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the negativity of you guys is just pouring into the comments, thank you for your pathetic criticisms, you crazy lil keyboard warriors!
CJcypher finaly learned someting on, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:38,
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:39,
I was being
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:40,
This place is quite stroppy and cliquey at times.
Just make sure your posts read well and make sense when you read them back to yourself.
Else, try and read the newest post at the top and follow the conversations down (and across) the board and get a feel for the posting style here.
moohalaa, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:40,
and if people post abuse, don't reply back with more abuse.
It's just the posting style here, we insult each other all the time and none of it's personal.
Plus we all like to point at new people and shout at them so just ignore it.
moohalaa, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:42,
I can vouch for this
and my suicide attempts have slowed down since then.
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:43,
moohalaa, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:43,
You see? All good natured fun
*cuts arm*
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:45,
Some of it is personal.
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:43,
Shove it up your arse, gaybo.
JessAction Give me all your expensive brandy and hubcaps., Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:45,
you have such lovely hair, JackAction
moohalaa, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:46,
This is true.
JessAction Give me all your expensive brandy and hubcaps., Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:47,
he didn't mention any food mooey
Just Harry What should I put here?, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:43,
I fail to see any negativity in any of those replies. I even said hello. :(
vladimir, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:40,
That's us well and truly shown up for what we are.
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:40,
Pathetic criticisms?
You're the one who used the term "iFad".
Edd: The Unfunny Try-Hard Edgelord, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:41,
Yeah, you should probably just kill yourself or something.
JessAction Give me all your expensive brandy and hubcaps., Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:41,
Fortune and Glory, Kid
Fortune and Glory
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:42,
my concern with the iPad isn't keyboards
but that you'll only be able to stick software on it via the itunes shop.
I use my netbook for watching films in bed - some of them possibly via dodgy downloads - this apple device could be really nice for this - but if I can't do that then I'm not interested in buying it.
Yes I know there will probably be a hack - but I've already got a jailbroken iPod and it generates a whole load of other problems.
There you go - a non abusive and considered answer.
rob, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:44,
I was nice too
I was!
bloody gingers think they run the place
moohalaa, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:45,
You never got the hang of this place, did you?
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:46,
well the point when I started it was to allow /board to chat without people shouting THREADWASTE
then it got taken over by people who confuse being abusive with being witty.
rob, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:48,
There's a difference now?
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:50,
I'd apologise
but come on, this one IS a bit of a chopper.
In any case, it's got a keyboard, it's just a touch one. Same as the iPhone.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:53,
I'm so close to blowing you right now!!!!
likeajackhammer, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:54,
the problem is that being abusive IS quite witty...
but in short controlled bursts...
but when everyone is doing short controlled bursts, it just becomes a constant wave of abuse...
you twat (see what i did there?!)
likeajackhammer, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:53,
I do see what you did there
you attempted a joke and then pointed at it.
rob, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 15:00,
do I get a mention in the newsletter?
or a gold star?
likeajackhammer, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 15:04,
I think you get to suck his knob, TBH
thediscokingpin, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 15:07,
likeajackhammer, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 15:16,
direct him to the faq
but then he does have a good point, it's why i dislike other apple things, as if they need to tell you the best apps/programmes etc to use
Just Harry What should I put here?, Thu 28 Jan 2010, 14:50,