(Another_tragic_casewished he hadn't eaten all the cake,
Thu 13 Jan 2011, 7:59,
agreed on both counts
it might be alright - rentaghost wasn't exactly the high pooint of kids' tv writing. and russell brand can be an entertaining comic actor. though obviously he should be claypole (this has been said every time i've seen anyone talk about the movie) (smashing picture too, mr the architect)
(plentyofantsmore ghee, vicar?,
Thu 13 Jan 2011, 8:42,
Early seasons were less panto.
No dobbin, no hazel mcwitch, no nadia popov. Claypole was more sinister and Fred Mumford was a sad fish-ou-of-water newly dead.
(NobbyNobody21 years a b3tan,
Thu 13 Jan 2011, 11:23,
Yeah, it was pretty morbid for a kid's series
I remember his mum and dad didn't know he was dead and he had to pretend around them that everything was normal.