Shit bosses are the bane of your working life, from their self-defeating penny pinching to their questionable personal hygiene to their outright delusions and paranoia. Tell us about about the petty tyrants and jokers under whose jackboot you've groaned.
( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 15:55)
This question is now closed.

I once had a boss who had a go at me for fobbing off angry customers the wrong way, while he tried setting up a Swiss bank account.
He's dead now.
( , Sat 11 Apr 2015, 11:41, Reply)

which had left me with a painful wound not a million miles from my arsehole. Work had arranged for someone to cover for me while I was recuperating on the grounds that I couldn't actually sit down at my desk, but as it turned out the replacement was a bit useless and so a couple of days later I got a call - was there any way I could come in and carry on?
I said I'd see what I could do and after a bit of experimentation discovered that if I put down some of the cushions from the sofa in reception and knelt on them in front of my desk, I could achieve a reasonably comfortable position and carry on working. Which I did, until two days later when my boss* came in and said: "Can you not kneel on the sofa cushions? I'm worried you might crease them."
I went back home for a few more days' sick leave instead.
*Who is, indirectly, something of a household name, so I can't go into too many details about him
( , Sat 11 Apr 2015, 9:38, 6 replies)

In my youth I was a bit of a Leftie (I've always been of the Sinister Persuasion). This meant that in most of my jobs I've put my hand up to be the Union Rep. Not a bad gig - get to bunk off if someone needs to talk about an issue and some good management/HR training paid for by the company.
In this job I was one of the youngest staff members. Only older than Doreen by a couple of years. Doreen was the comely daughter of the checkout manager Elaine. Elaine was a right bitch. The sort of woman who would smile, chat and be friendly with you, even go out to drinks on Friday night after work and drunkenly profess to "really likin' you m8!" but would lodge a formal complaint with management against you for so much as looking at her 'wrongly'.
One day Doreen comes to me and says "I think there's a problem with my pay.", my 'gettin' done wrong by The Man' ears pricked up and she told me how since she started with the company over 3 years ago, payroll had been giving her pay-packet to her mother and her mum only gave her $50/week out of it. This of course being a time when you got your pay in a little yellow envelope with all the amounts and YTD tax info written out carefully by payroll rather than just handing over your bank account and tax details.
Hmm. I first asked if she had an agreement with her parents to pay board or rent, she was 18 and still lived at home. And getting a negative response I asked if she had a bank account and was her mum depositing in there? Nup. So in short - her mum, who was also her boss was illegally garnishing her pay each week of about $500-$600.
My first stop was payroll - apparently Elaine was a good mate and even though they'd been a bit iffy about it they decided to give her Doreen's pay-packets anyway. Despite it being against the law - the only people who could pick up your pay if you couldn't had to have written permission and it needed to be pre-arranged. So then I went to my manager. He said it was between Doreen and her mum. So did the store manger.
Umm, no it wasn't because payroll was complicit in handing Doreen's pay-packet over to her mother illegally and without Doreen's permission.
Eventually I took it to the regional Head Office. With a lawyer from the union.
In short time - Doreen had about $65,000 deposited in her bank account (apparently and unsurprisingly Elaine had spent all of Doreen's pay checks), Elaine was shitcanned with no severance or entitlements, store management was given a rap on the knuckles for passing the buck, payroll were on written warnings, Doreen was given the position of checkout supervisor and I was easily the most unpopular person working there. Elaine went on to appeal her termination of employment in one the early cases of unfair dismissal - hence the need to be careful what I say.
Sadly Doreen's drunken post "after work drinks at the pub" BJ's paled in comparison with her mothers.
( , Sat 11 Apr 2015, 8:38, 2 replies)

Wanted to write about the twat of fuck witted asshole boss I once had but he might read b3ta and work out it is me and then I would be dead.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 22:47, 1 reply)

followed by a lot of laughing
I worked for that twat for 6 weeks and finally walked out after he said to me one Friday morning: "If you want to work here you'll have to get a lot better"... I didn't want to work there as it turned out and I never went back. Fucker had gone for a weeks stalking in Scotland and I left him with a bit of a problem come Monday morning.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 20:46, 3 replies)

Despite his new-found position of power, Theodore still couldn't control his bowels.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 18:00, 1 reply)

got taken to court for sexual discrimination after asking his secretary to mark on the calendar the days when she would be on her period, so he could tell when she would be in a bad mood.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 16:42, 4 replies)

because the client's feedback said I was doing a great job, but they didn't think my boss was. Apparently, I should have been making clear to the client that my good work was due to her management.
Mad bitch.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 13:38, 3 replies)

