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instrument animals
the elusive seapipes...click for bigger
rogan ,
Sat 26 Oct 2002, 23:52,
archived )
Evening everbody. Err.. morning, whatever.
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Sat 26 Oct 2002, 23:54,
archived )
got anything good on the boil? I've been dry since I started doing proper work......
Reverend Dan ,
Sat 26 Oct 2002, 23:56,
archived )
Not really
Two nights of heavy drinking has ebbed my creative flow.
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:02,
archived )
i'll see the bigger one
when you fix the clicky - in the meantime, that is more than gorgeous! it's a combination of two things i esteem highly - bagpipes and sea creatures. woo!
freshlegs ,
Sat 26 Oct 2002, 23:55,
archived )
sorry about that, I spend a couple of days with real people and completely forget how to post...
rogan ,
Sat 26 Oct 2002, 23:58,
archived )
the big version
is just gorgeous!
freshlegs ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:02,
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I've only just worked out...
that whenever you see a pic you like, it involves two (or three) of your favourite things. Which things are obviously completely different from the 3 previous things. Fickle? Or do you just have lot of favourite things? Do I get a gold star?
Boot I want to know what you meant ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:59,
archived )
i have a lot
of favourite things! :)
freshlegs ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 1:03,
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spacefish bong! ,
Sat 26 Oct 2002, 23:56,
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if the clicky works
i think i know someone with new wallpaper
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Sat 26 Oct 2002, 23:56,
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are you talking
about me, or you?
freshlegs ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:02,
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well both
actually, but you too.
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:18,
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and me, and barry says:
to it!
100% kitten better than ever ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:21,
archived )
is he
enjoying another stroke?
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:25,
archived )
That is beautiful..
Very serene! Woo!
Collatallie Sisters ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:00,
archived )
a thing
of beauty :)
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:01,
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Will the B3ta clock
get even faster after the clocks change over, or will that work?
100% kitten better than ever ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:03,
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thats lovely
woo!!time to change my wallpaper me thinks. Your monkey 'dear john' pic was starting to make me sad:(
monkeymanblue mathematically safe ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:03,
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that's maybe the most depressing picture I've ever made!
rogan ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:06,
archived )
my girlfriend & I
have considered changing the note make it more happy!
monkeymanblue mathematically safe ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:10,
archived )
a remix
just for you ;)click here!
rogan ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:24,
archived )
excellent! :D
monkeymanblue mathematically safe ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:26,
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i haven't seen
the original, but that one made me laugh loudly!
freshlegs ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:28,
archived )
rogan ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:35,
archived )
i prefer
the remix :)
freshlegs ,
Sun 27 Oct 2002, 0:38,
archived )
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