Things to do before you die
Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us that his ambition is to a) drive around New Zealand in a camper van; and b) have MASSIVE sex with the original members of Bananarama. Tell us what's on your wish list, and why.
( , Thu 14 Oct 2010, 13:08)
Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us that his ambition is to a) drive around New Zealand in a camper van; and b) have MASSIVE sex with the original members of Bananarama. Tell us what's on your wish list, and why.
( , Thu 14 Oct 2010, 13:08)
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Get The Time And Energy
To re-start posting on QOTW again.
But, to be honest, it's probably easier to leave it to the Trolls/Talk to have their fun.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:11, 44 replies)
To re-start posting on QOTW again.
But, to be honest, it's probably easier to leave it to the Trolls/Talk to have their fun.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:11, 44 replies)
Please don't abandon QOTW to /talk
*Picard voice*
The line must be drawn here!
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:13, closed)
*Picard voice*
The line must be drawn here!
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:13, closed)
As a long-time lurker, I feel I can fully say that QOTW is a sadder place without your tales, Legless. :(
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:16, closed)
I've just put the kettle on.
Who wants a nice cup of Man The Fuck Up?
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:59, closed)
Who wants a nice cup of Man The Fuck Up?
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:59, closed)
Can I have mine with a little hint of bitterness and a slice of envy ?
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 17:23, closed)
Can I have mine with a little hint of bitterness and a slice of envy ?
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 17:23, closed)
I'm glad to know
that you at least still lurk. But I do wish that you'd post a LOT more.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 5:46, closed)
that you at least still lurk. But I do wish that you'd post a LOT more.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 5:46, closed)
oh, no.
i'm sorry that /talk has ruined your QOTW experience for you. i enclose a voucher for a complimentary great big FUCK OFF by way of compensation.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:43, closed)
i'm sorry that /talk has ruined your QOTW experience for you. i enclose a voucher for a complimentary great big FUCK OFF by way of compensation.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:43, closed)
I read this as 'I've run out of obvious lies to tell the idiot masses on QFTW.'
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:45, closed)
I read this as 'I've run out of obvious lies to tell the idiot masses on QFTW.'
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:45, closed)
I read this as
'self-important cunt foists worthless opinion on people who really don't give the steam off their shit'.
Shouldn't you be busy /talking about what you'd like to 'nyom' for dinner, or something equally repetitive and dull?
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:30, closed)
'self-important cunt foists worthless opinion on people who really don't give the steam off their shit'.
Shouldn't you be busy /talking about what you'd like to 'nyom' for dinner, or something equally repetitive and dull?
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:30, closed)
You'd probably sit on that moral high ground a bit better if you didn't spend your whole life telling me how I've ruined QOTW.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:32, closed)
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:32, closed)
As we're talking self-importance and people posting repetitive shit here.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:33, closed)
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:33, closed)
Seriously though.
Legless(and all the other people whining about Terrible Internet Bullying) was much better when he paid no attention whatsoever to people disagreeing with him, online.
He should totally get out there and do shit rather than wanking on about what some people, the other side of the world are saying.
On the internet.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:37, closed)
Legless(and all the other people whining about Terrible Internet Bullying) was much better when he paid no attention whatsoever to people disagreeing with him, online.
He should totally get out there and do shit rather than wanking on about what some people, the other side of the world are saying.
On the internet.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:37, closed)
I would tend to agree. That said, I reserve the right to call people cunts for behaving in a manner I deem to be overtly cuntish. I don't think of it as a whine so much as an observation.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:42, closed)
If it looks like shit, smells like shit and tastes like shit.
It probably IS shit.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:47, closed)
It probably IS shit.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:47, closed)
So to summarise...
You are allowed to whine about Legless' posts, but he's not allowed to whine about yours?
Thanks for clarifying that.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:50, closed)
You are allowed to whine about Legless' posts, but he's not allowed to whine about yours?
Thanks for clarifying that.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:50, closed)
The thing is, is the original post is like a self-fulflling prophecy 'oh boo hoo I'm not coming on here because of all the nasty /talk people woe is me. Cheers'
And then people get all surprised and upset when he gets a load of flames and mockery.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 17:55, closed)
And then people get all surprised and upset when he gets a load of flames and mockery.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 17:55, closed)
No surprise at all. Nothing you do here is remotely surprising, what with you being an utterly predictable one-trick-pony, and all...
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 3:06, closed)
I posted, I wandered off to do things in real life (you know, that thing that I've got and you haven't), then I come back a few days later to see you spouting your usual tedious crap.
