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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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It's Boxing Day
How's the hangover? Did Father Christmas bring you that meccano set you always wanted? Regale us with tales of your day.
Alt: just how bad was the post-dinner argument?
Altalt: Describe just how much of a cunt Al is - with diagrams if possible.
(, Thu 26 Dec 2013, 9:15, 3 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Merry Christmas.

(, Wed 25 Dec 2013, 16:20, 1 reply, 11 years ago)
It seems gout might be my christmas present to myself. The tingling has started.
Teach me to eat liver and fava beans with red wine.
(, Tue 24 Dec 2013, 15:01, 89 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Whilst it is the season of goodwill to all...
Al is a cunt.
(, Tue 24 Dec 2013, 13:00, 19 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
hohohohoho noel hohohoho
Noel hohohohoho






festive Frank meltdown thread
(, Tue 24 Dec 2013, 11:17, 26 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
hahahahaha yeah hahahahaha
yeah hahahahaha





(, Tue 24 Dec 2013, 9:54, Reply)
Merry Christmas Eve and all that shit.
I'm off to Sainsburys to grab some Gaviscon since I've been awake with heartburn since about 5. Laaaavely.

Alt. Shit off. With jingle bells on.

Altalt. alright?
(, Tue 24 Dec 2013, 7:47, 28 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Randy butter

(, Mon 23 Dec 2013, 18:40, Reply)

(, Mon 23 Dec 2013, 18:31, 95 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Mon 23 Dec 2013, 15:13, 126 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
hey it's raining a bit here

(, Mon 23 Dec 2013, 15:12, 1 reply, 11 years ago)
I've never seen a 'Santa Claus Lane'
What have you never seen?

Alt: Who else thinks this whole 'man-flu' thing is an unwarranted sexist stigma that wouldn't be tolerated if the boot was on the other foot?

Altalt: Christmas cards. Who gives a fuck? If I'm not opening a card tentatively less piles of cash fall all over the place then it's not really worth the bother.
(, Mon 23 Dec 2013, 13:12, 186 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Mon 23 Dec 2013, 10:52, 131 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
The defence minister said on yesterday's Andrew Marr show that Nigel Farage looked
"like somebody has put their finger up his bottom", she has a bit of a point. Who else has a bit of a point?
Alt, are you working on Christmas day? Volunteer or have to?
(, Mon 23 Dec 2013, 7:39, 111 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Sun 22 Dec 2013, 17:54, 97 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Good morning class.
Tickety-boo or not so pucker? For sleep patterns all over the shop, the past few days, I feel remarkably all right. Having a chavvy Weatherspoon's breakfast at the mo, the place is rammed for this time in the morning. Areb you planning any pub outings today? Tell OT please, and tell OT why your local is a place you enjoy spending time. The people? Proximity? Cheap alcohol, and a chance to destroy your liver and general health?
(, Sun 22 Dec 2013, 10:19, 2 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Sat 21 Dec 2013, 17:42, 4 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
hey let's paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartay

(, Sat 21 Dec 2013, 15:48, 1 reply, 11 years ago)
Well i can't ficking sleep
What can't you do?
(, Sat 21 Dec 2013, 15:01, 22 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
so yeah

(, Sat 21 Dec 2013, 10:21, Reply)
What does today hold?
(, Sat 21 Dec 2013, 9:33, 24 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 17:45, 22 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Afternoon fellow bears and non-bears
If your boss was also a member of this site without your knowledge, which current user would be the most likely culprit?

ALT: What's the best laugh you've ever had on here?

ALT2: What 12 thing would you send to your true love for Xmas?
(, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 14:40, 61 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
this is how I roll

How do you roll? hahahaha, like I'm going to read any replies
(, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 12:50, Reply)
ChoCho Memorial BBC News link

Are you obsessed with staying young or are you going to grow old (dis)gracefully?
(, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 12:42, 70 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 12:21, 5 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
The Expendabelle's
Looks like they are making a female-led spin off of The Expendables.
Who would you have in the cast?
I've got Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, Bridget Nielsen, and Geena Davis off the top of my head. Is Angeline Jolie too young?

Alt. What about that Apollo Theatre eh? They really brought the house down.

AltAlt. What other websites do you use to make your workday go quicker? I do enjoy Buzzfeed but I'm sure it's written by women or queers.
(, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 11:22, 63 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

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