Broken Promises
Thebigfella tugs our coat and says: Are you a LibDem minister, a cheating partner, or maybe you have an annoying friend you can't be bothered with? Tell us of promises you've broken, or if you've been on the receiving end.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 2 Dec 2010, 12:40)
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Who wants a go on Olis mum?
She's not very nice, but large numbers of you are sweaty virgins and if she likes you she'll let you ride her bumbum
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:31,
39 replies)
From behind is probably the best way for both of you...
You don't have to see her.
She doesn't get covered in spew.
Everyone's a winner. Even you, Rory McSpory.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:34,
Christ, you really are the most tedious troll on b3ta
and that's saying something, considering the competition
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:44,
Alrite emvee
Fancy seeing you knighting qotw, what are the chances?
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:46,
Shocking I know
I must be a sweaty internet-aspergers or something
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:27,
I don't think he's tedious
I gain a good deal of amusement from the idea that he leans back from his keyboard after typing an absolutely risible insult like that one, thinking "Ha! Let's see how he likes THAT one!" and feeling rather proud of himself.
StapMyVitals wouldn't mind a bit of that, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:47,
I gain a good deal of amusement from the post
where he claimed to be a successful, happily-married thirty-odd businessman, or something similar to that.
Falstaff's Spiritual Successor, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:49,
Which is a rather odd fantasy
I think I wanted to be an explorer or astronaut or something at that age.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:51,
Yes it's hilarious, the possibility that someone on b3ta isn't mental and dole
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:53,
No one in the world is mental
If you don't believe me, ask them.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:56,
Successful? Yes. Look how many replies his trolling generates.
Happily married? He could have easily given his right hand a ring, and there's absolutely no chance it'll cheat on him.
Thirty-odd? Maybe, he never specified years, he could have meant periods of five months.
Businessman? The internet is, as the proverb goes, serious business.
StapMyVitals wouldn't mind a bit of that, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:59,
Actually he does have a wife. His dedication to her is commendable.
On the other hand, though, he also has a mistress.
Falstaff's Spiritual Successor, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:03,
Does he wife know
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:16,
Well, it's an act of charity on both their parts...
Falstaff's Spiritual Successor, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:19,
"He Wife" - by the power of Grayscull!
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:19,
It's actually a bloke in drag.
Probably looks like Ronnie Barker in "The Worm that Turned" saga.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:25,
So does she...
(so I heard, loike)
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:18,
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:20,
ride her bumbum
but that means they'll still be virgins, surely.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:46,
Any hole will do on that old trollop
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:47,
bags the eye socket.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:55,
It's ok, she's a virgin too, technically
I've got her a new hymen for Christmas which she just has to fill with ketchup and pop in any time she needs.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:48,
I will.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:52,
Gaz me for a ticket and complimentary brochure
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:54,
Sweaty virgin number 3 please.
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:55,
You're on.
I just hope she's not, although as I am going to fuck her in the bumbum it probably doesn't matter.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 14:57,
is this oficially the most popular post just behind the ashes post? Roll on next qotw.
bROKEN aRROW PUA HVI Master, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:26,
No, there was Legless' about the Lib Dems...
Falstaff's Spiritual Successor, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:27,
of course, whenever I hear the words Lib Dems, I automatically switch off now, the subject is too depressing for me to handle.
bROKEN aRROW PUA HVI Master, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:39,
I hope so.
I'll tell my mum she won later. She'll be so proud.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:30,
Until all the sweaty virgins show up...
Falstaff's Spiritual Successor, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:31,
Look at the mess that you've all made of my QOTW entry
It keeps happening to my posts :(
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:35,
That's nothing compared to the mess you made of my mum
An animal, she said you were, an ANIMAL.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:44,
You could always delete it
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:44,
Post deletion is for cocksuckers
Plus based on the number of gaz enquiries I've received I should turn a tidy sum on Olis mum
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:48,
And I'm sure you're looking forward to showing it to the wife and eight kids
"Look what Daddy did at work today!", said Rory, "And I found us a potato for tea on the way home!"
"I love you Daddy!", cried Lucy, Rachel, June, Kirsty, Jackie, Laura, Sam and Christina, "Does that mean we can have the night off tonight?"
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:54,
You seem upset Oli, don't be
It's only your mum after all, and let's face it the years have not been kind to her
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 15:56,
Oh, no dear boy, I think you misunderstand
I'm glad for her, this is the most attention she's had in years. And you're the first person brave enough to go near her bum since the op. I think she's been missing that. I trust you'll start off gently?
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 16:01,
Dunno really Oli, all I'm doing is arranging the qotw gangbang of your old dear
What they get up to inside the room is up to them and their makers. I'll send you a copy of the dvd if you want?
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 16:04,
Hard and dry. Gauze at the ready.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 16:06,
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