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» Feb 2006 «

More drinking in That London

Dekazer is gracing us with her presence and demands a visit to The Intrepid Fox.

Bring your leathers. Bash-specific tattoos optional.

EDIT - For those of you that don't have a whiff of lavender about your persons, we are meeting from 4 in the Walkabout in Covent Garden for the small matter of the Calcutta Cup. Entrances on Maiden Lane and Henrietta Street. For those of you who came to the Porterhouse bashes, it's across the road from that.

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 14:31, Reply)

sounds awful harsh!

I know Saturdays aren't great, but I've got a prior engagement on the Friday :)

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 14:39, Reply)
that was a quick organise

hooray for the Fox though, the best theme pub ever.
(non-regulars beware though, they will not let you in if you are wearing any kind of football paraphernalia, and a black t-shirt will ensure you fit right in)

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 14:42, Reply)
I had a ticket to come down south already,

couldn't get a refund, so altered it slightly to come and see you lot instead :)

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 14:46, Reply)
Are they fussy about footwear etc?

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 8:33, Reply)
Lookey here

Not so much as a pub but a Metalhead Mecca. The normal rules of the planet should be left outside. Here tatty, ugly and broken are seen as positive aspects. Any note taking beardo types looking for Real Ale here will have his head sliced off with a well aimed Korn CD. Here you will have the Sex Pistols and White Zombie overlooking your table but rather perversely I always find the music at a tolerable level - certainly enough level to have a decent conversation. Unless you have a wad of tattoos, a few piercings and haven’t washed your hair for a few weeks, you will feel decidedly out of place. It’s basic, it’s rough, it’s weird, it’s relatively cheap and it’s out of bounds to all but the most ardent metal fan. Do NOT wear a James Blunt T-Shirt in here. There are enough characters to write a book about and don’t expect great service if you look normal. As a pub it leaves a lot to be desired but it’s definitely an institution that must be visited at least once in your life for the experience.
(, Sat 25 Feb 2006, 14:10, Reply)
Oh bum

I don't think we can make it...unless it is through the day, whereupon I might be able to swing it....

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 14:40, Reply)
It can be during the day

if Deks wants to? I'll just be involved in some filthy *spits* sporting activity till the evening

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 14:48, Reply)


Might put in an appearance :)

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 15:07, Reply)
Minge sir,


(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 15:31, Reply)
i could tell it was meant to be minge

BUT you have 5 keys between the E and the I, so yes.. all the rest are wrong, except the E. :P

I did rather like it though, hence the comment.. cos I'm not coming, since my VASTLY superior bash is on the same day. Ahem.

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 17:33, Reply)

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 11:41, Reply)
The Fox!

That was the first pub I was ever served in.
I was 14.

(, Sun 5 Feb 2006, 16:27, Reply)
May as well

Seeing as you're all so lovely and all.
Saturdays are good for me, too.
I'm there!

Edit: Had a look at the website.... black t-shirt and jeans be ok? It's a bit far for me to come, only to get turned away!

(, Sun 5 Feb 2006, 18:39, Reply)
yep fine

they only turn football types away, and probably suits on a saturday, you are neither of these.

(, Mon 6 Feb 2006, 11:22, Reply)
Good good

Black t-shirt, ripped black jeans. Job done!

(, Mon 6 Feb 2006, 14:03, Reply)

is standard Kid B Branding. Black T shirt, ripped jeans. The only thing missing is the hat!

"Do I stay or do I go... If I stay there will be trouble, if I go they'll be doubles!"

(, Wed 8 Feb 2006, 6:04, Reply)

you'd best be there, son. or there will be beatings. beatings and lashings of ginger beer.

(, Wed 8 Feb 2006, 11:14, Reply)
Surely that should read

'because', not 'or'?

(, Wed 8 Feb 2006, 21:07, Reply)
No hat this time

Well, certainly not the trilby again. I'll have a looky in the charity shops

(, Wed 8 Feb 2006, 21:08, Reply)
oooooh, i'll come

i've not really posted before but the thought of a night out in town whilst the mrs is on her hen night is exciting :-)

(, Tue 14 Feb 2006, 16:42, Reply)
Huzzah! New people!

And congratumalations

(, Tue 14 Feb 2006, 22:24, Reply)
ta muchly

had a disaster with the hair clippers last night though :-( i hope it all grows back in time....

(, Wed 15 Feb 2006, 12:56, Reply)
hellow uber-lurker!

you'll have fun, it's always fun.
(they day after bruising and soreness is a little disconcerting mind :S)

(, Wed 15 Feb 2006, 12:26, Reply)
And the blank patches in your memory

(, Wed 15 Feb 2006, 14:23, Reply)

I remember last time, Twas ace! I think you had your bangers out as well :D *please don't punch me*

(, Wed 22 Feb 2006, 15:43, Reply)

*with oven gloves on*

no i didn't, that's just your wishful thinking

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 11:06, Reply)
Can I come?

(, Thu 23 Feb 2006, 17:58, Reply)
Im thinking of going as well

you up for a joint W-Y-C-O-M-B-E outing?

(, Thu 23 Feb 2006, 17:59, Reply)

With cocks on.

edit: we can drive to Amersham and get the tube in. We'll drive.

(, Thu 23 Feb 2006, 18:01, Reply)

*signs up*

*edit* Swcheet, bringing the missus then?

(, Thu 23 Feb 2006, 18:02, Reply)

she's trying to remember her login in order to put her name down. meh.

(, Thu 23 Feb 2006, 18:14, Reply)

Hurrah! Also my first post ever.

(, Thu 23 Feb 2006, 18:18, Reply)


(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 11:06, Reply)
woo hoo! it's friday lunchtime

the weekend is only four hours away!!!!!

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 11:56, Reply)
Just signing up on the off chance

that I'll make it for the rugby.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 12:41, Reply)
no no...

you WILL make it to the rugby.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 13:28, Reply)
*salutes* Yes sah!

*stands to attention*

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 18:56, Reply)
put it away.

save it for tommorow.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 19:52, Reply)
might actually stay more than 30mins this time

as long as Kid Blunder isn't there i hate that hat wearing.... ;o)

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 15:24, Reply)

I'm going to be in the area with friends.
I'll wave at you through the window if you promise to take a photo.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 17:44, Reply)

you should come in with your non-b3tan friends for a swift half.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 19:53, Reply)
I'll think about it

They have no sense of humour though, and do not 'get' b3ta.

(, Fri 24 Feb 2006, 20:47, Reply)
right, cunts,

i'm on my way there. if you see him, point and laugh at the loner in the no fear hoody thing, or say hello.

Godzuki - now with rare 'sober' head!

(, Sat 25 Feb 2006, 14:51, Reply)

Just about madeit home. Cunting Picadiily line didn't help.

Awesome evening, just about escaped without offending anyone too much, I think (please update me on this).

Beers and 1st floors toilets rule!!!! (oh, and Dekazer's awesome flirty-with-your-pint hair)

(, Sun 26 Feb 2006, 0:18, Reply)

» Feb 2006 «