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# The Big 4-0, (Sorry guys, COULDN'T resist)

Click for bigger (131KB)
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:48, archived)
# she's not 40 til tomorrow
oh wait, it's not actually last night again

edit: your sig :- use F5, less effort
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:48, archived)
# or install firefox and add the autorefresh plugin
saves lots o time :)
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:49, archived)
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:54, archived)
# It's rubbish,
it reloads even if you're typing a lengthy message, so you lose all your wordy goodness.
I would stick to what you already have, if I were you.
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:59, archived)
# this ^
*has an f5 button on his mouse*
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:03, archived)
# I use this:

It's updated a bit now, but instead of refreshing anywhere I just click the relevant tab.
It means it doesn't ping all over the board as I'm scrolling.
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:06, archived)
# youve got the stats on your bar?
Surely it isnt hard to just type /stats etc
or are you really that lazy :D
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:07, archived)
# As I said, it's updated since then.
Stats and the second dA bookmark are gone.
I have freehostia, the site that hosts my website, and another website I'm making for dad's friend just after where my site is (The "Welcome! :3) one.
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:10, archived)
# you're like totally 2.0 empowered
or some shit like that :D
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:16, archived)
# What do you mean?
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:20, archived)
# wweb.. 2.0.. the... power.. of.. the...internets...and....I'm..typing.. like..james..t...kirk...
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:42, archived)
# it never used to ping about
thats so annoying!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:08, archived)
# How does that work then?

(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:54, archived)
# right mouse button
reload every
reload every 5s
reload every 10s
reload every 30s
reload every 1m
reload every 5m
reload every 15m
enable all tabs
disable all tabs
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:58, archived)
# or install Opera
it's in there by default, amongst other wonderful technologicalities

edit: it's just a right click away
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:56, archived)
# I do like opera actually,
I may start reusing it.

edit: no it's not - I'm on a mac :)
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:57, archived)
# edit: that's your own fault

edit2: i like the mouse gestures.. saves a load of time surfing teh intarwebz
edit3: and ctrl-h is fantastic for office use
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:00, archived)
# :P
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:02, archived)
# sorry.. =-D
i'm using suse, so not even M$ Windows.
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:05, archived)
# I love Opera
I was the only one in my entire uni group to use it, so I did a little dance in the corner, knowing I was browsing with a better thing than everyone else.
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 18:09, archived)
# fuck that
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:18, archived)
# it's good to see more lime action going on
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:49, archived)
# I beg to differ
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:54, archived)
# there's no need to beg, you can just differ
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:55, archived)
# good to see your happy pills aren't wearing off
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:59, archived)
# I'm so full of fucking anger and hate I could chainsaw some bastard
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:02, archived)
# very well, I shall just differ, then!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:59, archived)
# yes yes!
give it a jolly hard differ!

differ, for [nation of choosing] that'll show 'em!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:01, archived)
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:59, archived)
# if your kid has sat funny in your belly its skull may have formed slightly squidif
nothing major, where i was born there was a kid with a head shaped like a lemon (no not a lime) he had to wear one of those, bones are soft at that age
they where doing this in ancient times also and in japan with ladies feet etc
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:02, archived)
# was his name "Stewie" per-chance?
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:03, archived)
# hard to describe
as i was being born and never actually saw it... but i think it was just the back of his head, like a pyramid out the back of his brain holder
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:07, archived)
# that is more sad than limes
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:03, archived)
# am i the only one that doesn't find her attractive?
green kinda suits her though - ARGH ITS A LIME RELATED PUN
No - just no
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:49, archived)
# All of ^this
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:50, archived)
# howdy Csoul wheres the beef?
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:53, archived)
# There's meant to be beef here?
*shifty eyes*
*hides beef in hidden pocket of trenchcoat*

How are you sir?
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:54, archived)
# *dips into hidden pocket*
*steals beef by stealthy means*
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:56, archived)
That's not the beef!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:56, archived)
# looks like beef
smells like brie.
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:01, archived)
# brief?
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:04, archived)
# hahahahaha!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:09, archived)
# Oi!
I wash regularly!

(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:04, archived)
# heheh
i'm off now, got company ;)
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:10, archived)
# Fun!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:23, archived)
# why its my day off
and woe and behold its raining
and i'm feeling bored (as per usual)
I may go out on my bike for a splash shortly :)
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:59, archived)
# this one more attractive?
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:54, archived)
# ok, that's just plain unpleasant...
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:55, archived)
# Ooh i did one of those *looks for*


(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:55, archived)
# blimey..
deeply disturbing that one..!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:00, archived)
# nasty
*resists urge to post queenie again
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:02, archived)
# phwarrrr... ***still thinks about that one..
well.. maybe
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:04, archived)
# wash your mouth out
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:55, archived)
# NO!
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 17:04, archived)
# She Hulk?
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:49, archived)
# With envy . . .
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:51, archived)
# splendid
also happy birthday kylie
(, Wed 28 May 2008, 16:54, archived)