at least i've had sex.
and i have a social life.
Parrott and the cave monsters (NSFW), Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:12,
it is?
*runs out looking for sex*
GrandmaOfShoes, Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:15,
without the birds and the bees we'd be dead in 80 years
GrandmaOfShoes, Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:21,
Hardly :)
3 out of 5 of my birthlings weren't anything to do with birds and bees.
Fluzzy namby-pamby pudding and pie, Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:22,
We have a wobbler here!
Don't worry I am sure you can use your fat as a comfort blanket when you are alone in bed at night. Wobbling gently in time to your big rolling tears that stain your jowley face.
Pimms'N'Lemonade thinks you are a twat, prove me wrong., Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:17,
I am glad you are taking a healthy interest in my sex life
it is a perfectly normal thing to do on the internet at twenty past midnight on a saturday night.
Pimms'N'Lemonade thinks you are a twat, prove me wrong., Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:20,
For attention, of course.
Which he doesn't really need, seeing as he's so superior that he studies architecture and lives in a piss-stained tower-block.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:17,
Seeing as there's no way of disproving this
without having to meet someone off the internet, I shall base my opinion on the utter shit you post. On the internet.
wotofco pissing in your swimming pool, Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:16,
those people who are currently out at bars and clubs and restaurants
or are currently rogering their partners senseless, will probably disagree with that statement
h3donist tryin' to play me out as if my name is Sega.., Sun 6 Apr 2008, 0:18,