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I'm hoooome
must be time for you all to leave work now...oh :(
Evening chums and chumps. Why is it good that it's Wednesday?
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 18:40,
121 replies,
latest was 12 years ago)
How biss?
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:01,
all right there
I am mostly tired and stressed. How's you?
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:03,
Alright, I suppose.
Trying to catch up on some writing, so I'm flitting between here and Word.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:21,
you nanowrimoing?
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:22,
You knows it.
Are you?
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:23,
not with an inspection in 2 and a half weeks, no:(
it's always a tricky time of year for me.
what's your subject/theme?
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:24,
I'm combining two things I know well,
so it's basically about a fat housewhale who dabbles in gerontophilia.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:28,
sounds like a smash hit! The next 50 shades!
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:32,
50 inches of waist
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:39,
...but enough about mr b3th
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:45,
Evenin' all
Wednesday is great 'cos it's not frickin' Tuesday - which sucks bigtime TRUFAX!
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:15,
soon it will be thursday
i learnt a lot from Rebecca Black
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:23,
Ooh! Deletion!
Was it something I said?
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:36,
it's a lolarious thread deleter
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:45,
alright quenders?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:26,
And a bit left, too.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:30,
I'm in the pub with a pint of Veltins
In your face world!
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:33,
Charlie Boorman is here the red faced prick
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:36,
because Obama
Lisette von Falcon, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:48,
*high fives*
I think the collective IQ of your country went up a few points yesterday.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:56,
Great job he's done so far
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:09,
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:50,
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:59,
Travelling Light by tindersticks is my tune of the evening so far
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:55,
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:56,
tindersticks are not gay
They're one of my favourite bands, as are Teenage Fanclub.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 19:58,
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:34,
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:55,
I'm 1000% STRAIGHT.
You should be able to tell that from just looking at my Manowar T shirt.
NOTHING says heterosexual louder than a picture of oiled up burly men in fur speedos.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:01,
all rock n' roll is homosexual
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:14,
nah, just the bit's you like.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:20,
I think that was a woosh
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:25,
well, I guess if I was a short as you thing would go over my head too.
don't feel bad little fella.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:31,
it's nice to see you can smile through the pain
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:38,
I approve of these selections.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:37,
Well I approve of YOUR FACE.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:42,
Because Pub Quiz tonight.
Team stuj might have to throw it this week though or at least deliberately lose the bean question to decide who sets next week's quiz, we've won every time we've entered and the other teams ain't happy.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:37,
we always do badly in ours
so really we are just competing against our past selves. We aren't getting much better :(
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:44,
Hah! Thickie!
The week before last the team that came second had ten members AND they were cheating by using their mobiles.
Team stuj was four strong and we won fairly.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:48,
do you know about obscure boxers from the 30s? About all the rivers in the world? We might have to kidnap you, if we fail to steal B3th first. Actually, we could kidnap ourselves a dream team
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 20:58,
Max Schmelling?
And yes, yes we do. A sound knowledge of geography is vital to a career in meteorology.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:03,
what about things about american states?
and sailing?
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:09,
What we don't know about the first we can still make an educated stab at.
AS for the second, Forecaster Phil's an ex fish-head.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:14,
I'm shit hot at US states.
I can place most of them on a map, and I know quite a lot of the state capitals too.
I know fuck all about sailing though, but mr b3th did teach me about boating when we had a week's boating holiday on the Thames.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:23,
I am readying the kidnap sacks and coshes, I'll be a along for both of you...eventually
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:26,
I refer the honourable lady to the failed 'Eggheads' affair of last summer.
I also refer her to check her email inbox.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:06,
Have done
good stuff. Gazzed
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:09,
It's good because I had the afternoon off
It's not so good as I spent it flat hunting - left work at 12:15, changed and out again at 12:50, arrive back at flat at 19:10. :(
Saw a few nice places, but FUCK F J LORD who dropped me off at a new development way down past Limehouse for them to show me around, which meant I had to fucking scramble to get to my next viewing.
The converted pub was quite nice, I'll give them that. I have to go through a fuckton of handouts and do some tossing (out of the shit ones).
