A friend one told me: "Don't believe a word what people say about threesomes. They're too much like hard work." Have you ever tried acting out your fantasies (sexy or otherwise)? How did it go?
Thanks to D.R and Quinch for the suggestion
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 14:21)
This question is now closed.

I know watching Benidorm.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 21:57, 1 reply)

naked, tied to a lamp post and left on his own. Then I can go an sausage him!
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 21:34, 6 replies)

executive company car, 4x4 for the wife so the two chocolate labs are comfy in the back, two holidays a year and enough free time to frequent the gay saunas of London.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 21:16, 4 replies)

( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 21:06, 3 replies)

( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 20:46, 1 reply)

I suspect I'm not the only one who as a kid entertained fantasies of being able to fly like Superman. Off to the US in a few weeks to learn how to fly a wing suit. Fair enough you can't gain altitude, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless. If any of you lot have considered giving skydiving a go, you should!
Some fantasies need to be lived.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 20:24, 10 replies)

Wait for the music.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 19:52, 5 replies)

( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 19:22, 10 replies)

Got a bit cheesy after a while.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 18:21, 5 replies)

Two(ish) children later, I now fantasize about building myself a really nice shed, right at the top of the garden.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 17:15, 9 replies)

about the secret volcano lair, the well-oiled henchmen and the sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads, so it's just as well i don't get to act out mine.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 17:00, Reply)

It's very hard not to laugh at either party trying such, I find.
On that note: I read an interesting article a few years ago about the S&M scene. The journalist's friend was into it, and offered to take him to a club. She got him all done up for it - it was quite interesting - very, very secret and stuff, and she instructed him not to let anyone know he was a journo, as he would get proper fucked up, and not in a good way.
He got there, went down some dirty steps to some tardis-like place, where there was a pool for pissing in, and everything going on all over the shop.
His first encounter on entering was a guy wrapped in clingfilm crawling up to him and begging him to tread on him or something. The writer said the whole thing is based on one very simple premise: that absolutely no one is going to laugh at you.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 15:47, 18 replies)

Unfortunately I work as a tester in an open-plan Turkish brothel and had my hands cut off, also I'm not allowed to own socks for some reason.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 15:33, Reply)

I was in the bath, with an erection, busting for a piss. long story short, I accidentally jizzed all over my face and tits
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 15:17, 5 replies)

Many years ago my ex-sister in law was telling me about her new boyfriend but was obviously shyly holding back about some detail.
Eventually she confessed "he's into role play".... Thinking the conversation was going to take a turn toward the risky territory of talking sex with your wifes sister she went on, "he meets up with his friends for role play on sundays".
Somewhat baffled I replied laughing "He doesn't go running around in the woods pretending to be a dwarf does he!?".
Turns out he does.
Somehow I fail to see the attraction of it all, fair enough playing some dungeons and dragons type game in the school playground when you're 7 years old.... but he's 30 for gods sake!
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 14:35, 6 replies)

Oh, and I punched a policeman once. It really happened.
Star Wars.
( , Thu 13 Feb 2014, 14:28, 1 reply)
This question is now closed.