guardian website (and I do).
If I want to talk bollocks in a flippant and potentially amusing manner, I'll come to b3ta.
And let's say, for the sake of argument, that I actually had boycotted Nestle products for last 20 years, it would have made not the slightest bit of difference - which is rather my point. Indeed, if everyone in the whole UK did, Nestle has still got emerging markets in Africa and China etc. BECAUSE they've been engaging in outrageous criminality there for decades.
As for the 'spirit of b3ta', I see it as this: if you make a joke about old people or women or any group that relies on a degree of stereotyping, you can't get uppity when someone makes a joke about something you care personally about. That's hypocrisy.
It's really as simple as that.
( , Sat 13 Nov 2010, 22:44, closed)

You absolutely did, didn't you?
Neither you nor I make the rules for what is or is not on b3ta, but I'm fairly sure the site's aims don't include "nobody is allowed to disagree with Brand name."
( , Sun 14 Nov 2010, 8:30, closed)

Arguably we're into different territory in the 'replies', where main posts are discussed. The "opinion" I expressed in the main post isn't the same opinion I made in my reply to you. If you want to go off-board and get into a discussion, then the 'rules' change. Not my rules, but the rules of common sense.
Of course you can disagree, but disagreement only makes sense if both parties are basing their comments on mutually agreed parameters of discussion (and in a context of seriousness rather than broadly comedic site). If there is any 'rule', it's surely that posts are taken in the spirit in which they're offered. If someone posted about big tits and I replied that, actually, large breasts can be a great inconvenience to women, I'd be missing the point of the site.
Ultimately, the point is that this kind of extended discussion is of very little interest to anyone else. Which is why the Reply function was created in the the first place (to clear the main board of the tedious wankery you responded with and which I have foolishly extended through a combination of ego and boredom.)
( , Sun 14 Nov 2010, 12:45, closed)

Nestle literally kill babies with their advertising practices.
Lots of universities have banned Nestle on campus, and the boycott is supported by the NUS.
Just because students are often fickle idiots, doesn't mean the cause isn't a good one.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2010, 16:31, closed)
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