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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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So, National Lottery tickets are going up to £2.00 each
A tax on the stupid, a chance for high street bookies to take advantage or a sensible move to make those on a limited income review their squandering?

Alt; Something about something else.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:29, 46 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Fuck off, cunt.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:37, Reply)
I'm sorry if two quid is more than you can afford.
Maybe you could just stick to the scratch cards instead.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:38, Reply)
some of them cost a fiver though
i won twix the other day! \0/
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:42, Reply)
You stuck two fingers up your arse?!?!?!!!

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:43, Reply)
normally i can get the whole fist up there
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:44, Reply)
No wonder you lost your toolbar.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:55, Reply)
evenin' jeffers, what's up in Brizzle?

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:57, Reply)
Not a lot, it's got colder, and it sounds like it might snow on Friday.
But aside from that, just doing stuff and watching the footy.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:05, Reply)
An Announcement from JTDF!
I'm a busy man but I've always a window for something of gravity from a fellow Mover and Shaker.

***Puts call from Tokyo on hold***

JTDF: "S0,"

A promosing start. I often swan-about in my local Aldi in a paisley silk dressing gown, an ivory cigarette holder in my fat disgusting chops while I walk the floor. I find it amusing to ask the staff if they've a copy of DeBrett's etiquette guide on the premises as I'm planning a rafting venture up the Orinnocco and want to know if I can wear white after Labor Day when south of the Equator. Do go on...

JTDF: "National Lottery tickets..."

My heart skips a beat. Is this an oportunity I could take advantage of? Some recent racetrack investments have failed to bear fruit and I may have to dial back on refurbishing the chandelier in the Great Hall, sending one of the children's pet Unicorns back to the Zoo and reducing the twice weekly trip to the knocking shop unless economies are made elsewhere.

JTDF: "... are going up to £2.00 each..."

***Takes Tokyo off hold. Skim reads the rest of this tosh. "Go ahead Tokyo"***

JTDF:"A tax on the stupid, a chance for high street bookies to take advantage or a sensible move to make those on a limited income review their squandering?"

***Punches self in the face for getting drawn into this piffle. Assumes air of interest for the sake of politeness***

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:05, Reply)
I know, it's like Martin Amis and John Berger dissecting Gravity's Rainbow.
But even headier.

By day this place is like the Pathetic Sharks, by night it's srs debate.

Oh. Man.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:11, Reply)
It's a bit late to ask what people had for lunch.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:20, Reply)
The 'Pricks? Not Pricks' debate was a triumph.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:33, Reply)
srsly fo sho
It's just preening, brownnosing and backslapping.

And tiresome.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:35, Reply)

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:20, Reply)
Are they?
I'm sure it won't impact much on our lives.

Alt: just reading the BBC coverage of this morning's crash, and one of the quotes says "It's something I will never forget for a long time". Probably uncharitable of me to call her a buffoon, seeing as she's probably just witnessed the most traumatising thing she will ever see.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:39, Reply)
There is no excuse for idiocy.
Alreet B3th.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:46, Reply)
The Welsh side of my family married first cousins for 15 generations. They had a reasonable excuse.
They were Welsh.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:05, Reply)
Evening Piggywig.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:06, Reply)
fucking open mic night.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:21, Reply)
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:29, Reply)
Oh man.
I can't stand all the earnest singer-songwriters you get at them.
Or is yours more a bad cover versions affair?
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:31, Reply)
it's a bit of both.
But mostly its fucking shit.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 23:11, Reply)
Isn't that just a middle class way of pretending you haven't got a karaoke night?

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:32, Reply)

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 23:10, Reply)
I wish I could do this. ...
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 21:57, Reply)
Monty should do this.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:00, Reply)
How is the violin playing coming along?

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:06, Reply)
Are you learning to play the fiddle gonz?

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:16, Reply)
No, just asking how he is getting on.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:23, Reply)
Alright Jeff

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:15, Reply)
Alright Tangles.
Been to the pub?
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:23, Reply)
Nah, not tonight.
Would you believe me if I told you I'm having a beer and listening to a record?
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:28, Reply)
I would.
Will we be getting the hatrick of your Doris fucking off to bed and you having a sneaky joint?
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:30, Reply)
Way ahead of you there.
I nipped to the shop earlier.
*taps nose*
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:32, Reply)
Ooh, you sly one.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:33, Reply)
Went out for a pint of milk
Came back with a pot noodle, 3 kit-kats and a packet of hob-nobs.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:33, Reply)
You reckon that might have given the game away?

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:35, Reply)
What did you go out for?

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:36, Reply)
In the spirit of altruism
I went to get Mrs tangle some chocolate.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:38, Reply)
She was probably planning on having a cheeky joint when you were at the shops.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:38, Reply)
Crafty bitch.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:41, Reply)
Be sure to give her a slap and then make her sleep on the sofa.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:43, Reply)
But count the remaining hob-nobs first, you don't want her eating them in the night.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:43, Reply)
No way.
They are all mine.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:47, Reply)
Take them to bed with you.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:48, Reply)
Way ahead of you there.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2013, 22:53, Reply)

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