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This is a question Workplace Boredom

There's got to be more to your working day than loafing around the internet, says tfi049113. How do you fill those long, empty desperate hours?

(, Thu 8 Jan 2009, 12:18)
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I just marvel at the twunts I deal with
I work at a large comprehensive school somewhere and although I have no chance to do cool stuff to make the desperate hours go by - no internet access allowed, I do get the chance to work with kids - some of the biggest twunt-mongers around. Today was a case in point, I refused to let a pupil - aged around sixteen to go to the toilet - she was time-wasting as one does at that age and the school rule is that noone is permitted to be excused unless they have a medical problem - just following orders, me. This mouth-breathing boot then calls her dad - in class - to tell him of this heinous disregard for her human rights and he instructs her to leave straight away. She then is sent to the head of department who tells her to hand over her phone, whereupon she refuses but again phones her dad to make sure he's on his way to take his li'l princess out of Guantanamo High.
Apparently we're in the business of training them for Real Life (tm). I don't think so.
So with such twat-maggotry abounding, its no wonder I need nothing else to make my working hours pass by.
I weep for the future.
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 0:29, 12 replies)
Its horrid.
I mean, Im only 20 but I hold the personal feeling that I could do a lot more for this country with a week of immunity from the law and a flamethrower than the government or any school can.

And maybe a travel ticket for easy movement.
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 0:36, closed)
I would suggest an volvo estate
Its bootspace is ideal for even the largest of flamethrowers
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 0:39, closed)
noted. :)
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 0:50, closed)
so true...
I'll join you. I will bring my own flamethrower and bus pass :) There's bugger all we can do nowadays cos all our power has been taken away by those not at the front line but hiding in offices.
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 0:49, closed)
I also had a Toff pleasing idea
The country folk loved Fox hunting yes?

Problem: Its pretty much banned as far as I understand

Solution: Allow fox hunts to hunt chavs on council estates, killing two birds with one stone. The toffs get to run around on horses and kill stuff and we get rid of a distinct pest.

Also how fun would it be to simply be walking along one day and just hearing the *Fnaaaar* of a hunting horn as round the corner come a few chavs running as fast as possible, closely followed by the hounds and a bunch of toffs all dressed up on horses having fun.

Im tempted to send it of to David Cameron, Im sure he'd love it.
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 1:06, closed)
I'd vote for that.

(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 2:32, closed)

I'd pay good money to watch that.
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 19:44, closed)
english schools
by and large state schools are quite crap. just a few weeks working in one last year and there were several kids i wanted to stab with a biro. or shoot. i swear the parents were drinking / smoking / on meth for the entire pregnancy (dad before, for his beat up spunk to produce THOSE THINGS) ... and what's with having the seriously deficient kids in with those who can learn? that's what special schools are for. you don't help the special kid by putting them in with the bright ones, you bring the bright ones down by slowing everything up and needing a special teacher in the classroom at the same time. it's saddening (and infuriating).

i swear, compulsory 2 year conscription would sort a lot of this shit out.
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 6:16, closed)
Slow down
(and, conversely, speed up).

(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 8:55, closed)
I work in a school
all I can say is a-men. It all comes down to a complete lack of disapline(sp?) in the home and bad parenting.

Bring back the cane.
Bring back the board eraser.
Ban all phones from site.
Bring back head teachers who do not budge on morals and rules.. give and inch take a mile.
(, Fri 9 Jan 2009, 11:22, closed)
No pissing rules are fucking stupid.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:58, closed)
Its all down to lack of parental support for teachers. Sure we're all biased towards our kids but when it comes down to it a teacher is an adult and therefore their judgements are worth more than a spotty 16 year olds. Personally my daughter isn't getting a phone till she is old enough to pay her own bill and if she did phone me to say that a teacher had told her to sit down and work i would tell her to do the same.
(, Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:06, closed)

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