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Home » Question of the Week » Self-Inflicted injuries » Post 2158961 | Search
This is a question Self-Inflicted injuries

Spanishfly asks: Ever injured yourself in a moment of frustration? When have you ever done something stupid or sensible that has ended up with you injured? Punched an Asda sign because they didn't have tiger bread? Yeah, us too

This isn't a question about intentional self-harm

(, Thu 28 Nov 2013, 13:06)
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Like any self repsecting chap of advancing years I like to keep my nasal passage free
from unsightly hair. You can go fancy and buy nasal hair trimmers but I am old school and like to use tweezers. The build up to an extraction is tense. Then there is the pull, always imagining that the result will be different and no pain will be felt. Then the separation of hair from follicle and the exquisite moment of OWWWWWWW. Then onto the next hair like some strange endorphin junkie.

Once, I did not have my tweezers and a few hairs were annoying me, I grasped them with my digits and yanked. Pain! And then I noticed that the one hair had caused a small cut on the inside of the nostril, this became infected and the cut would not heal so at one point I had to look like Jack Nicholson in Chinatown.
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 14:53, 13 replies)
Pfft! Index finger and thumb.

Shove em up, grab hold of a bushel of nostril hair, then yank. Awesome levels of satisfaction achieved. Extra points for doing this in front of management types in your company kitchen.
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 16:12, closed)
^ This.

(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 16:18, closed)
Also do it in a quiet room so you can hear the ripping sound, more man points and extra satisfaction
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 16:57, closed)
My ex wife used to tell me off for doing this
I've also tried pliers, but most of them don't grip the hairs very well. Not especially trying to be manly so much as my body seems to think it's most important task is growing hair out of my nose.
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 17:09, closed)
And ears
if you are of that age.
(, Tue 3 Dec 2013, 9:23, closed)
snorting Immac is by far the manliest approach?
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 16:25, closed)
Yes, the fingers may be used but there is the chance of nasal passage tearing as I describe.
Tweezers generally avoid unnecessary and undignified nose plaster.
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 17:19, closed)
I do know what you mean though...
... many a time I have had to deal with some kind of eye wateringly painful sore in the soft tissues of my nasal passage caused by exactly this.

It doesn't stop me ripping the bastards out, however; it just strengthens my resolve to not let my nostrils win.
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 18:04, closed)
I can't get the required grip using unaided fingers.
I just use the pliers from my Swiss Army Knife.
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 18:28, closed)
Swiss Army knife;
Also good for pulling out haemorrhoids
(, Tue 3 Dec 2013, 2:26, closed)
Only external ones, you need a good scalpel and a HD camera to do the internal ones by yourself.

(, Tue 3 Dec 2013, 8:45, closed)
A nasally hairy friend of mine decided that neither tweezers or fingers would not suffice.

So next time his wife waxed, he dipped in his finger in the wax, waited it to cool a bit, rammed it up his nose, waited a minute and then yanked it out.

Pro - a wonderfully hair free nose with no hair return for 6 weeks.

Cons - Agonizing pain, bleeding nose.
(, Mon 2 Dec 2013, 21:11, closed)
Those cons sound quite pro though.
True nasal yankers ought to delight in the exquisite agony of any process that industrializes violent removal of nostril hair.

I'm seriously considering trying this.
(, Wed 4 Dec 2013, 17:47, closed)

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