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I've just turned down a well paid job working for my cousin in London.
The reason being that I'm positive London will be hit by a biological/nuclear attack this year.
And now I'm telling strangers on an internet messageboard, HURRAH!
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:36,
Yes dear.
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:36,
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
You haven't turned down a job, you're just after attention.
*pats head*
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:41,
I'm really not.
He buys and sells Cisco equipment and is going to pay for my CCNP or CCNA training..or something.
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:41,
Surely he won't if you aren't working for him
Pickle Fairy is clumsily dancing away this fear, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:42,
Why would you want to miss out on the fun?
Fluzzy namby-pamby pudding and pie, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
Like you were positive about that other attack that was going to happen on a specific date
but didn't happen? Like that one? Is is that a different one, that isn't like that one? So it's different.
magnum, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
You're referring to a Youtube video of Colin Powell, which I whacked on /links.
That makes HIM a liar and not me.
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
Will you say sorry when nothing happens this year?
Dave Trouser ; the people's choice - 75% agree, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:39,
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:42,
It was your choice to believe him and spread it round here
like smearing faeces over a car window
magnum, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:49,
I'm currently waiting for my computer program to give me results,
now that I've asked it to take 1000 times as long
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
You should take the job
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
the only way you can know this for sure is if you're planning to perpetrate this attack yourself
Lightguy hail satan, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
If I bookmark this thread and show it to you next year will you see the error of your ways?
Zuowan, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:37,
If ya like.
I doubt I'll be on here by then, I bore of this place.
I meant tire, or possibly tiar..
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:39,
Want to leave now and get it over with?
Pickle Fairy is clumsily dancing away this fear, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:40,
It's ok,
I won't be able to show it to you, being dead and all that.
Zuowan, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:41,
What crazy proof do you have
or are you just being a paranoid twat?
Dobsky, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:38,
Obviously you don't read the news every day.
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:41,
i read the news today, oh boy
about a lucky man who made the grade. and though the news was rather sad, well, i just had to laugh. he blew his mind out in a car, he didn't notice that the lights had changed. a crowd of people stood and stared; they'd seen his face before, nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords
Lightguy hail satan, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:45,
You would be the biological attack
all that grease, sweat and fat would make a mockery of this city.
Jenk Neptune is a pedant and now I can't fit my sig in, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:38,
you're an idiot
who the hell would care enough to blow you up.
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:38,
Not me, LONDON
(|D[ekionplexis B3ta.com: fictional child porn is OK, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:40,
Still, come on now
the vast majority of people who work in London were not killed in the last attack. Man up.
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:41,
you'd be more likly to get killed on the road, on the way to work.
Major Turd for tonight only, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:46,
or from brain overheating
due to tinfoil hat application.
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:47,
Chook, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 22:13,
There's two inches of fresh snow outside
SNOW. For fuck's sake
Grrrmachine the indifference engine, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:39,
You do live in Poland.
It tends to get a bit chilly there.
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:40,
Crazy shit.
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:40,
That had me shocked,
until I noticed you lived in Poland.
Major Turd for tonight only, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:40,
It's only as north as London
this isn't supposed to be happening
Grrrmachine the indifference engine, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:43,
in Yellowstone national park, it can snow at any time of year
Malaka omdz, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 22:14,
Oh dear
You do entertain me.
Pickle Fairy is clumsily dancing away this fear, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:40,
Yes. I like Dekion.
Lisette von Falcon, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:48,
biological OR nuclear?
you mean you don't even know what the extent of your paranoid delusions are?
you're even shitter than i first thought
mns 2️⃣2️⃣9️⃣0️⃣7️⃣, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:42,
It's part of Jonathon Porritt's plan
CanonCaliber A big bore, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:55,
everybody murder a sibling.
Major Turd for tonight only, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 21:58,
some of the "have your say" comments are ace
CanonCaliber A big bore, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 22:11,
'Introducing NHS in present form seems to be the first step forward'
Malaka omdz, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 22:18,
I'll have that job
I'm moving to London in the next few months and I'll be needing a decent job
Malaka omdz, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 22:11,
london is a big place y'know
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 22:36,