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This is a link post The Weekly Planet guys play Star Wars: Dark Forces
The 90s video game about stealing the Death Star plans. Very entertaining.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 23:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post MLG!
I listen to their podcast every week, but have no interest in comic books, related movies or any of that sort of carry on. I suppose that either makes me weird, or them very good at what they do. I know which I prefer to believe.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 10:42, , Reply)
This is a link post The final frame of this NSFW
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Top Inglis

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 9:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post In Finland it's called rally-English. For good reason.

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 18:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post hahaha

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 9:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post Mother nature
Giving some abuse back
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 12:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post That song
Did wonders to reduce the population explosion, and at the same time, make all that heard it envy the dead. More depressing than waking up realising you are trapped in a maze, watched over by rich children for their pleasure.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 12:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post That happened to me.

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 15:00, , Reply)
This is a link post 80's Tuesday. Have a class act

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:13, , Reply)
This is a link post Demonstration of the physics of Inertia

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 20:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post Would

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 20:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Leaf 'im Barry, he's not wurf it.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post Don't be a son of a birch!

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Knowing my luck there would be a dog turd hidden in the pile

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 1:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Q. What's inertia?*
A. Kilmarnock

*Must be said in a Glasgow accent.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 10:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm in Glasgow
this makes no sense
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 13:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post presumably
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 15:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is this a trifle or a merinque?
No, you're dead right.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 17:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post Name four Formula 1 drivers with Scottish places in their name
Stirling Moss
Eddie Irvine
Lewis Hamilton
Ayr town centre
(, Thu 8 Dec 2016, 10:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post Reminds me of a looney toons cartoon character running off a cliff

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 10:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Yep, really enjoyed. Watching for seventh time now.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 16:28, , Reply)
This is a link post "No bruv... fuck YOU!"

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 20:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post That was the most futile acts of charity I've ever seen.
Why go through all that just to break the idiot's phone?
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 20:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Fun.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 20:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm game, you?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post Beef.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post There's gotta be a slurry around here some where

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's not charity.
That's wilful destruction of property, and the biker is a twunt.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post He should have willfully destroyed his nose instead.
The car driver nearly knocked him off.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post Meh.
I watched a dickhead pull out on a biker and then flip him off when he thought he was being challenged. I'm thinking that this way he may learn a lesson.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Frake

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post Whoops! Butter fingers
then he rides off embarrassed
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 23:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post
I have wached this several times now. What the fuck is going on? Wallet out of a window? Phone on the roof? What?
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 23:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post Wallet on top of phone on top of car
Wallet falls off, phone is prevented from doing so by the roof gutter.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 5:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post he should have punched him in the face with a knife
for using the word 'bruv'
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 9:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post By the way Dom...
This is how it's done.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 12:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post that's what it's missing
A miserable commentary
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 13:22, , Reply)
This is a normal post
And a complete lack of action
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 13:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post Road rage
Reminds me of the final chapter of the book 'Perfume' for some reason. A frenzy.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 12:14, , Reply)
This is a normal post A mate of mine
Pulls up next to drivers and rips out their keys, if they endanger him on his bike, and rides off, leaving the inconsiderate and dangerous twats stranded where they are. He generally bins the keys down the road. I think he's great and doing the world a service.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 19:02, , Reply)
This is a link post Play this and pretend it sounds fine to you
(Why can't I change this link to www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS_j0nubKSk ?)
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:33, , Reply)
This is a normal post Oddly it sort of works...

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post Woah! Happy Candles man!

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 10:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post I wasn't aware my drunken stag night karaoke with my mates had been recorded.
Let alone dubbed over the original video.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sounds like karaoke night at the Korean bar.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:43, , Reply)
This is a normal post What pretence?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sounds like my band.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good GOD

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sounds fine to me.
What am I supposed to be listening for?
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post i've often imagined how human music would sound to an alien.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Toto Africa
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 12:22, , Reply)
This is a link post Baby crying in slow motion

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post Reminds me of this gem
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post This is also... nice
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post Can't you just force feed them Calpol so they shut the fuck up?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Worked for Maddie.
Not heard a peep out of her in years.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post :(

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post Typical parents though.
Won't shut up about their bloody kid.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 23:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post Sounds like....
....Mick Jagger?
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 16:27, , Reply)
This is a link post Christmas number one contender.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Lasted a minute...
then just gave up. Would make xmas chart a giggle though.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post Usually I'd say anything is better than whoever wins the X Factor,
but in this instance I'm not so sure.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post Jesus fucking wept
from the pain of jamming knitting needles in his ears and spoons in his eyes.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 8:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Doc Cox making a comeback?
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 10:57, , Reply)
This is a link post for all you farmers out there
or terrists
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:07, , Reply)
This is a normal post Well, that's just great! Just nearing the end of my probation and now THAT'S on my internet history.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post Just go back and search for aluminium oxyde
Then search for diesel and go wait outside for the plod, big brother will be around shortly.

The weird thing is, is I learnt how to do that reading chemistry books at school, but some people don't get that balancing a chemical reaction is not a secret science.

