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hi rob!
why all the /talk dramabombs? we are cunts who are cunts to each other. thassall.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:05, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:06, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:07, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:07, archived)
I suspect it's going to do a John hurt chest-burster again soon.
so am looking forward to waking up at 3am with my hair full of blood again :(
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:10, archived)
wow, that's one hell of a blob.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:11, archived)
also, billy shatner was amazing on hignfw tonight. and jake shears is miming like a little bitch on graham norton.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:12, archived)
epic :(

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:14, archived)
/talk is fine when you're just mean to each other
but when it's raids on qotw / links etc - it just creates a mess and makes people upset
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:07, archived)
hi rob, you can ask me questions about my parrot if you like

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:09, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:10, archived)
still here

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:17, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:18, archived)
oh man, we just can't help raiding the girls dorms.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:10, archived)
panty raids!!
(what the hell was wrong with American colleges?)
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:13, archived)
shut it booger.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:15, archived)
/qotw thrive on it. ask emvee and his pathetic whiny manchild self.
as for links. not my department. they can probably fend for themselves if pushed though.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:15, archived)
their one meme is "post this link on /talk" to all newlings
so, is rob going to tell them to wind it the fuck in? no, because we don't give a fuck about this shite.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:16, archived)
With bacon references, cat vs dog vidos
and shouting GC!/SK!/VEET!/*INSERT CURRENT INTERNET MEME HERE*! at things that had been posted once before, 4 years ago.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:19, archived)
I like how they post youtube videos some cunt from work emailed me weeks ago.
oh man, /links is well lol.
have you sent your application to bombay mick yet? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:21, archived)
I heard pcmechanic's a bit knifey watch out LOL

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:23, archived)

(, Sat 26 May 2012, 12:23, archived)
bored of that now

(, Sat 26 May 2012, 12:24, archived)
Talk's a seething pool of hate, bile and vitriol.
It's gonna spill occasionally.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:16, archived)
is their being upset really justified though? or should they just mtfu?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:17, archived)
Did you know that the first B3ta was designed to be a perfect world, where none suffered, where everyone would be happy?
It was a disaster. No one would accept the program, entire crops were lost.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:25, archived)
I'm not entirely sure why the humans needed to be kept in the matrix.
Couldn't the robots just have lobotomised them and not bothered with the huge, resource depleting computer simulation?

Or, you know, just burned whatever shit they were feeding the humans on for energy instead and be 40% more efficient?

You're a doctor, you're qualified in these matters.
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:31, archived)
why didn't they just make batteries?

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:33, archived)
Because making the batteries uses more energy than they'd get out of them.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:37, archived)
But there's that bit where Morpheus holds up batteries and says that's what the Matrix has turned people into.
Except the batteries are actually only imaginary batteries made by being imagined by people, who are being used as batteries....
(, Sat 26 May 2012, 0:34, archived)
wouldn't have made a very good film

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:33, archived)
It would have made more sense, and not needed the sequels.

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:38, archived)
They probably needed the humans for their creativity or something like that.
I can think of plenty of more practical power sources. Maybe they just liked fucking them in the back of the head with those metal spikes.
(, Sat 26 May 2012, 0:18, archived)
Wake up Rob...
Follow the white penguin...
(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:31, archived)
You want Rob to show you how deep his rabbit hole goes?

(, Sat 26 May 2012, 0:20, archived)

(, Fri 25 May 2012, 23:32, archived)