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Right then
which one of you fuckers is organising the lolrandom burn this year? I'm not because it was too much hard work last year and I have more important things to do like sit on my fat arse and eat cakes.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:48,
we should all just do spotify playlists
__, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:48,
How can you play one of them in the car or on a cd player.
Think next, Think.
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:52,
I wouldn't play a b3tan's random burn full stop.
at least with a spotify playlist I've not had to make any sort of committment like putting the CD in a player.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:04,
But you hate most things.
You wouldn't join in anyway.
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:12,
Of course he wouldn't.
He's a fucking misery.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:13,
yes, a big one.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:14,
Yeah, but it's quite evident that I'm
Flanderising myself. I actually took part one year, I got one CD.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:13,
That's just an excuse for you being a wronghat
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:20,
I was already a wrong hat, I accept that.
Now I'm just playing up to it.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:20,
^ yes
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:20,
did you like the one you got?
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:21,
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:26,
Are you Flanderising yourself, all the time then.
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:23,
I don't think you understand flanderising if you've asked that question
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:25,
Nah, fuck that, I'm not travelling back in time again.
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:50,
this is the future these days
now it all hs to be blu-rays with videos of the sender dancing in the pants to each song
glued eel /questions/questionsyoudliketoask/post1648081, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:51,
I wouldn't mind doing that actually.
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:52,
as if you haven't already done it
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:52,
I never said I haven't, but this time I can send it to people LEGALLY
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:53,
I would.
I'd mind it an awful lot. I couldn't inflict that on the world, even if you are b3tans and have seen everything bad on the internet.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:53,
I bet FF has got home made porno of you on a trampoline with two black eyes and a broken nose
Gives him a right wrongbroom looking at your lung hammers flying about.
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:58,
Wrongbroom. I love you DG.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:01,
most women do...most women do.
damn you lesbians*.
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:07,
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:08,
no one in their right mind would want to see me jump up and down in my piss stained pants
let alone the earthquake damage caused.
Tyronne Get To Falkirk, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:04,
I still haven't sent my last years ones because I am the worst kind of cunt.
Every time I get prepped to do them something horrible goes wrong. And now I don't have anything that will reliably burn a CD. Once I've sorted that, I'm going to post them out to addresses that people probably no longer live at.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:52,
Oh so you're one of THOSE cunts.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:55,
Oh hai mike.
You'll be pleased to know that as of just now, rule 34 does apply to Susan Boyle. :-( No more /b/ today.
Dave Trouser ; the people's choice - 75% agree, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:57,
I bet it's out there though.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:04,
That's not how I'd describe it.
It's worse than that time you did live cam sex with Gilgamesh on tinychat.
Dave Trouser ; the people's choice - 75% agree, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:05,
I know
I never told anyone about that so Gilgamesh's got some serious explaining to do.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:06,
I have only 0.02 of a vote in my area.
This is quite shit, no wonder people don't bother voting.
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:53,
That page is quite shit.
Their logic is atrocious, it's basically just propaganda in support of proportional representation.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:54,
Ok, knowledge me up.
Why is their logic atrocious.
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:01,
Well I said this below, but here's a recap.
First of all they count a vote as meaningful only if it has the potential to change the result. As if anyone who wanted the same result as last time isn't voting out of free choice and that seats are safe by magic. A vote only counts if it is AGAINST the winner. Then it goes on to say that a vote doesn't count unless it was FOR the winner.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:04,
Oh I see.
That's some swinging logic right there, I think I might join with a local fairness party, to see what can be acheived.
Wildheart Baby. Drunken Mess In A Good Way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:11,
The only way a country would come out as democratic by their twisted standards
is if every constituency changed hands at every election. By a landslide.
The fact they state on their front page: "In the 2005 election, more than half of all voters voted against their winning MP." is only a natural result of their being more than two parties.
Moon Girl Technologies horrendous beanbag, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:14,
I am all kinds of fat and lazy so I'll politely decline
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:53,
I liked the bit where everyone had to pay to get my randomburn.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:54,
I fucked up on the postage costs because I tried to give TOO MUCH. 2 CDs instead of one.
I'm just too generous. So generous in fact, that people have to pay in order to get the benefit of my generosity.