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:08,
(out of the shit ones)Obvious strikethrough is obvious.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:24,
That's why I put it in brackets
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:31,
Alright? I was just watching Master Chef, I'm totally making that liver and bacon dish on saturday.
My kithen is looking proper nice, they've done quite a bit, only got the tiling and painting to go, which should be done on monday. I've made some wicked choices.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:33,
Have I bragged to you yet that I'm going to see Scoubious Pip? Because I am!
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:43,
Woh', where/when?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:57,
Cardiff, sometime in december I think
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:58,
I found out today that I got 12 days holiday to use up 'till Jan, I was thinking of catching Pip down in Brighton.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:05,
I don't know if it is particularly good that it is Wednesday.
It's good that it is finally evening and everyone has fucked off to bed and I can at last sit down, listen to some music and have a beer.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:41,
I understand this. The silence following all the evening conversations/ crying/ bath time / feeding is a joy.
But enough about my wife.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:43,
All good fun innit?
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:44,
I wouldn't have it any other way*
*99% of the time.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:46,
I have no sympathy for any of you.
You choose to spawn, you keep banging on about how wonderful it is to own a larval human, so don't come crying to me when it disrupts your evening's TV viewing.
this post may contain heavy traces of sarcasm.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:45,
I'd like to know how you can all sit there so calmly when Clive Dunn has died.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:41,
grandad, grandad
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:45,
Don't panic.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:50,
Well played.
BTW - I had a look. You need to add more content. The more content and the more backlinks the more views. You could chose a less boring web template too.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:53,
first one I've done.
What sort of content? Examples of bad stuff?
Did it read well though?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:54,
It read fine.
Examples of bad stuff is one idea. You need to vary the content and make a greater proportion of it positive versus negative, so people come back as they feel they are learning from you as well as finding it interesting.
You should post at least twice a week, preferably three times. Short posts are ok, not everything needs to be an essay. Regular fresh content is key.
That will be £250 for the consultation. Thanks.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 21:58,
I'll do another this week.
Discussing how you can use tone of voice effectively to build and reinforce brand.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:02,
Or 'attitudinal positioning' as the grown ups call it.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:10,
my attitude is my problem :'(
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:11,
If you want me to run my eye over a site, I'm alright at doing that. Wordpress is one of my specialitys.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:15,
it's a blog
I'm more interested in feedback on the content.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:21,
I have to say, I can thoroughly recommend Gonz' help.
He did a lot for me when I was setting up my blog.
Super blog helper. A+++ Would recommend to a friend.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:26,
Blousie also used to swear by Gonz's technical assistance.
he's a little fond of Macs for my tastes, but the man know's his shit.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:28,
I'll give you feedback if you like.
might be a bit critical mind, I pick holes in things for a living, but if you can take it as constructive it could be valuable.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:27,
You'll love it
It's all about what Joy Division mean to him personally.
There's also some of his poetry.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:30,
and reviews of the best turquoise jackets
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:31,
And flat caps worn at a jaunty angle.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:34,
"Bleak world you twist my tortured soul
Why do you try to hurt us?
Nothing makes much sense to me,
But the words of Ian Curtis"
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:33,
s'not poetry!
it doesnea rhyme
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:34,
yes it does
But sadly, Tangles is no John Berger or Tom Paulin.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:47,
meh, I can't imagine he'll accept the offer
but It was genuinely meant.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:34,
Coolio =)
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 23:21,
ooh new MBV album by the end of the year
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:14,
I saw that.
Did Shields actually specify which year?
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:16,
This one.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:22,
Yo Gonz
Sincerely, thanks. I might take you up on it.
CQ- thanks, but it's specialist stuff and you probs would die of boredom.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Wed 7 Nov 2012, 22:44,
Fair dos
you may be right.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Wed 7 Nov 2012, 23:17,
Tits out or not interested
I'm really not that shallow just in case any potential girlfriends read this
tho you've gotta have nice tits
broadsword now that's fresh, Thu 8 Nov 2012, 3:32,
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 8 Nov 2012, 7:11,
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