Get a life son - any life. Borrow someone else's if you have to but don't waste every waking second on B3ta....
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 8:04, closed)
I posted, I wandered off to do things in real life (you know, that thing that I've got and you haven't), then I come back a few days later to see you spouting your usual tedious crap.
Get a life son - any life. Borrow someone else's if you have to but don't waste every waking second on B3ta....
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 8:04, closed)
if it looked like shit and smelled like shit, I'd probably forgo tasting it - not that I'm judging your own personal predelictions - but I'd still be quite happy to point it out, and observe that it is, indeed, shit.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:53, closed)
Say What?
"You'd probably sit on that moral high ground a bit better if you didn't spend your whole life telling me how I've ruined QOTW"
That's rich coming from someone who seems to spend all of their waking life on /talk.
You've been a member for 7 years. You've posted almost 54 000 messages on /talk (and we won't count the time you spend trolling QOTW). That's 21 messages a day. Every day. For 7 fucking years.
Get a life you pathetic loser....
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 8:01, closed)
"You'd probably sit on that moral high ground a bit better if you didn't spend your whole life telling me how I've ruined QOTW"
That's rich coming from someone who seems to spend all of their waking life on /talk.
You've been a member for 7 years. You've posted almost 54 000 messages on /talk (and we won't count the time you spend trolling QOTW). That's 21 messages a day. Every day. For 7 fucking years.
Get a life you pathetic loser....
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 8:01, closed)
You do have a very very good point here;
it does seem to go somewhat beyond the usual work-distraction of most users.
( , Tue 19 Oct 2010, 9:50, closed)
it does seem to go somewhat beyond the usual work-distraction of most users.
( , Tue 19 Oct 2010, 9:50, closed)
That's Ok
We can work on your comprehension of simple written words over the next few weeks.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 17:26, closed)
We can work on your comprehension of simple written words over the next few weeks.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 17:26, closed)
As a longtime lurker
My interest in this site is waning. Too many whiny little turds doing the internet hardman routine by having a go at posters and then doing the virtual high-fives with like-minded simpletons. (See reply above).
Legless, you're the reason I started coming here in the first place and you lack of input here, though understandable on account of the halfwitted cyber-bashers, is sorely missed.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:50, closed)
My interest in this site is waning. Too many whiny little turds doing the internet hardman routine by having a go at posters and then doing the virtual high-fives with like-minded simpletons. (See reply above).
Legless, you're the reason I started coming here in the first place and you lack of input here, though understandable on account of the halfwitted cyber-bashers, is sorely missed.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:50, closed)
if you are seriously missing the literary efforts of legless, you might want to think about going outside sometimes.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:54, closed)
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:54, closed)
Legless' shit is actually ham?
No wonder these fat cunts want him back.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:14, closed)
No wonder these fat cunts want him back.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:14, closed)
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( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:58, closed)
Hahaha you bastard.
I just officelolled like a cunt. That dino in the top hat never fails to make me laugh.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:59, closed)
I just officelolled like a cunt. That dino in the top hat never fails to make me laugh.
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:59, closed)
Yes! Now to Ali Williams for his opinion, Ali?
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( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:11, closed)
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( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:11, closed)
Bla bla bla bla bloo bloo bloo bla bla bla bloo blooooooo bloo bloo bla bla bla bla blooooo bla bla
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:09, closed)
( , Fri 15 Oct 2010, 15:09, closed)
I've never quite understood why /talkers come here.
If it's all lies and whining, then why are you here? If I find something puerile or pointless, then I generally tend to avoid it. I certainly don't make a point of sitting on the periphery telling everybody who does enjoy it how stupid they are for it. That is textbook twattery.
Awaits inevitable twattery.....
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 12:05, closed)
If it's all lies and whining, then why are you here? If I find something puerile or pointless, then I generally tend to avoid it. I certainly don't make a point of sitting on the periphery telling everybody who does enjoy it how stupid they are for it. That is textbook twattery.
Awaits inevitable twattery.....
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 12:05, closed)
So what if some people make up QOTW Answers
Or exagerate them? If its a good read, its a good read. Legless and Pooflake post the best stuff I've ever read. I dont care, or even consider whether its real or not.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 21:07, closed)
Or exagerate them? If its a good read, its a good read. Legless and Pooflake post the best stuff I've ever read. I dont care, or even consider whether its real or not.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 21:07, closed)
I agree
The best are based in truth but moderately fictionalised.
( , Tue 19 Oct 2010, 9:52, closed)
The best are based in truth but moderately fictionalised.
( , Tue 19 Oct 2010, 9:52, closed)
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