The current ones doubly so!
Ja see that, Boss? Singing your praises on the internet I am! Gimme a raise.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 13:06, Reply)

is that you get to be your own boss
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 10:55, 2 replies)

about a crap order I had written. Of course, this is on the first day that I returned from work after a vacation and I had no control over said order. I'm sure that this happens to everybody, but the event remained legendary because the story was repeated for the benefit of new hires, who were probably working the first job.
Oh, and my reply was, "I'll try to do better next time." I learned long ago that most managers in my workplace knew little about the job. I was OK with that: I just wanted to be left alone.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 10:07, 5 replies)

The rest of us used to play "Shane Bingo".
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 7:23, 1 reply)

He had a simple philosophy. "I hate it when people say 'That's all right, people make mistakes'," he said. "That's just stupid and sloppy. Look at me! I NEVER make mistakes!" He was authoritarian and was distrustful of the concept of freedom. "Freedom shouldn't mean what people say, that you get to make your own decisions. The concept should be renamed 'freedom - properly understood'," he thundered. He was cheap, knowing who in town was currently selling petrol at the lowest possible rate. He was a publicity hound, loved to talk about himself, and promiscuously chased journalists and cameras. He radiated disdain for everyone else. As he told me, "You have the strength and you have the willingness, but gosh, your brain is weak!" He had huge confidence in his analytical skills and disdained all doctors. When doctors told him he had a rare disease that glue sniffers are prone to, he scoffed with contempt. Contempt didn't stop the weak-brained, mistake-prone grim reaper, though; a well-known close friend of doctors.
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 7:17, 4 replies)

I once worked for someone who insisted all his employees supported his local football club.
I had absolutely no interest in football, but had to comply with any vote or survey on them , if you didn't take part you could be disciplined.
(Brighton Albion if you must know)
He also vetoed any nestle product and would regularly inspect the fridge in the lunch room and would throw any offending item, often leaving his staff with no lunch..
He would only employ women ( there was once one man who didn't last the course)
At christmas he hosted a meal at local restaurant, a long term employee warned me he would be in 'pimp' mode.
Sure enough he turned up in a long coat with fur collar and a pimp hat and proceeded to hand out little baggies with small white tablets in them to everyone.
These were 'nux vomica'a homeopathic anti hangover remedies and he called everyone his 'ladies.
The guy was a first class monumental twat and his staff turnover was so quick the local job centre was sympathetic when you left there and signed back on
( , Fri 10 Apr 2015, 0:50, 2 replies)

there were some proper shit bo sses sss ssee sselectas
( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 21:33, 8 replies)

A few years later it turned out he had been running his own firm on company time. This was discovered only after he just fucked off one day to a new employer, taking his Rolodex and the contents of the filing cabinet, and wiping out his hard drive and emails. No wonder he always seemed so distracted and shit at his job.
( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 21:28, 1 reply)

Shit wages though.
( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 20:38, 4 replies)

.........at the Severn Trent Sewage Works near Uttoxeter. I had a Shit Boss.
( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 18:28, 3 replies)

having worked in a beautifully run pub the summer before, the manager of this one was a total shock. lazy, inept, couldn't pour a pint without a 6 inch head, and never did a stroke of work.
instead, she spent the entire time, and i mean hours at a time, cramming money into the fruit machines. she was forever in the till, changing notes into coins. meanwhile the rest of us ran around like the proverbial blue arsed flies, lugging bottles up from the cellar, dealing with customers, the usual. the worst thing that could happen to you was to be put on the "wacky warehouse" shift, where instead of adults wanting beer, you got sugar hyped up little brats screaming for panda cola and sherbert dips... shudder...
anyway, after a few weeks, it was noticed that the tills were out. sometimes quite badly. it was so breathtakingly obvious that it was the manager, but she was the only one who failed to cotton on at all, and carried on shovelling coins into the machines.
she got caught in the end. but only after a LOT of money had gone missing. that's how long it took the company to notice.
the pub's gone bust now. like everything else, it'll be a block of flats soon.
( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 17:34, 2 replies)

The latter (who's still serving in the role) was quite hands off and struck me (as he probably does many people) as being terribly nice, terribly posh and about as trustworthy as a blood parasite. The former, who now has his own Faith Foundation, struck me as a delusional hypocrite.
Both paid pretty well, though.
( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 17:06, 11 replies)

( , Thu 9 Apr 2015, 17:05, 1 reply)
This question is now closed.