My car was in the Specsavers advert with the old lady and the loud stereo. Not me. My stupid blue Nissan Micra. Tell us about your brushes with fame.
Suggested by Amorous Badger
( , Thu 20 Sep 2012, 15:49)
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I'm certain he was mortified...
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:29, 2 replies)

I once took a sip of beer from a can of Heineken that the members of Kasabian had bought and left behind, unopened on the plane. I didn't drink any more than that though. I don't like beer.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:29, Reply)

I can confirm that they are actually two different people.
I drunkenly called out "Hey, Brian!" and waved, and he waved back at me. What a nice man.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:27, Reply)

He bought me one back (I wasn't expecting that). What a nice chap.
Another time, I was waiting for Vic Reeves to pay for his petrol at a Tesco petrol station (there was no one else in the shop other than the girl on the till). The girl on the till was saying "I recognise you... What's your name?". Given that she had his credit/debit card in her hand (complete with his real name), Vic quite understandably answered "Jim Moir".
She looked confused, so Vic raised his shades (yes - dark glasses, indoors - I think he's grown out of that now) and said in a conspirational manner, "Vic Reeves". The girl on the till still looked puzzled and said "No... Sorry". Vic left, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:20, Reply)

The staff were very excited; he signed their Everest posters.
Food wasn't great, though. And the tea had rancid butter in it.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:18, Reply)

He was on the other side of the road, with a lovely lady.
He smiled and gave me a little wave
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:18, Reply)

He's very short and fat and wears too much aftershave
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:15, 8 replies)

I'm also loving how short the QOTW answers are this week.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:13, 2 replies)

... It was a particularly loud, long and potent fart. No words were exchanged, but he did glare at me as if he wanted to kill me.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:11, 1 reply)

I went out with a famous DJ's sister's friend.
I was on Crackerjack at the age of ten.
And I saw The Sex Pistols play down at The 100 Club.
And I spent New Year's Eve at Sensible's den.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:09, 1 reply)

They were doing a bit about a big game programming event in Sheffield and I was helping teach a bunch of disinterested teenagers to program a PS3.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:05, Reply)

A few years ago i went to a Glitter band gig with my dad. i was enjoying the show so far until i looked to my left and stood at the side of me face hidden in a giant green parker coat was Gary Glitter. He looked more like a child Molester than anyone id ever seen or will again.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:04, Reply)

in an Edinburgh Italian restaurant, a colleague of my mate I was sitting next to told me she had been an extra in Byker Grove.
I live just half a mile from John Prescott. I sometimes see him in my local Chinese takeaway. We've spoke a couple of times. He recognises me now and says hello whenever I see him out and about. He has a rather nice Jag XJS.
In a hi-fi shop one afternoon and there was a terrific bang. An extremely pissed Norman Collier had staggered out of the casino three doors down and fell spread-eagled against the massive shop window. How he didn't smash through it I don't know.
I once saw Peter Levy from local news program "Look North" in Marks & Spencer. He was buying a tuna sandwich and a bottle of orange Oasis.
And finally,
At my mate's wedding in 1999, I shook hands with Ros Childs of ITN fame.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:01, Reply)

Is from Vancouver, called Mike, and isn't overly aware of UK TV goings-on, despite my giving him copies of Peep Show, Spaced and such. He has an uncle who lives near Southampton, and he and his immediate family went to visit last Xmas.
So come New Year's Eve he breaks away from the family bosom and goes to get shit-faced in London with fellow fixed gear cyclists (I told you he's from Vancouver). Back in China, he was telling me about it.
"It was awesome!" He's enthusiastic like that. He even thinks the Star Wars prequels are good. "I got drunk with a famous actor!"
"Ooh, who?" I asked.
"I don't remember... but after the guy left everybody told me how famous he was!"
"Well, what was he in?!"
"I don't remember! But it's really popular!"
"Mmmkay... so what does he DO?"
"He sits in a chair and shouts!"
A swift Google Image search confirms that my friend Mike had indeed got drunk with Frank Kelly.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 9:00, 2 replies)

