What new bit of language are you hearing at the moment? We want to hear words and phrases, with definitions and where it's being used. We're interested in marketing speak, stuff from kids in playgrounds etc.
( , Sun 1 Feb 2004, 14:00)
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kootching means relaxing i think, or screwing, i'm not sure, i do one too much and one very rarely so it could be quiet useful to know actually
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 21:25, Reply)

...means "let's go!"
When I lived in Buckinghamshire, it was "Townies," "Trendies," "Kevs" or "Shazzas"
In Brighton, I discovered "Pikey" was the preferred term.
I then met my boyfriend, who was born in Liverpool, and introdued me to the term "Scallies."
A Welsh friend said "Trevs"
And now I live in Durham, where I hear "Charvers."
Also, I like "sound," "mint," and "champion/champers."
"Howay!" is great as a random interjection, for example - "Howay, the school's burning down. That's mint, that! Canny, like!Howay! Aw, howay!"
Also heard:
"Ah, Mam, man, howay!" and "Ah, woman, man!" as cries of exasperation.
Students as Durham University (AKA "Doxbridge")employ terms such as "Rah" of "Rugger Bugger" to describe the elite of their number. My boyfriend and I have developed the euphemism "let's just say... they were wearing scarves" when mentioning a student-relatedencounter.
My friend Dave says "cumshitter" meaning gay man.
I like to say "fuckmonkey" or possibly "donkey balls" if I make a stupid mistake.
"Shitfuckwank" indicates the start of a period and the girl being "caught short" (as in, it's what you say when you see the blood in your pants). For example, "Honey, would you pass me my bag? It's a shitfuckwank."
"The there" means "sellotape" in my family.
PS I hate the phrase "wizard's sleeve" :s
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 21:05, Reply)

"I'm sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish shop."
"You've changed!" Said in a stern, but slightly sarcastic manner when someone won't join in and do what everyone else wants to do - now said in exactly the same way when someone actually gets changed into clean clothes.
"Bob's back brake-block broke." Something has gone wrong.
"Little fella." refers to a certain something one might require when going out clubbing for the evening.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 20:29, Reply)

My boss is very exuberant (spelling?) and comes out with amusing turns off phrases.
Here are a few I can remember:
Beef curtains - Female sexual organs
Fanny flaps - ditto
Noards - Breasts
Double bagger - some one so ugly you would have to where a bag your self incase hers fell off
Faff - Fit-as-Fuck female - also faffy
Also my PA came out with a good one about our clients in general - unfortantly just as a customer answered the phone to me:
"Customers are amoeba brained results of animal buggery"
oh and orals sex - biting the monkey
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 20:09, Reply)

(verb) to badly beat someone up.( I moulinexed him!)
Snacky ... (noun, occasionally adjective) Any cool item or device.
Toasty buncakes. ... (errrr) To be out of trouble. (It was getting close to the deadline, but they gave everyone an extension, so I was toasty buncakes!) Also a general statement of satisfaction.
And a local affectation to here (Bogota, Colombia) is to replace 'por favour' with 'Pour-us-some-more' when talking to bar people.
Oh and I can't stop calling my pupils muppets, although I am starting to use Cranberry as well.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 20:08, Reply)

Its use probably isn't very widespread, but a very good friend of mine came up with one of my favourite insults ever – Scope.
E.g. 'What a scope' 'You scope' or just 'Scope!'
(As in the new name the Spastic Society gave themselves to stop people taking the piss. They can't get out of it that easily...)
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 20:05, Reply)

Muff diving was the classic term for cunnilingus.
Shooting the moon was ejaculating with great force.
Dropping trow = a blowjob.
We never said to take someone home, it was always a 'knock-on'.
The best one was an extremely horny person to be called Neil Young (because of his backing group, Crazy Horse. Geddit?) This shows a) our intelligence and b) our passion for vintage music (this was the mid-90s).
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 19:51, Reply)