Would be perfect source to make something fun like rockets tho.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post
This will help
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:38, , Reply)
This is a normal post 25kgs? Pfft.
See what happens when you try and have few tonnes deliveered to your lock up near Vauxhall bridge. I'm betting the nice big delivery man and his four burly helpers will ask to see your ID when you sign for it.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post Is your pink sleeve healing up?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:41, , Reply)
This is a normal post Get tactical, make your own tannerite:
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post WTF.... Ohhh Hi's GCHQ guy.... just looking for stocking fillers.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post Isn't this stuff laced with something to make it less sploady these days?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:37, , Reply)
This is a normal post no, it's still a high explosive
you need a detonator though
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 13:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post the nitrite
is slightly more helpful and whats more its 'food grade' but not all that easy to get hold of.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post Can you make a fertilizer bomb with horse manure?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post Only a shit one.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 22:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post Now that's what I call a....
Dirty Bomb!!!1!
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 11:35, , Reply)
This is a link post Streakers run on field during football game and announcer gives play by play
After a few of these, they seem to have decided no quarter.


Edit: LOOK! A reindeer icon!
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 16:43, , Reply)
This is a link post Ever so subtle hipsterish crossover.
I'm pretty sure it will be lost on almost all.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 16:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's not lost on me
Enjoying what I'm hearing so far. Do you like Oranssi Pazuzu? Have I asked you that before?

I'm not generally a fan of straight black metal although I like some of the other crossover genres. Much more a death fan, as you know...
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post I have wide tastes myself, though I like my black metal rather straight and old, almost all* crossovers, while some of them interesting indeed, sacrifice essential qualities of the genre trying to be so.
*but not all.

I remember you were linking Pazuzu, quite possibly we had this conversation already :)
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:31, , Reply)
This is a normal post Happy fucking cake day cunt!

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 6:39, , Reply)
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(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 12:50, , Reply)

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 13:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post What he said

Only longer.
(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 16:53, , Reply)
This is a link post this video has an amusing story
its nuts


hang on

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post lol
goblin's life sure is hard
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post It all worked out alright in the end, though
So, gotta laugh.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good laugh, these buggers
Good live, too.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post That was good fun

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post :D
Is the video from the Uwe Boll Warcraft film?
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:25, , Reply)
This is a link post Grouty from Porridge is no more
Dr.Dunno, get to it.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hope he's cremated otherwise he'll come back as a white walker.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post 2013... wonder if he's dead yet.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 15:50, , Reply)
This is a link post since everyone is feeling all festive

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 13:36, , Reply)
This is a normal post The thumbnail is really NSFW

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think at this time of year it's normal to link some Bob Rivers...
You've Got A Brand New Pair of Figure Skates & I'm Gonna Break Your Knees.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 15:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post Love that
Good earworm material.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post (It's Ok, it's not Jo Brand's Penthouse spread)
(But I understand your confusion)
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:42, , Reply)
This is a link post I'm sure at some point we'll look back on all this and laugh
I mean for fucksake
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 13:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 13:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post "We want... A BREXIT!!!".
"You must return here with a Brexit... or else you will never pass through this wood... alive".
"One that looks nice".
"And not too expensive".
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 15:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post Here, you can have it.
When do you intend to use it?
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:59, , Reply)
This is a normal post Good Lord, she doesn't have a clue.

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 15:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post scary isnt it, just look at her eyes you can tell she's worried
And what does Corbyn think? Farron gets a jab in, Corbyn: absolutely fuck all
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 16:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post Can I just get the cheapest Brexit in magnolia?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 16:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's almost like her
plan to let God guide her isn't working.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 16:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post I think that might indicate some sort of personal crisis
The strain on her must be immense.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 16:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post "Don't you think she looks tired?"

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post *waves tricolour upside down*

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:18, , Reply)
This is a normal post No, she is talking about Holland
Or Luxembourg.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post "Well alright mister wise guy, if you’re so clever you tell us what colour it should be!"
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 17:23, , Reply)
This is a normal post It's not a game of chance
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post he's great that bloke

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Red, white and blue eh? Trade deals with America, France and North Korea?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:08, , Reply)
This is a normal post By the way.... is there any set protocol for how you're supposed to actually invoke article 50?
Does it start with the line "BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL...!"
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 21:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post Kali Ma... Kali Ma... Kali Ma Shakti de!

(, Wed 7 Dec 2016, 0:19, , Reply)
This is a link post pat benatar - love is a battlefield
someone mentioned 80's pop videos...?
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 12:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post This came on really late at night once when I was a bit, errm, full of medicine and all I could hear was her crying.
Crying, a whole song of crying.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post And you've never been as aroused since?

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 19:24, , Reply)
This is a link post BEARD? NO BEARD? - Oliver age 24 version I made this!
I made this yonks ago, but completely forgot to post it.
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 12:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post Oliver Age 24?
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 12:55, , Reply)
This is a normal post He will never tell us
He's a cunt
(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 14:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post WHAT'S IN THE BOX???!!!??

(, Tue 6 Dec 2016, 18:11, , Reply)

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