Edd: The Unfunny Try-Hard Edgelord, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:56,
I only sent one cd...but I think I sent it in the quite heavy cases.
They all had
original hand-crafted playlists though.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:00,
Your handwriting is not good.
Neptune A dole queue dosser and foul mouthed chav., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:07,
How will I cope?
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:08,
Whatever you've been doing so far, carry on.
Neptune A dole queue dosser and foul mouthed chav., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:19,
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:57,
I'm too busy organising a Kabaddi tournament in Hyde Park.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:58,
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 14:59,
I'm a little nervous about it.
I'm proposing four members per team, and I'm not sure I even have eight friends.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:01,
Count me in.
baldmonkey a frothy foul-smelling vaginal discharge, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:08,
Can I have mine just plain? No salad, yeah?
And a tin of coke.
Edd: The Unfunny Try-Hard Edgelord, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:00,
Oh, look how multicultural you are.
This is what the world needs, a white chap organsing a Kadaddi tournament because the indian population are too lazy to do it for themselves.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:03,
I'm not inviting any Indians.
I don't like them at all.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:07,
It was so much better when India was British colony
We should do some empire building again
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:10,
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:17,
This post came second in a competition entitled "completely sum up rnuk without describing him."
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:19,
what did the winning sentence say?
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:22,
It was a picture of Jesus watching some lesbians getting it on on a very expensive Afghan rug.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:23,
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:24,
I missed that.
I had better things to do on Valentine's night ;)
The Teviot Moose major 5th., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:28,
Get some chips to cry into, mike, I'm about to tell you I'm going to Uzbekistan this summer.
I'm going to Uzbekistan this summer, mike.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:29,
I'm crying into my chips.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:36,
Something about ultimate frisbee
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:00,
how do you randomise it all up?
how many people sign up? I might be able to do it, depends on when it is.
moohalaa, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:04,
If you're organising it you can do it however you want
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts., Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:05,
Names in a hat.
Roughly 50-70 sign up.
About 10 of them actually send a CD.
Edd: The Unfunny Try-Hard Edgelord, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:06,
I got 4 last year.
Only 2 the year before that though.
It is a really good idea it just doesn't work because of cunts like noit.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:07,
I got loads last year for organising it.
Woo me.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:09,
I did a spreadsheet
with everyone's names on and randomised it. Organise it for whenever.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:07,
I'm busy tomorrow, so not tomorrow please
glued eel /questions/questionsyoudliketoask/post1648081, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:08,
If we go for later summer ish
late July? Works for me. I'd do it in Access probably.
YES. I'll do this I think. I'll work out what I need to do this evening.
moohalaa, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:18,
MNS is doing it.
He GAZ'd me to ask for my blessing.
RR I love you ... in a way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:08,
He said he might.
I just want to know why the FUCK he hasn't yet. I might have to go up to Blackpool and smash his face in.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:10,
Take a step ladder
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:11,
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:12,
They hurt more than punching
I was being helpful
Maximinimus you stick around I'll make it worth your while, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:14,
I thought it happened in July or something last year?
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:13,
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:16,
your little girl is all grown up now
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:14,
I don't really want to organise it but I'll join in
I like getting randomburns. I usually only listen to ones from people I know though. RedRocket's was good, I remember that.
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:20,
Of course it was. It's been scientifically proven that I'm mega.
RR I love you ... in a way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:23,
I might make a load extra and inflict them on people I like this year
I'd like another one of yours.
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:24,
I'll give you one if you give me one.
*nudge nudge, wink wink*
RR I love you ... in a way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:26,
i ended up doing this
i did an extra one for blue star and binky and for mrs. spam because she didn't get signed up in time
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:28,
I'm going to send one to you and RR and binky and a load of other people
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:54,
mine are always good
because all of my music is brilliant
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:23,
also i'm very handsome
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:24,
modest, too.
RR I love you ... in a way, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:26,
modesty is just one of the hundreds of good qualities i possess
manolith hooray for me, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:35,
Mine have twice gotten the 'Johnny Catfish Seal of Approval'.
That's good enough for me.
Blue Star was working part time at the 5 and Dime, Fri 9 Apr 2010, 15:31,