Popular fiction would be subtly different
From the If the Commies had won the Cold War challenge. See all 507 entries (closed)
( , Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:54, archived)
From the If the Commies had won the Cold War challenge. See all 507 entries (closed)
( , Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:54, archived)
oh good lord, me too.
i'm so used to it being spelled tsar that it didn't even occur to me.
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:01,
I'm not sure what the original cover was
but it could be about russian roulette too
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:02,
both ways are ok
tsar and czar
I always wondered why tzar and csar didn't count too
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:10,
I always wondered why tzar and csar didn't count too
I don't get it,
but then again, I'm thick!
Can any php knowing b3tan enlighten me on why this on its own in a php file generates a parse error on line 13 (theres not even 13 lines!
//(C)Richard John 2004
// path to the file to store messages in
$filename = 'sms.txt';
$vars = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') ? $_POST : $_GET;
$fp = fopen($filename, 'a');
fputs($fp, 'msg= Latest message: "'.$vars['msg'].'" "\n");
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:01,
Can any php knowing b3tan enlighten me on why this on its own in a php file generates a parse error on line 13 (theres not even 13 lines!
//(C)Richard John 2004
// path to the file to store messages in
$filename = 'sms.txt';
$vars = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') ? $_POST : $_GET;
$fp = fopen($filename, 'a');
fputs($fp, 'msg= Latest message: "'.$vars['msg'].'" "\n");
if you get a parse error
on the last line it generally means you left off a } or something
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:03,
Or is it? method of programming:
just stick in what it says it needs and see if it works.
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:07,
not entirely sure what you doing with this line but try
fputs($fp, "msg= Latest message: ".$vars['msg']." \n");
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:07,
thank you!
It worked!!!!!
I think.....
edit: well, it's half working! when i go to www.website.com/sms.php?msg=test+message
It's writing Latest Message: to the text file, but not the actual message
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:12,
I think.....
edit: well, it's half working! when i go to www.website.com/sms.php?msg=test+message
It's writing Latest Message: to the text file, but not the actual message
no problem
you has a load of single quotes in it which i couldn't see a purpose for, should work fine now
edit, try this:
//(C)Richard John 2004
// path to the file to store messages in
$filename = 'sms.txt';
$vars = $_GET['msg'];
$fp = fopen($filename, 'a');
fputs($fp, "msg= Latest message: ".$vars." \n");
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:13,
edit, try this:
//(C)Richard John 2004
// path to the file to store messages in
$filename = 'sms.txt';
$vars = $_GET['msg'];
$fp = fopen($filename, 'a');
fputs($fp, "msg= Latest message: ".$vars." \n");
Not sure...
but my monitor makes all the quotes on the second to the last line look all fudged up...
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:07,
doesn't php count every line, including the blank ones, so that the 13th line is actually the ?>
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:06,
na dits not line 13, because that was for a different code and i am an idiot, i think its line 15
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:08,
no idea
you must have left off something it was expecting, check the syntax for those functions
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:07,
Half hour comedy show out of Toronto.
A real younger human guy (slightly daft) runs a group home for 4 puppets that have been convicted of murder (one 53 times).
The puppets are raunchy/horny/homicidal and swear better an twice as often as Howard Stern.
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:20,
The puppets are raunchy/horny/homicidal and swear better an twice as often as Howard Stern.
I don't know php, but
is their a quote missing after
$fp, 'msg =
( ,
Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:08,
$fp, 'msg =
i understand now, with the whole KING being the russian CZAR. sorry!
Woo and yay too you!
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 21:02,
Woo and yay too you!