Sit-ins. Walk-outs. Smashing up the headquarters of a major political party. Chaining yourself to the railings outside your local sweet shop because they changed Marathons to Snickers. How have you stuck it to The Man?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 12:24)
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I always make a point of voting. Men and women have fought for our right to govern ourselves as a democracy and i think everyone should vote. Lately i have found myself unable to choose between a suitable candidate.
Having grown up in South Yorkshire under the rulership of Thatcher and seen what a bunch of corrupt, lying, thieving scumbags the Tories were (and, on the evidence offered by the latest bunch of numpties actions in government so far, are) i could never vote for them.
I was then still young enough to be so naive as to think that when labour got in things would be different. errmmm no just the lying tories rebranded under the name of New Labour with a leader who was about as socialist as Ghengis Khan with a gastric ulcer. They like the tories before them couldn't wait to get their snouts into the public trough and guzzle for all they were worth. With the added bonus of course of further cementing our world status as Americas favourite cum slurpers.
So what about the Liberal Democrats then? Ok since they have had a toehold on power they have turned into lying Tory light. They abandoned their principals and have broken outright most of their pre election promises in U turns so quick i'm surprised there underpants didn't turn inside out. Most recently for example the raising of university tuition fees a move which cuddly Clegg said they were vehemently opposed to and indeed the entire party had signed a petition against.
So who does that leave? UKIP ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Get out!
The BNP? No thanks i'm not a fascist. The greens nope unelectable under the current climate. The official monster raving looney party don't field a candidate in my constituency....
So even if i do protest and the people in power are ousted who do we put in their place? The last succesful protest in my opinion was the fuel protests (remember them?) The price of fuel was lowered as a direct result of the protests. Then what happened? The picketing of fuel despots to block supplies was quickly made illegal and we are back at £1.20 a litre around 20p a litre more than at the time of the protests....
Perhaps its time to restore the queen to effective executive ruler and have her make the decisions. At least she wouldn't have to pretend to do whatever she pleases in my name.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 12:52, 36 replies)

Who told Brayn to stop being a pedant and fuck right off
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:02, closed)

That's all.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:26, closed)

It appears that i wasn't aware that i was entering a spelling test when i sat down to post my erudite wisdom on the internet. If the meaning of my post is obfuscated by too many poorly spelled words i beg your forgiveness from the bottom of my illiteracy. That out of the way can we have comments based on the content of the post rather than the spelling?
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:36, closed)

It really does help when things are spelled correctly though.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:45, closed)

No not really. I just don't see why people need to point out a few minor spelling errors. If it makes you feel any better blame the government for educating me so badly.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:49, closed)

BraynDedd, thanks for proof reading that post. Being creative is the hard bit, thank god we have guys like you to tidy up after.
You see andythepieman, I too have a whole bunch of internet monkeys proof reading my posts on the internet. They are not very good at communication, despite knowing how to spell the words. They seem rude when they give corrections. Some feel power when they do it. Don't let that get to you. Just point out that they are proofreading posts on the net for fuck sake!.
- All corrections to the above to be posted by my proofreading internet monkeys.

( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:29, closed)

and decided that certain of the gif frames are changing too quickly to be read.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 20:11, closed)

The implication being that said errors are hard to find. I would counter that most of the time, especially if a post is full of them, they're just too blatantly fucking obvious to be missed.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 9:40, closed)

The point i was making is spelling mistakes or not my post is perfectly readable. I don't always have time to run through posts to check that every word is correct. What do people who point out these mistakes think is going to happen? That someone will gasp in admiration at their awesome command of the English language? Or is it more likely they will simply think "what a tedious tit" and move on?
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 9:58, closed)

Edit: dear sweet suffering fuck, I typed that appalling facebookese without even noticing. I officially resign my post as a sentient being and am going into Brain Rehab asap. Then I will kill myself.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:25, closed)

