In a week where it emerges that the new Health Secretary is a fan of the hocus-pocus that is homeopathy, tell us about people who are spectacularly out of their depth in a job. Have you ever found yourself wallowing in your own incompetence? Tell us. (Note: "Name of football manager/politician - nuff said" does not constitute an answer)
( , Thu 6 Sep 2012, 12:48)
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I see they're going on strike again. Clearly 13 weeks holiday a year just isn't enough.
That and half of them are probably kiddy fiddlers.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 18:31, 55 replies)

To become a teacher and benefit from all those holidays
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 20:06, closed)

On one hand I am a teacher. I gave up a very good job to become a teacher. I could have a shiny new car and a rolex and a wardrobe full of garments embossed with the surnames of many a flamboyant italian fashion designer.
Instead I went back to uni to do my pgde for a year on top of the 4 years I spent getting my honours.
No wage, more student loan debt.
Then I started teaching. I am at school for 8 and generally leave about 4.30 on top of this i have parents nights, staff meetings, development meetings, marking, course development and I attend the usual school events like discos etc. I drive a modest mass market family car and will have to work until I am 68 before I can retire (mum died at 46 and dad at 63. Do the math).
As a teacher I will not see my salary rise above about £31,000 per annum. I have a 3 bedroom house which I share with my wife and 2 children.
I lead a life which as far as I am concerned is as luxurious as anyone should need and am very content.
In addition to this I get a lot of holidays in comparison to most people. I am relatively time rich and cash comfortable. It's a trade off.
On the other hand.... I fucking hate teachers. They sit in the staff room and moan about their stressful workload and how nobody understands the pressures of their job and about how horrible it is they need to stay late for a parents night. These guys are usually nearer to the end of their careers than the beginning.
A lot of them will have come straight into teaching with little or no experience in industry.
They are wankers.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 20:23, closed)

You're a fucking treat aren't you?
Well done!
You forgot "I know you are but what am I" though so you only get a C for your attempt at juvenile humour.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 20:51, closed)

( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 20:53, closed)

says so in your profile qotw answers
and you talk about being some high-flying insurance wanker/having a career in finance
so I guess you've fucked up quite badly to end up as a teacher, just sayin
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 21:14, closed)

I chose timex instead of Rolex. And I chose summer holidays over Antacids and leaving the office at 9 every night.
So I didn't fuck up (and I was hardly a high flyer. If you are going to trawl people's accounts at least do it properly. I got to mingle with the high flyers during my time in a relatively junior position. It allowed me to see how vacuous, unfulfilling and morally bankrupt my career would be had I chosen to stay).
If you had managed to read the whole post you would have seen this.
I think my post was fairly balanced. Pointing out the errors made by daily mail mouth breathers complaining about teachers holidays whilst acknowledging that a lot of teachers are cunts that don't appreciate how good their job is.
I teach in an Additional Learning Needs school and have fuck all to complain about.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:17, closed)

Maybe you could see about attending your local special school. They should be able to address your literacy and social interaction needs.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 12:49, closed)

You daft twat.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 13:05, closed)

( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 9:08, closed)

( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 21:10, closed)

Alternatively we could do the sums, crunch the numbers or work it out with a pencil.
I am typing this all on a 3.5 inch screen so I am sure you will be able to find some more errors if you concentrate hard enough.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:21, closed)

I got pulled up on using an Americanism, best try and disguise it as a typing error quick! Sorry, would you prefer 'typo'.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 23:22, closed)

Well, that and being arrested for child molestation.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 0:35, closed)

My mum was a teacher and bowed out of the profession due to stress, as did all of her friends who were teachers. A lot of this may have been due to bearing the brunt of Thatcher's kicking of their profession during the eighties, but working with kids isn't the easy ride your post seems to make out.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 21:28, closed)

Also worth bearing in mind that despite the 13 weeks holiday teachers have to do a lot of stuff outside the normal working hours - marking, lesson plans, familiarizing themselves with curriculum updates etc...
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 21:37, closed)

( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 21:44, closed)

I should imagine
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:00, closed)

( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:03, closed)

But usually because they're picking up the slack for all their shit lazy colleagues, who are often the ones who go off with 'stress'
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:13, closed)

I leave the building by then to beat the worst of the traffic but there is always plenty of work to do.
It's a bit of a shitty bill oreilly trick to call people lazy wankers then wait for them to respond so that you can call them moaning wankers.
I think fox news are recruiting. Fill your boots.
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:27, closed)

( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:42, closed)

And has them escorted off the internet
( , Fri 7 Sep 2012, 22:48, closed)

Rob seems to have adjusted things so if we don't want to be quite literally hounded by fuckwits, we aren't. I am lost as to why this a bad plan. What is their loss?
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 0:37, closed)

You can't see them & they can't see you. The problem arises in that then you can't see any sub-threads that they then post in. That can make some threads a bit confusing to read to say the least.
I'm trying a few of the usual annoying bunch on ignore right now - let's see if it makes things a little better.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 0:47, closed)

Why would I miss their comments? If they are determined to be wankers then Rob should probably ban them for good
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:03, closed)

Still you can always logout and log back in if you really want to read their posts.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:11, closed)

I've have already established they are muppets
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:21, closed)

Because that's what you are, you dull fat spastic. Much better you stay in your little bubble where noone can be mean to you. After all, that's the reason you stopped going outside in the first place isn't it?
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 2:01, closed)

Not that b3ta admins do anything about spam anyway, having caved into legal threats from a certain boy band.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:16, closed)

( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:56, closed)

( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:50, closed)

The complaint against the new ignore seems to boil down to "But now it's slightly harder for me to be a pusillanimous arsehole".
Yah boo sucks.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 9:47, closed)

You don't seem to have the faintest idea what you're on about. Do you actually have any first-hand experience of the profession, or do you base all your opinions on furious soundbites from tabloid comics?
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:06, closed)

( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:23, closed)

That doesn't really answer the question, does it? Full marks for effort with the PE teacher comment, though - that's some cutting stuff, right there. Go, you.
But to answer your question - I have several teachers in my family, have several schools on my client list, and visit (on average) five or six per week. I'm not a teacher. But I've seen, first hand, the hours they put in, and your cretinous little whine seems to be based upon nothing more than willful ignorance, fantasy, and tabloid nonsense.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 3:14, closed)

( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 10:29, closed)

some cunt in this thread proves that.
( , Sat 8 Sep 2012, 1:48, closed)
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