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Haha! I like this.
TJ: This was the final project of a girl in my group at college:
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:50,
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Is it a special college?
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:50,
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Mine was alright, anyway. Simple and less shit.See here You can't really make it out but it's distinction-level work (basically an A)Edit: This should explain what it's all aboutwww.b3ta.com/board/9534808#post9534827
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:08,
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Those look like some nice drawings
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:20,
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Thankyou :]
I a Distinction for it :D
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:21,
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Thats going on the CV then
Colostomy Bag Explosion Lubing the gears of commercialism ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:51,
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Did she win?
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:51,
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I...didn't ask.
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:52,
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A true FRIENND is a gift to cherish
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:53,
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See also:
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:53,
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Minor technicalities! She must have won!
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:55,
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and to a lesser extent
kingsuperspecial is in an audience, wanking furiously ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:55,
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shared Experiences
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:57,
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I bet she won some new FRIENNDZ
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:52,
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Lauging Out Loud
kingsuperspecial is in an audience, wanking furiously ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:53,
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Ttssattsr ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:54,
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Is it a post-modernist pastiche on the undying grasp that spellcheckers and meaningless platitudes have over our everyday lives?
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:53,
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that's lovely
I bought these today :D
McBadger COW ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:54,
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ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:55,
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McBadger COW ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:57,
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Happy chicken not included
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:59,
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that chicken looks more vengeful to me
PedroHin Come along & ride on a Flantastic Voyage ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:02,
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I can't see the sign
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:16,
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That's one plump happy chicken
look at it's face it's fucking on some good chemical technology there :D
discomeats This canoe ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:22,
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Well dayum.
Ttssattsr ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:54,
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A girl on my college course last year had a "are you a chav, goth or emo?" thing where you had to put pins in whichever you thought you were
she's a model in her spare time
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:55,
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There better have been a "No." section.
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:57,
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Everything else was mediocre
except for the guy who made a very complicated machine with instructions on how to use it, if you followed them, then a hose came out and sprayed water on your crotch.
0800221155 Coldseal windows ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:58,
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nominate him for something
mr horrible up yours, dickface ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:00,
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Hahahahaha that is fantastic.
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:01,
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mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:02,
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Fuck off.
Really? That makes me want to spew my cunt. And I don't even have a cunt. Is she the source of all those stupid fucking gifs and emails about friends and love?
monkdagola but how do you TURN a phrase? ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 22:58,
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Really. I shit you not.
I was early (read: interviewers were late) for my second year interview, so I was in the assessment room alone and I snapped a pic for the internets.
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:00,
archived )
I hope her face falls off.
monkdagola but how do you TURN a phrase? ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:11,
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And she's ginger.
Sorry Ttssattsr no offence intended. And she has a dent in her head for some reason. Edit: Once, she asked me how to add a new layer in Photoshop and I said "Click the new layer button", and then my friend made this using her face.http://www.clansoul.com/hostedimages/HDI.jpg
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:13,
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You're fugly.
Ttssattsr ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:15,
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i love you
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:17,
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KillerKitti is < that way.
Ttssattsr ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:18,
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John Peel is dead.
ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:18,
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I hope this girl is pretty
as she seems to be a mong.
discomeats This canoe ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:23,
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ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:26,
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discomeats This canoe ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:28,
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ClanSoul ,
Wed 24 Jun 2009, 23:31,
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