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# Challenge Vote
This week's choices are as follows.

1. Big in Japan - literal song titles: www.b3ta.com/questions/imagechallenge/post1054934
2. Renaissance Art: www.b3ta.com/questions/imagechallenge/post1055171
3. One word challenge - Lego: www.b3ta.com/questions/imagechallenge/post1056859
4. Clever anti-piracy devices: www.b3ta.com/questions/imagechallenge/post1063987

Vote by clicky below. This week's challenge will run alongside the Cat Survival Trust challenge, which we'll set up as mini-challenge type thing: www.b3ta.com/questions/imagechallenge/post1057609

Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:25, archived)
# Hamtoucher.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:29, archived)
# Oi!
I sent you a facebook message about that cordial
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:47, archived)
# Yes you did.
I read it and utterly failed to respond.

Presumably because I am some sort of cunt.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:56, archived)
# By which I mean
'thank you'
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:56, archived)
# hahaha
but I'm sorry, I'll have to take your first answer
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:02, archived)
# Hamtoucher.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:34, archived)
# Yay for the mini challenge!!
*votes Lego*
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:35, archived)
# Hamtoucher
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:35, archived)
# *votes Lego*
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:35, archived)
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:38, archived)
# "Padme's dead"?
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:39, archived)
# Super Flight Deck!
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:40, archived)
# No, c'mon. No.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:57, archived)
# What about Big Dogs?
* Votes for Lego
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:38, archived)
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:39, archived)
# More of a MegaBloks guy, eh?
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:40, archived)
# My money's on sticklebricks
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:41, archived)
# I wasn't allowed anything sharp :(
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:53, archived)
# Ouch... Now that would hurt
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:44, archived)
# Haha
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:45, archived)
# i think it's ok
but i don't think i'm ready to rummage around in an old box of dirty lego that's out in my shed, plus at 25, it's kind of lost it's appeal to me :(
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:48, archived)
# O_O
Lost it's appeal?

at only 25 ??????
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:52, archived)
# this news saddens me a little :(
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:52, archived)
# Second childhood hasn't kicked in yet
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:54, archived)
# :)
Good point.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:55, archived)
# hahaha
you'd be suprsised how "ungrown up" i am

not physically btw.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:07, archived)
# *hides*
i'd always start something, then ruin it, and start all over again, whereas with photoshop........oh, nevermind.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:55, archived)
# Important lego information
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:59, archived)
# this explains everything
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:00, archived)
# I wish I'd known it before all my lego got fucked out :(
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:01, archived)
# I still got all my lego
It's in a massive bag at my folks'. Haven't played with it since I was 10 though.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 17:56, archived)
# Graphs* always help us see the truth of things
*and sometimes SCIENCE, too
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:01, archived)
# The truth, this is
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:04, archived)
# Thank you Science!
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:12, archived)
# ^ FACT!
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:40, archived)
# anti-piracy devices ftw
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:40, archived)
# Well, I do not care
I just do not like Lego (as a challenge) so I'll vote for anti-piracy, just for you.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:44, archived)
# I don't like any of these :(
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:43, archived)
# Go back to Facebook then
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:45, archived)
# Whatbook?
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:53, archived)
# It's kind of like the Village Green Noticeboard
But with significantly more stalking and pointless 'casual' gaming.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:54, archived)
# vote for Lego then
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:49, archived)
# Lego, you say?
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:55, archived)
# ^^^
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 18:53, archived)
# Mr. Fraiser! Mr. Fraiser!
Could I point you in the direction of this in as a charitable minicompo?


THere are a lot of b3tards behind in including cr3.

EDIT: Havee a preemptive Renaissance Art pea for compo:

(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:45, archived)
# if you read the brief, he already has, you muppet :)
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:49, archived)
# Excellent use of the mild excoriant 'you muppet'
Good work, Archie.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:58, archived)
# I think I barely even qualify as a fraggle.
I was skim reading whilst surrounded by picture frames and Nina photos.:P
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:26, archived)
# It's up & running, alongside this week's main challenge.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:50, archived)
# Yep
I mention it above in the original post - we'll be running it.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:50, archived)
# What a fucktard am I!
Dude. Thanks so much. If you want to gaz me an address for b3ta towers I'll happily send you a framed Nina photo!
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:52, archived)
# ^
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 15:53, archived)
# Yes what a fucktard you are:P
Also if anyone else would like a framed 15x11 oak framed Nina picture they're 25 quid with £15 going to the CST.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:04, archived)
# Gone for Anti-Piracy, even though I won't enter! Ha har!
LEGO is a medium. You might as well tell people the compo is 'Adobe Photoshop'.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:00, archived)
# or that Terror is something
you can declare war on.
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:03, archived)
# Real LOLs
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:23, archived)
I always wonder how Adobe et al design their packaging ... Their brief must be something along the lines of, "Create an image which captures the essence of Photoshop. By the way, this was a mistake, and frankly just downright bizarre, so steer well clear of this design direction, or in fact any eye-boat-lens-coastline combination."

(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:14, archived)
# That really was a low.
Then again, I was always rather bothered by the scary muscly 'cyberman using a Rotring Pen as a javelin' concept being employed here
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:22, archived)
# Hahaha, fucking hell that's bad ...
I seem to remember some pretty dire software boxes from my Amiga days, early version of Cinema 4D, DrawStudio and Photogenics ... I'm trawling the net trying to find examples but coming up with nowt so far
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:44, archived)
# You rang?:P
(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 16:30, archived)