Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.
( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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can you tell?
what are you having for dinner?
I'm making carbonara the proper way: onion, garlic, meat, cheese, eggs, parsley, spaghetti
delicious, especially with fresh eggs from the parents' chickens.
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 17:18, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

you think you're so cool.
So why don't you just fuck off?
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 16:48, 11 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I know this is similar to the "best album" question below, but I felt it was different enough to warrant a fresh posting...
Since I got my first (10gb) iPod many moons ago, I have rediscovered the joys of the mix-list, which had kind of died out with the death of tapes (and, thus, mixtapes).
There is a lot of joy to be had creating a playlist for a set purpose, be it 20 minutes' worth, or two hours worth.
I especially like creating a good listing for my snowboarding sessions - starting out slow and mellow as you enjoy the view and get ready, then building to some ambient/chilled stuff as you start to carve the piste (makes a difference here to the listing if there has been fresh powder or not), then finally getting rocky and faster as you get into the session, before winding down as you start to think about heading in to get a hot drink and some food...
Faves include: Kruder and Dorfmeister - various tracks, "Bird of Prey" by Fat Boy Slim, "Rusty Cage" and "Spoonman" by Soundgarden, "Cochise" by Audioslave, "Toxicity" by SOAD, "Harvester of Pain" by Pride and Glory and many more besides...
My question is - what do you enjoy making playlists for and what goes on them?
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 16:03, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

...is what it's like to be a member. Feels the same a sbeing a non-member. Er, I'll be funny in a minute, honest........fuck
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:41, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 15:02, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

and that magic - like the type that Enid Blyton wrote about - was real.
What do you wish was real?
I'm bored, I've work to do and I want to avoid it. Entertain me.
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 14:57, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I say Electric Ladyland by Jimi Hendrix.
The variety of material on there, from tight three minute pop songs to 20 minute almost ambient tracks, from atmospheric blues, upbeat R&B covers and improvised jazz, to ultra-heavy guitar freakouts....it's all there.
There's something for every mood, and it sounds as fresh to me today as it did when my dad first played it to me when I was a boy.
Tell me another LP that's better and why, please.
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 14:02, 76 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I'll be watching - just in case.
Anyone offering odds on the assassination attempt?
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 14:02, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

to see what condition my condition was in.
Anyone care to tell me?
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 11:27, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I work in a nice office, quietish most of the day but good banter between us IT types and the game women in HR who like a bit of an argument. We have consultants in often and they work around us on spare desks most days. Today we got a new one, had I have to say, he looks like a loser. Description:
About 26, long hair down to his waist, and its thin nasty stuff that has no body so baaad central parting. Very loose baggy shirt that is 10% tucked in, baggy black 'work' trousers, and one of those stupid long key chains that hangs from a trouser pocket. Big heavy black shoes.
Now I am the last person to judge on appearance generally, but I'm surprised as to how embarrassed I am for him today. Combine that with a far too loud voice, a mobile that chirps every 5 minutes loudly with every incoming mail or text, and a general awkwardness in the room, I want to kill him. Well mainly, I keep thinking "fucking loser".
I am still surprised about how I feel about this.
It doesnt help either that, he's me - but from 1991.
But seriously. Looooooooooooser.
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 10:56, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Great Icons from my youth.
First Tony Hart
Now this guy
Who's next?
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 10:37, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I think it's time QOTW had a FAQ, like /links and /board
The worthless dross used to sink to the bottom when the '/all' trick worked, but for reasons no-one has ever explained, '/all' is no more.
This post made me realise just how nauseatingly insipid QOTW is becoming. Of late, there are unpleasant smells lingering everwhere; I find posts increasingly to be
* Boring non-stories
* Wit-free
* Not 'b3ta' enough (Bert Monkeysex, I feel your pain)
* Mawkish emo-drivel
* Illiterate
* Trolls. Really crap ones.
Reading some recent submissions feels too much like hard work, leaving my wretched amusement-cock witheringly flaccid.
My suggestions for the FAQ:
* Your post should be interesting (to other people).
* Please use a spell-checker. *PLEASE*.
* Stay on-topic (unless in Off Topic)
* "...enough said" is not enough
* Constructive criticism is fine, but don't just insult other people's work. That would be cunty.
I know, I'm a moaning twat and I don't want to discourage interesting posts (regardless of content) so that's about it from me.
What would you add to a QOTW FAQ?
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 10:02, 32 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

