My pal inspects factories for a living, and I shall take his expert advice to the grave: "Never eat the meat pies". Tell us the best advice you've ever received.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 12:54)
This question is now closed.

check BEFORE you shut the door that the fan's not cranked up to its highest setting, or else this will happen:
^^^^ direction of air flow
|~ |
| ~| <- LEV drawing air through the grate at 70 mph
|~ | and creating a vacuum
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|~ |OOOOOO <- Soundproof working area with
OOO you | ~| OOO no way to turn off the LEV from inside
OOO | |~ | OOO
BLAM \|| v /~ ~ \ OOO
BLAM --||\ O /~ ~ ~ \ OOO
BLAM /|| \| ~ ~ ~ ~ OOO
|| | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OOO
door -> || | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OOO
##~/~\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OOO
grate -> ##/~ ~\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OOO
##| ~ ~\~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OOO
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:37, 5 replies)

"Don't make the mistakes I did"
Which was pretty sound advice as at the time he was 50, a borderline alcoholic with a partner 20 years older than him, and he'd recently bought a classic car that he'd completely taken apart before realising he didn't have the cash to put it back together. Ended up selling it at a huge loss as a "build it yourself" project.
I'm happy to announce I haven't made any of those mistakes...so far!
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:28, Reply)

advice given to me by my grandma who has been married for 50 years.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:24, Reply)

Chances are good that in less than a minute you'll have company.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:24, 5 replies)

Told to me by my poor neighbour:
Never buy shares, and never sell a house.
He's a shareholder and owns 3 houses, but is still poor. So I'm not sure if I should believe him.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:20, Reply)

"do or do not, there is no try."
"trust your instincts. "
"let the wookie win"
"these aren't the droids your looking for."
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:19, 2 replies)

Read the labels carefully. VERY carefully. Oxygen instead of nitrogen is not a good substitution. Especially if the reaction you're about to carry out is very flammable/explosive. A good friend of mine nearly found this out the hard way.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:17, 3 replies)

Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
A friend once told me that's the database admins motto....apparently, it's served me well though.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:16, Reply)

... you must walk a mile in his shoes.
Because then you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:15, Reply)

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, but do check it for secret compartments just in case it's full of Greek bastards waiting for you to go to sleep before they sneak out, rape your women and burn your city down.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:14, 2 replies)

Was the advice of a manager of mine. He was right. It's quite a workable recruitment strategy.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:14, Reply)

Skydiving is probably not for you.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:13, 2 replies)

( , Thu 20 May 2010, 19:11, Reply)

my friend gave me the advice that I follow to this day.
"Never take the gherkin out of a cheeseburger. It's probably the only bit of fibre you're going to get."
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:59, 5 replies)

... is preparing to fail.
Oh and "Prepare to fail, but expect to succeed."
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:56, 1 reply)

"Kids you've tried your best and you failed miserably.
The lesson is, never try."
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:47, Reply)

and that's don't ever give advice.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:47, Reply)

Life is short and you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that's why you should live each day like it's your last.
Life is long.
You're probably not going to get hit by a bus and you're going to have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years.
So watch out.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:41, 6 replies)

Here's some advice I got from a long-gone manager who used his "made in Yorkshire" bullshit shield to great effect -
"Never consider someone's actions as malicious if incompetence can explain it just as easily."
Works on governments as well as individuals.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:38, 3 replies)

"Anything broken can be put to another use."
Truth be told, he was right! My office chair at home broke (one of the 5 legs snapped and the back came off and can't be reattached) but it is still usable as a chair and also comes with the handy benefit of now being an excellent workout station, great for crunches and the like.
I could get a new one, and am frequently told to do so, but it's still comfortable and is keeping me fit, so I see no need!
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:36, 1 reply)

Most of the time people don't need advice, they just want someone to listen.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:31, 2 replies)

Baked Potato
Baked potato changed my life
Baked potato showed me the way
If you want to know what is wrong from right
You must listen to what potato say
Do be good, don’t be bad
Thank you baked potato
Do be happy, don’t be sad
Thank you baked potato
And if you want to have a better day
you must listen to what the baked potato say
Do be early, don’t be late
Thank you baked potato
Always eat what’s on your plate
Thank you baked potato
And if you want to have a better day
you must listen to what the baked potato say
Baked potato!
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:30, 2 replies)

Just try watching midget porn
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:26, 3 replies)

- Try to live through this day only, and not tackle your whole life problem.
- Be happy, most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
- Try to strengthen your mind. Study and learn something useful. Do not be a mental loafer, read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.
- Take your "luck" as it comes, and fit yourself to it.
- Exercise your soul in three ways: Do somebody a good turn, and don't get found out. Do at least two things you don't want to just for exercise.
- Don't show anyone that your feelings are hurt; they may be hurt, but today you will not show it.
- Be agreeable. Look as well as you can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit, do not find fault with anything and try not to improve or regulate anybody except yourself.
- have a program. You may not follow it exactly, but it will save yourself from two pests: hurry and indecision.
- Have a quiet half hour all by yourself, and relax. During this half hour, sometime, try to get a better perspective of your life.
- Don't be afriad especially don't be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as you give to the world, so the world will give to you.
When you've done all that reward yourself with a nice stiff drink or your choice of class A' drugs, or maybe have a fight in a casino.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:23, 3 replies)

It will make your hair all glossy. (Rather than sticky)
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:17, 1 reply)

Applies to at least 7 things everyday guaranteed!
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:16, 2 replies)

(when one day I have some)
be careful what you put on the Internet. Because you can't take it back.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:15, Reply)

See also : You can only shit with the arse you've got.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:14, Reply)

Or in some cases buy cheap, end up in hospital or paralysed.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 18:10, Reply)
This question is now closed.