B3tans! Can you hum with your tongue? (Your Ginger Fuhrer can and he once demonstrated this to a producer on Blockbusters on the hope of getting on TV) Maybe you can bend your thumb in a really horrid way that makes it look broken. (Your Ginger Fuhrer's other special talent) What can you do? Extra points if you fancy demonstrating this with the odd pic or youtube vid.
Suggested by Dazbrilliantwhites
( , Thu 18 Nov 2010, 14:28)
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Which must be a talent because it's been going for about 70 years now with a fanatical audience.
It's utter, utter shit. I actually turn the radio off every time it comes on, but I've heard enough to recognise:
- The acting is straight out of Carry On - strictly stereotypes with imbecilic "Raaral" accents that sound like an unironic 70s TV ad for cider.
- Storylines that would look hackneyed in a daytime TV soap. From Brazil. Made in 1983. They've only just got round to dealing with ethnic minorities, and he's a white Glaswegian.
- Total lack of narrative drive or surprise. Oh no - Old Mr Archer is going to drive his mobility vehicle across a frozen lake . . . I wonder what will happen.
- The occasional sop to agricultural matters, expressed in the most clunkingly obvious dialogue like "Well, I must be going to milk the cows now - these new EU guidelines on milk quotas really make it difficult for the dairy indutry, you know".
- "Issues" as found on your more mainstream soaps, but nothing as exciting as necrophilia or cannibal dismemberment. No, it;'s more like drink driving or forgetting to pay a parking ticket. I think they did epilepsy and Alzheimer's too.
My God I hate it. Even hearing just a few seconds of it after the news of before the arts show will make me want to kill a farmer. Please make it stop.
( , Wed 24 Nov 2010, 16:19, 16 replies)

Chris Moyles is a muse then.
But not amusing.
See what I did?
( , Wed 24 Nov 2010, 16:57, closed)

You think they should have "dealt with" them sooner?
There was this German chap... well, you know the rest. So you are disappointed with the Archers, because they haven't yet implemented their Final Solution?
( , Wed 24 Nov 2010, 17:22, closed)

I actually turned away when I saw the picture but i saw enough to recognise:
I don't like the blue that was used.
I don't like sunflowers.
It looked like it was painted by a peasant.
Sounds like someone needs to fuck off, come back and fuck off again.
( , Wed 24 Nov 2010, 19:23, closed)

you've never lived in the countryside or you might have noticed that sometimes rural people do actually have rural accents. And sometimes they go drink-driving, forget to pay parking tickets, or even suffer epilepsy or Alzheimers. I've never yet encountered necrophilia or cannibal dismemberment in the countryside but, hey, maybe you live in Peckham or something and these things are more common there.
"Only just got round to dealing with ethnic minorities"? Sure, I guess that Usha Gupta person who's been in it for about 300 years must be as Anglo-Saxon as they come. After all, she is married to the vicar.
( , Wed 24 Nov 2010, 20:44, closed)

and I can guarantee you that the accents are massively overdone.
( , Thu 25 Nov 2010, 7:23, closed)

( , Thu 25 Nov 2010, 9:39, closed)

It's due south of Dristol and about 90 miles SWW of Lonbon.
( , Thu 25 Nov 2010, 9:46, closed)

Most particularly boring. I can't turn it off though, because certain household members go ballistic if it's tried.
( , Wed 24 Nov 2010, 23:01, closed)

... are now, and even more so in the past have been, all that keep me sane, living in the far-flung corners of the world. And thank God for the interwebs and streaming media.
( , Thu 25 Nov 2010, 4:42, closed)

Well fine! You'll not be invited to the b3ta/archers fan party mash-up. I love the archers and even have a special talent of being able to work out how everyone is related but didn't think it needed shared with b3ta. Thanks for sharing though.
PS: I can get catheters in nobody else in the whole hospital can but it involves a metal coathanger thingy. Bet that's more interesting
( , Thu 25 Nov 2010, 7:53, closed)

and most of the rest of Radio 4. Didn't realise there was any talent in this.
( , Thu 25 Nov 2010, 9:40, closed)
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