1am and I really have to go sleepy byes.
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 8:43, 1 reply, 16 years ago)

For once I'll start shall I?
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 8:24, 148 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

It's a day that any human being should be proud of, but especially Americans.
Loon, Citadel, M3essential, Flirtingwithbadgers.....I may be the wrong nationality, but as a legal resident, I'll be waving my flag along with you all tomorrow.
( , Tue 20 Jan 2009, 4:18, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

now I know that I've spent a bit too much time online reading things that I shouldn't.
I saw the headline for this and thought "Woman mauled by 300-pound jaguar? If it were a man mauled by a 300-pound cougar it would be unremarkable- I'm sure it happens all the time in karoke bars."
And then I pictured Roseanne all decked out and mackin' on some poor bastard...
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 22:07, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I know it's late over in dear old Blighty but I need your help to escape the Loon's evil clutches. I can't talk for long as his laptop keys keep sticking and he may soon discover that I'm trying to get home.
He keeps making me eat cheese from a can and he doesn't even have cable TV. I had to hoover the house today or he said he would make me wear a baseball cap the next time we went outside. *shudders*
Luckily I still have my passport and $50 for a cab. I just have to make sure the door is left unlocked tonight so I can creep out when he's asleep.
Does anyone want anything bringing back from duty free?
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 20:04, 22 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

If you're living in the UK, you'll be aware that - if they thought they could get away with it - the government would install CCTV in your rectum.
They do so LOOOVE to have access to every single piece of information about you. Which makes it just a wee bit hypocritical that MPs are planning to exempt their expenses from Freedom of Information Requests.
I've tried really hard, but I can't see any reason for doing that other than "the taxpayer is funding my coke-and-whores habit".
So I would ask UK B3tans to read about the Act and consider writing to your MP (it's dead easy).
B3ta Power!
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 18:49, 16 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I'm watching Battlestar Galactica and drinking tea. Oh yes - that's how cool I am. How cool are you?
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 18:09, 94 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Afternoon All,
I'm wanting to listen to soem retro computer game music on my works PC.
Does anyone know any sites? I'm looking generally at music from the Amstrad CPC, Spectrum, C64 and perhaps the megadrive and snes.
Does anyone know where I can get something like that which streams?
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 13:12, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

And how are we all?
I'm spending the day 'researching Windows 7' (sat watching progress bars and drinking tea all day). Lovely.
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 9:00, 195 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Former Cannibal calls radio station
What's for breakfast, folks?
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 7:54, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

just blown $700 on Battlestar Galactica artwork at the live auction. I dont think i've bought very good ones. I feel sick
( , Sun 18 Jan 2009, 21:28, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

( , Sun 18 Jan 2009, 11:11, 12 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

No rest for the wicked - where are you dumping the bodies?

( , Sun 18 Jan 2009, 8:13, 113 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

BGB is here!
On the down side, she's had to deal with my car breaking down this morning and spending a couple of hours getting it home again. She's been quite patient with me and my horrid car, but I feel terrible about it.
She tells me, "Ms. Blouse was NOT amused."
( , Sat 17 Jan 2009, 19:07, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

went shopping with my drummer today, and my band has bought me a new Fender valve amp and a nice distortion pedal.
I'm v. happy. Hence this thread.
( , Sat 17 Jan 2009, 14:58, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Are you doing anything that will hopefully save the world today? Do let us know in this thread.

( , Sat 17 Jan 2009, 9:14, 25 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
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