That's ace, really well done!
And only goes to show that the full film didn't have nearly enough of Jones in it. The little shit-head.
(benryvesNow I'm radioactive! That can't be good!, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:11,
I think so, needs ore cat. : )
(------, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:22,
Your best yet!
Stunning. Lovely limited palette and restrained action. I like a lot. A++++ Would watch again.
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:12,
cor thanks!
I stayed up all night finishing it last night. : D ta
(------, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:24,
I love your artwork, music, sound effects and direction, we need more games using your arts.
not keen on the voice-over though.
((|D[ fictional child porn is OK, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:14,
Cheers Unky D.
not keen on the voice myself, I'm not too great at that, I'll work on it : )
(------, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:25,
You know I love you, and won't bullshit you, I just found some of the voice acting distracting.
Your graphical abilities are sublime sir.
When will we see a new game from you?
Also, why aren't you posting gifs of your stuff on /board?
((|D[ fictional child porn is OK, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:31,
aye : ) that's cool
fair enough. no games atm, will get back to the board I hope soon, just real busy like.
(------, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 1:51,
fine, you watch me go!
((|D[ fictional child porn is OK, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 2:09,
I take it this is for the Empire comp? If so good luck!
(MsterJohnny Ekstrom, now that's a name, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 10:42,
Although I had upload problems so it may not be an entry, tried mailing them about it but I don't hold much hope of getting through to someone : (
(------, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 14:34,
Fingers crossed!
I wanted to do another one this year but just had no time - I don't know if any other B3tans are doing it this year? Really enjoyed the 2 I've done (Tron and Wrath of Khan) but the voting process has crushed me 2 years running! Still happy to have gotten to the final 20 though, I'm sure if yours has got through the upload process you'll be in!
(MsterJohnny Ekstrom, now that's a name, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 16:00,
The voting is insane...
We were going to do The Medusa Touch this year. Our choices are normally based on how many effects shots my FX guy can do, and he really wanted to crash a jumbo into Centre Point. I thought it was too obscure.
Ah well, a whole year to plan for 2013
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration, Mon 23 Jan 2012, 10:12,
I had problems uploading last year
Took over an hour, and I still wasn't convinced it actually went through as I didn't get any kind of confirmation email.
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration, Mon 23 Jan 2012, 10:13,
Love the animation, especially the cat :)
(monkeyman, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 11:03,
that's just magic!
the cat's awesome. just awesome! 'mazing! watched it three times and spunked links on fb!
(tickleI was away, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 11:12,
(------, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 14:34,
so good this....well worth a clicky
you're all ready for TV and stuff
(Elvis impersonator, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 11:32,
Top cool =]
(Sherbs, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 12:35,
That is pretty awesome.
(Enzymeis powered by sunlight, Sun 22 Jan 2012, 12:38,