What new bit of language are you hearing at the moment? We want to hear words and phrases, with definitions and where it's being used. We're interested in marketing speak, stuff from kids in playgrounds etc.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 14:00)
This question is now closed.

we (me and a mate)started a new bit of slang at our school, because we were bored, and wanted to see if people would pick up a perfectly normal word and use it as "cool" slang
Hence the beginning of the phrase "does it boat!" to mean "I dont believe that it does" , in a similar vein to "does it bollocks" or similar.
I'm fairly sure its stil in use today, some 6 yrs on
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:46, Reply)

sweating like a fat lass
or variants thereon..ie
sweating like a fat lass in a bin bag / in pvc
doesnt go down too well in pubs full of fat lasses though..although they usually do ;-)
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:45, Reply)

this is a silly one i keep hearing (derby)
"awww man, that's fuckin' DRED"
i think dred means crap...
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:28, Reply)

FBT was created by myself and colleagues when female colleague confessed that her current strange posture was due to a recently acquired Brazilian / Racing Stripe.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:28, Reply)

but it's a favourite and most of you probly know it. 'Gruff' which means 'fart' - i.e. "Have you gruffed?"
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:27, Reply)

We call all the Chavs in our town Pirates. This is due to the incredibly large gold earrings they wear!
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:25, Reply)

Isn't this all from Roger's Profanisaurus? Still, it might be useful to know if any of them ACTUALLY get used.
*wouldn't lurk so much if i had photoshop or something*
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:20, Reply)

acronym for
Body Off Baywatch Face Off Crimewatch
Sorry if it's already been posted, couldn't be arsed trawling through 12 pages to check
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:16, Reply)

An acronym for the hairstyle on a lady's tuppence.
FBT - Front Bottom Topiary
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:12, Reply)

- of "meat" dishes prepared from economy cuts (cf. "cheap as chicken cunts").
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:06, Reply)

My friend is at teacher training college and his favourite phrase is; 'Don't make me touch you where you wee'.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:02, Reply)

at our school meant "to steal" along the same lines as "tax" (eg. "can I chav/tax wunnayoorfagz?")
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 12:01, Reply)

Around Leicester I keep hearing
'Thats RAPPID man!'
or BEAR!!
I've got BEAR work to do man!!
from what i can make out BEAR is a substitute for plenty or alot of....Yeah work that one out.
As for RAPID...... erm....MMmm.... i give up, i really do.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:58, Reply)

someone who's difficult, hard work, etc, as in "She's all uphill"
Is it too late to point out that this thread appears to be going downhill, btw?
All sweaty and paedophile?
That was my attempt to rescue it.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:50, Reply)

Sweating like a blind poof in a sausage factory (pardon my unPC)
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:48, Reply)

itching/sweating/dribbling/grinning like a paedophile in a playground. Always makes me laugh when said in front of young mothers.
tickets please? oh well chosen sir, lovely and warm this time of year
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:45, Reply)

. . . in the way of deoderant, aftershave, etc., might be described as smelling 'like a tart's window box'.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:34, Reply)

"Sweating like a whore's cunt"
Summer months on london underground induce this.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:31, Reply)

My friend's wife works in the NHS and was once told that they should 'helicopter up'.
if anyone know wtf this means...
And 'brainstorming' has been banned for not being PC.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:21, Reply)

one my mate heard on a bus in brighton some chav/townies/ned girls saying to eachother as a cuss was Shabba said in the style of Shabba Ranks (shame on them to young to understand)another was "breathe" instead of smoking just to be sly like as in d'you wanna go breathe outside
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:07, Reply)

"sharp as an egg" and "a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle" seem to get bandied about the office here. Also a bit of Franglais we like to use is "si loin, si bon" to mean 'so far, so good', although it's literally 'so far away, so good'.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 11:00, Reply)

I've never heard anyone say it.
I cheated.
But, on the plus side, you get to witness the birth of a new bit of marketing drivel!
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 10:57, Reply)

(Sorry, but you are all going to hate me for this.....)
.... as in (a) thin king(dom) outside the 'boks!
Please don't hit me....
I'm wearing glasses, god made me do it, I've not been well, etc....
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 10:56, Reply)

meaning check me I'm gorgeous came from this incredibly slick caroon strip www.invisiblespies.com/zebraface/zeball.html
full of some truly original slang yo
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 10:50, Reply)

For someone who is a bit shy at the bar - as toey as a Roman sandle...........
Or as mad as a cut snake/mad as a box of frogs
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 10:45, Reply)

similar to a previous post, we have the word "twunt", a combination of t*at and c*nt...
oh, and the wonderful word "fitbin", which i have no idea what it actually means, but it is according to rogers profanisorus "the rudest word in existance", so it must be both true and good/bad.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 10:39, Reply)

The coolest bit of slang that has creeped into our large vocabulary is "Screw this, I'm doin' the robot!" meaning: let's do something else now. For a while, the kids up here in Seattle, WA USA were saying "Filty" meaning good. (and no I didn't mispell that, they said "filty" not "filthy".
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 10:31, Reply)
This question is now closed.