Freddy Woo writes, "A group of us once staggered home so insensible with drink that we failed to notice someone being killed and buried in a shallow grave not more than 50 yards away. A crime unsolved to this day."
Have you witnessed a crime and done bugger all about it? Or are you a have-a-go hero?
Whatever. Tell us about it...
( , Thu 14 Feb 2008, 11:53)
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On the train home a few weeks back I was blessed to be sat next to what I consider to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing females I have ever laid eyes on, she really was quite perfect, unfortunately my confidence is not such that I could ever strike up a conversation with such a girl but alas to be sat next to her for 20 minutes accidentally rubbing knees on the packed train was a good end to the week.
20 minutes passed and the train was pulling into the station, its final stop, as always I was up a few minutes before waiting at the door so I could get a move on, as the driver creeped the train to its stop my window drew level with another stunner standing on the platform, this one a red head (my fav) she was wearing a white dress which was very see thru in the light from the setting sun, quite clearly showing a pair of white thongs and a very nice lacy bra, the conductor took a good 30 seconds to unlock the doors allowing me a good full scan, alas she was carrying a bunch of roses that could only have been for her b/f (not that weird i had a g/f who used to for me) she looked past me inside the carriages expectantly.
Then the unthinkable happened, I opened the door and went to step out when I was side stepped by gorgeous girl number 1 rushing to get off the train, (her perfume was amazing) she ran over to gorgeous girl number 2 they both screamed and hugged, “aww” I thought, friends who had not seen each other for some months, maybe years how nice, each girl then pulled back and they shoved their lips together in a passionate embrace, which then became a french style embrace, 2 men who had got off the train further up actually tripped over each other as they walked past staring I must have been standing mouth open for a good 10 seconds before my “being rude” override kicked in and I started to walk away towards the exits, I don’t know how much more of a show there was but as I looked back for one last glance at these hotties who couldn’t contain the desires from their obvious long separation until they got home, the one who had been on the train had jumped up and wrapped her thighs around the waist of the one in the dress who then shoved one hand down the jeans and thong of her partner to grab some bum flesh while holding her other arse cheek from outside the restrictive material, men were grinning women were looking disgusted, oh to have been a fly on that bedroom wall
The crime ? obviously really, sorry to any gay females reading this but what a waste !! I know at least 7 lesbian couples all of them with a butch/fem or butch/butch combination this was the first fem/fem couple I had seen displaying obvious lesbian sexual relations both of them complete stunners any man would have been proud to have on their arm (me especially)
Length ? a damn sight longer (and harder) then normal when ever I think about it (damn stuck at my desk for 10 minutes now, quick give me something else to think about)
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 15:10, 12 replies)

I used to play hockey. I once had the misfortune to witness two lady hockey players snogging, who were so ugly I at first thought they were blokes.
Length: Considerably shorter than before
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 15:32, closed)

... for all those gorgeous gay guys out there that I've seen wrapped around each other. I've seen loads of pretty lesbians as partners... you just don't go to the right clubs.
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 15:49, closed)

Last week she walked into my local climbing wall, saw me and shouted out, "Get your knickers off!" One of the guys climbing up a 30m wall nearly fell off in his eagerness to see and hopefully participate.....And that's why she did it.
Oh how we laughed as he went splat.*
*actually he didn't fall off, but very nearly...however, it's funnier if you imagine him falling - while attached to a rope of course
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:00, closed)

these replys have nothing to do with getting me away from my desk :oP
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:13, closed)

for either of them. Women don't exist just for men you know. Harrumph.
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:17, closed)

It's not a waste at all. I'm as straight as a er.... very straight thing and I'd much rather see a video of two gorgeous 'feminists' getting it on than a video of one gorgeous woman being see to by some sweaty gronk.
Scenes like that described in the post are nature's fringe-benefit to single men and those married to ugly women.
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:27, closed)

Am I the only man in the world who isn't turned on by lesbianism? I've watched the first three series of The L Word without a trace of wood. Women naked on their own? Fine. Women diddling each other? Limp. Maybe it's because I've never seen the real thing - only pron and acting.
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:28, closed)

That's normally enough to allow me to stand, embarassment free, in such situations...
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 16:49, closed)

I find lesbian porn boring as well, its like endless foreplay /yawn
And in real life its ok, but from year 10 till the end of college I was best friends with a very good looking lesbian with an absolutely stunning girlfriend and was privy to much of their relationship info being a good friend and was also in the presence of them when they were getting dirty under the covers once, not that I noticed sadly, sneaky handed ones.
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 19:00, closed)

You're not alone! Lesbianism doesn't turn me on either - I love women, I am one for goodness sake! I have quite a few lesbian friends but give me a hairy muscled man any day.
At least one of my lesbian friends always laughs at the idea of men wanting to get in on the action with her and her girlfriend....he'd be left out as they don't fancy men - I know that's obvious but that never stopped plenty of men...
( , Tue 19 Feb 2008, 21:45, closed)

I only recently met my first young attractive lesbian... unfortunatly she superceeded this by being french - and from paris... bleh
( , Wed 20 Feb 2008, 1:00, closed)

maybe waste was the wrong word, a lot of my friends are gay and hey its wonderful, i was only trying to say that it was a shame my already non existant chances with either of these women were now even less so......
*takes a sip of coffee out of his "male chauvinistic pig" mug*
( , Wed 20 Feb 2008, 8:39, closed)
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