Two things:
I've got builders cavorting outside my council flat in deepest, darkest Bermondsey, and they call each other 'twonk' if they say something dumb or make a mistake. Eg: "You dropped the cunting spanner, you twonk"
Another thing is from my rather rough neice in Hastings, who insists that the latest method of getting even with other girls (should they snog a boyfriend) is the 'Tit Knock'. What you do is fold your arms nonchalantly and as you go past your enemy (usually female) you knock their tits with your elbow. Very painful apparently. You then run away shouting "tit knock, tit knock, tit knock".
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 19:47, Reply)

twat did you say? I'm sorry I cunt hear you.
No, no, you aren't speaking queerly.
of course the translation is
what did you say? I can't hear you. Your not speaking clearly.
he he
I cunt hear twat people say half the time anyways, so it's fun to f*ck with people.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 19:46, Reply)

Adidas clad, city folk with earings and optional ciggie have a whole range of names:
- Spides (Belfast)
- Knackers (Dublin)
- Wankers (Everywhere)
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 19:44, Reply)

Its meant to be offensive to people with epilepsy - cus a fit used to be called a brainstorm.
Its just not pc
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 19:17, Reply)

Thought shower - like Brain storm only less offensive
taking some design issues forward - doing nothing!
rocks under the water - hidden danger (gasp)
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 19:05, Reply)

Here goes
we often use code to describe illegal school contraband (ie polos)so the teachers have no idea what we're on about
sea monkey- chewing gum
sugar rocks-polos
wetboys- spray paint
as well as this, there is
mitching- (verb) to skive off school
growling at the badger- (verb) to perform oral sex on a girl.
and also, abbreviations
IDST- 'if destroyed still true'. normally written under graffity, for example "Matt is a wanker IDST"
IGDAD- I don't give a damn, occasionally IGDAF.
UTA- up the arse
USA- under skirt area
shivering like a bulldog shitting razorblades
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 18:59, Reply)

Said to or of an "unfortunate" child or adult.
Usage: "He's a bit of a 'winner'"
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 18:36, Reply)

"thumb in a slacky"
perchance a gentleman is too inebriated to copulate fully and resorts to using digit to help
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 18:28, Reply)

i could eat a monkey's miscarriage = i'm starving
the wheel's spinning but the hamster's dead =
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 18:16, Reply)

(n) a person beaten severely into multiple lacerations and contusions and left a bloody mess. (from Spanish "pinnata," a hollow paper mache container full of candy. The container is beaten by children with sticks until the candy falls out.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:43, Reply)

(n.) a road-killed animal with the tyre tread pattern visible in the fur/flesh patty.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:40, Reply)

"Sweating like a n*gger on a rape charge"
"Sweating like a paedo in a nursery"
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:38, Reply)

I'm making cheddar-beer fondue :
My man and I are from the East Coast in the States...
His family, Irish American one side, French-Canadian the other, big drinkers, fun parties, 'nuff said. One of the first times I attended a family party, I kept hearing," Where's the Church Key at?" The bottle opener for the bottled beer being drunk, hic*
OK, second, favorite phrase of my mom's : "Shit or get off the pot..." meaning, let's go, or make up your mind already, jeez.
I told this once to someone from Birmingham and he swore he's never heard that and promised to bring it to england with him, right.
Back to baking bread fun-bies...
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:30, Reply)

'Mr Dean blows goats' at Darsham train station.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:12, Reply)

'Sweating like a rapist'
I use this one quite a lot, because I do.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:08, Reply)

Bashment is a Jamaican word, referring to a reggae dancehall event. 'Bashment Girl' is a young (or not so young) woman who wears rather little in the way of clothing, with miniscule shorts, or 'batty-riders' being generally favoured, along with mucho bling bling fake jewellery. Ideal for showing off when bending over and wiggling your bottom very hard indeed. Or 'wining' as it's called. What it means in the posessive as in 'I'm gonna get me 'nuff bashment' I have no idea. Probably means 'I'm going to go down Roman Road market and buy some unfeasibly small and shiny clothes for a reasonable price'.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:06, Reply)

Get a Random body part and an animal and pair the two together, but the body part can't be rude. i.e. Badger Knuckles or Donkey Gums...Hippo Tougue is my fav at the mo...
All failing just call them a Shit Freak.
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 17:04, Reply)

We used to say (in the way you would shout at a dog)"Down syndrome, down!" when we saw a spasic child/person. cruel but funny
( , Tue 3 Feb 2004, 16:56, Reply)
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