He says they were arrogant pricks back then as well.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:59, Reply)

blagged our way on to the ELO Pt2 tour bus in order to get some stuff signed. Bev Bevan gave me his pint to hold whilst he signed my programme. So I drank half of it. He called me a cheeky twat, but there was no ill will.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:56, Reply)

in an underpass at UWA. He shouted at us to slow down.
We didn't. We did however go and see them with his older sister later that night - thanks Susie.
I sat talking to Matthew De La Hunty from Tall Tales & True for about an hour about where he got his hand made boots made.
This 1 I'm actually quite proud of (but marks my vintage I think!) - whilst propping up the bar of the Old Melbourne prior to a Severed Heads gig I recognised Tom Ellard (lead whatever-the-fuck-you-call-that
- programmer?).
I asked if I could buy him a beer as I told him how his music had awakened something in me at a time when little else could.
He was chuffed and had a quiet drink with me as we talked about gardening and the best ways to do homebrew from scratch.
The Mark of Cain (pretty much as a band) told off a bouncer for being rough with me as I was quietly standing backstage watching their gig at the Swanbourne Hotel.
They insisted that he buy me a beer at the bar for being so rude to me just because I was standing where he felt I shouldn't be. They stopped the gig while all this was happening and didn't start playing again till I was happily ensconced behind the speaker-stack, stage left with a free beer in my hand.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:56, Reply)

Remember that RIP Margaret video that did the rounds a couple of years ago? That guy was my next-door neighbour for many years. I once got him off a zebra crossing where he'd decided to have an impromptu sleep one evening, and called an ambulance for him. The crew were VERY familiar with him.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:55, Reply)

was 2 years above me at my school when I was 14. He once shoved me and I fell over his mate who was crouched down behind me. Mr Moore saw him and sent him to the office for a telling off.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:55, 3 replies)

...and I got her autograph. She was a little scary.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:40, Reply)

Neil Buchannan brought his band to my University once.
Plenty of people met him, most got photos with him, some people interviewed him, others bought him drinks, my girlfriend and my flatmate both got on stage topless with the band.
My claim to fame? He signed my T-shirt and later wandered past me as I was outside having a smoke. His bandmate were clustered together in a group walking several meters behind him, I guess they were jealous/pissed off at his Art Attack fame.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:34, Reply)

Told me to 'Fuck off' entirely justifiably when he got caught up in a puerile twitter argument my mate had started.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:26, 3 replies)

I flailed my legs around on local news. I was filming the pilot of a new political TV show just before the last election and ITV rocked up with a camera crew. I was under strict instructions not to move when any of the other cameras might have me in their shot so my legs had gone proper numb over the course of the six hour shoot. The one time all the other cameras were pointing the other way was the one time ITV's wasn't, so a two-second shot of me pedalling an invisible bike went out across east Anglia.
I tried to awkwardly chat up Elly from one-hit synthpop wonders La Roux. This was before she was famous, doing one of her first round of proper gigs at Chinnery's in Southend, where members of up-and-coming bands often come out after their sets to have a drink and hawk CDs. I'd been on the lash and she wasn't interested so when the conversation petered out I slunk back to my mates.
I've written adverts flogging timeshares on Nigerian television.
I bumped into Vic Reeves in a lift.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:22, Reply)

Many years ago, on the Alton Towers log flume, I was in the log behind Princes William and Harry, and a not-dead-yet Princess Di (plus two of their chums, and a burly security guard).
Oh yeah mofos, bow before me and suck in that fame! I've dined out on that one many a time etc etc...
To be fair to them though - they actually queued with the rest of us.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:21, 5 replies)

was written in what is now my middle son's bedroom. We should have a blue plaque.
( , Fri 21 Sep 2012, 8:17, 2 replies)
This question is now closed.