I voted for lib dems in the last election and look where that got me. Am already thinking about who i'd vote for in the next election and i don't have a fooking clue, like you experienced i was hoodwinked in 1997 by the labour party so will not be voting for them again, well at least until they get rid of most of the last lot. I think it's time that a new party was started, the political landscape is begging for it and it would give those lib dems true to their morals another party to defect to.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:02, closed)

Also there should be some sort of test to check whether people entering the party are doing it as career politicians (probably to difficult to find out). If so, they are told to fuck right off. I think most of the probs in the country have been caused by people that just want to get their grubby noses in the tax payers trough not to mention any names....Tony Blair *cough*
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 15:00, closed)

Roy Jenkins et al. For more information:
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 15:06, closed)

Not disagreeing with you, necessarily, but it's that kind of thinking that spawned the Tea Party movement in the States.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:37, closed)

I don't think that the Tea Party is a bad idea in principle. It has just been hijacked by multitudes of people with their own agenda and axes to grind.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:42, closed)

The trouble with the multitude is, as an entity, they're bloody stupid, and we always end up with the least worst option instead of the best.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 15:07, closed)

very people you talk about shout very loudly about what they want, even if it's inane bullcrap. Daily Mail have a fair amount to answer for. I wish we could send these people away for ten years and then invite them back to show them what a great job we have done with the place in thir absence.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:48, closed)

to be the interest of big business, this new party should be economy savie but generate the wealth of big business to help out the communities they are based within, just look at the areas near Canarie Wharf. Massive multi billion pound corps, next to what can only be described as third world living.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 14:50, closed)

The tea party isn't a political party. Most people involved would oppose moving in such a direction too. It's more of a pressure group.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 23:14, closed)

was actually quite progressive for his day. He was very tolerant of other religions (probably because he didn't give a toss about them, but he stopped religious groups beating the crap out of each other) and also introduced the notion of equal rights for women. Before his rule women were taken by mongols as trophies of conquest. He put a stop to all that nonsense.
It was the Christians who sent all the progress backwards again and made him out to be a barbarian.
Here endeth the lesson.
But yeah, you're right. Lib dem, Labour, Tory, they are just different cheeks of the same arse. Anyone who thinks their particular party is any better than the rest is just deluding themselves. I don't particularly think we have democracy in this country - you vote on a manifesto which is not legally binding, and then whoever is in power can just do what the hell they like (providing they have a big enough majority) for 5 years. Why the hell in the age of phone, internet, text voting can't the public get involved in more than 1 vote every 5 years? Why can't manifestos be legally binding? Why don't MPs who lie/mislead the house of commons face treason charges? Why can't politicians just give us the facts and let us make our minds up with out their spin and bollocks?
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 15:20, closed)

He called our government an elective dictatorship.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 15:40, closed)

Had an advantage over most of the UK political elite. He actually lived a life, from having less than nothing to ruling half the world. It doesn't surpise me he did these things.....Interesting anyway.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:28, closed)

we can, however, choose not to.
just saying.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 16:11, closed)

In a way it is a vote, I have no choice but to do this in the next one.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:05, closed)

but when it became blindingly obvious that one bunch of cunts was pretty much a carbon copy of the others, i stopped. i will vote again when there is a choice i feel strongly enough about.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:47, closed)

"none of the above" box on the ballot papers. This might show that there are people willing to vote, but not for the present shower we are offered.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:26, closed)

It would make the distinction between laziness and apathy. Although any spoilt ballot paper is seen as abstaining I would like to know the figures for one.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:51, closed)

And the OP. I persuaded both my kids to vote when they were of age (family reasons) My son took some talking to, but he did in the end. Now I can't really sit with my bare face out and say that we did the right thing. The really wrong thing would have been not going, I guess. But he's just gone to uni, and been betrayed by the shower of shit that got in, not really just about the funding at Uni, more the axing of EMA and ALG, both of which have funded the studying that got him there... it's a bit saddening, really.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 21:38, closed)

It was a bit right wing tory and I don't know how correct that facts were.
but I'm up for a smaller government that for sure.
There must be a sim gov game for this. A bit like sim city; but with real stats added in.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 17:35, closed)
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