Hi guys and gals: Can anybody assist is saving B3mused?
This music site is full of fabulous songs. And some by Dave!. I will not let it disappear but I do need help.
This site was created because it was asked for and I whipped it together (from a paid for template) and hosted it, it has many good modification from the default template - which for me being a non coder was no small feat!
It needs both a revamp and a new home urgently.
Currently it lives on one of my managed servers and is the only site left following a recent (sadly successful) hack.
I don't mind hosting it with whatever resources are required.
But I do need help in exporting and reconditioning the site.
Can anyone help?
If in doubt as to why to help save it: Just listen to her! www.b3mused.com/audios/585/the-look.html
In fact I forgot how good some of it is - Look at the stuff by Sonny Jim, Jamhampster and K-lyd.
It even has a song recorded on tape. and mixed on an alba twin deck tape recorder by my dad! (in ~1989) www.b3mused.com/audios/17/mithrandir.html (And he's dead!)
Edit: I was hoping my 300th link would matter. And this does! :)
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 19:47, Reply)

In terms of total duration, roughly.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 19:49, Reply)

But enough of B3tans hard work to keep !
I would estimate ~25 hours (taken as a simple ~3 minutes per track X 500)
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 19:55, Reply)

I have a good few "real" servers in dedicated hosting as well as a huge private storage matrix based on Swift and multiple 100MB and GB internet links. This vps hosting was simply quicker and easier at the time for clients with flat n easy websites.
What I really need is an alternative frame worj and somebody savvy enough with SQL to export and inject the songs into the a place...
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 19:59, Reply)

No way - I have never ever liked, trusted or condoned blobs.
Object storage I can embrace!
This website is audio tracks in one directory and a PHYMSQL script to link them.
On each song you will see a 'Linky' link for b3ta usage and under download a download link. Both things I put in - I changed the download to incorporate the title (rather than ID) ann the linky makes it b3ta flash happy.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:14, Reply)

I imagine you want to preserve past links? I'm not sure how much assistance I could offer. I generally work in PHP / MySQL / MSSQL.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:23, Reply)

Direct past links need to be worried about, to be honest.
Just a shiny new front system. I was thinking simple like, somebody recommend a new framework and we enliven. Somebody export the relevant metadata. Copy the tracks. . import metadata.
I like simple. User name. Hashed password. list of files, thumbnails and info. Likes n dislikes all good but not required. Inter user direct comms, subscribing and all that... not so important.
I meant so much more, but 2009 also saw my little babe appear
Also... if past links were deemed important at any stage it's nothing I couldn't sort out with mod_rewrite
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:39, Reply)

Then see how much it would cost to transfer that to a dedicated sound host like SoundCloud.
You might find it a) similar in price to hosting your own site (if not cheaper) b) a fuck of sight easier than creating/porting your own system.
Don't do anything if someone else has done it for you.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 21:25, Reply)

host audio on SoundCloud, embed their widgets in your site. That way you can 'brand' your own way but still keep the advantages of SC
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 22:02, Reply)

I am happy with as long as we can keep a backup
I have infinite storage.. and the bubble scares me...
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 22:27, Reply)

Sadly, I cannot help financially or technically. Coz I'm thick.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 19:57, Reply)

( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:41, Reply)

Rip out my heart, sell my possessions and make me destitute. As long as you were singing I wouldn't mind.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:46, Reply)

fly planes and haven't had sex in a long time.
How much do you need ?
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 21:20, Reply)

You sound rich. I'll show you some skin if you want. You may not want a flabby 43 year old bloke flopping it out in front of you tho'.
Seriously though, if you need server space, just ask. Can't promise SQL skills (2008 here) but I'm sure I can find a friend.
( , Tue 11 Jun 2013, 1:21, Reply)

What sort of help do you need? Can it be done remotely? Can we get a fund together to pay someone to do it? I'd like to help but I code web stuff like a tramp on bad acid. *Crosses fingers and wishes for web fairy*
*Later imagines what web fairy would look like, uncrossed fingers*
Good luck!
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:24, Reply)

But I can donate some £££ if that would help?
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:26, Reply)

If push comes to shove and I will try and pull in some favours for advice
If I wanted cash I would have puts ads on the site ;) I just wanted a free place for b3ta people to put music stuff.
I have less time nowadays is all.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 20:53, Reply)

Thanks for putting it together and your hard work keeping it going!
( , Wed 12 Jun 2013, 12:52, Reply)

But you're flogging a dead donkey. Unless you want to make money from it, just use free providers.
It's a stale area and it'll just cost money. Advertising would bring in very little too.
Just my 2 pence worth as I've researched this area before for selling podcasting services.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 21:38, Reply)

I don't need or want money.... for this.
Not everything has to make money, otherwise we would not have kids.
This is for b3tans that want to share their music. Simples. Has been and will be.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 21:47, Reply)

Cost is aways a point, especially when passing onto others. Wasn't knocking you.
( , Mon 10 Jun 2013, 22:12, Reply)

but best of luck dude. I hope you get it sorted. And when you do, I may well use the website to upload some of my new music i'm writing.
( , Tue 11 Jun 2013, 9:51, Reply)

I should really get off my arse and grab some of my tunes off there, as I think it's (stupidly) the only copies I have of them.
EDIT: Hilariously, searching for "sonny_jim" in the search box returns nowt (maybe the underscore in my username, I dunno) so shameless plug alert:
( , Wed 12 Jun 2013, 12:43, Reply)